Ye Hao never dared to let her know her secrets. Apart from a few people she absolutely believed, she was cautious in front of anyone, and she didn't want to let people see how much Lu Yu had any suspicions like Ye Hao.

However, what is Lu Haozhi just saying?

He took her as a leaf, is he konjac, or found her secret?

"You took me as a leaf?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Yuzhi coldly and wanted to see a little clue from his face.

Lu Yan’s veins are smiling. "I have known you for two years. I don’t know if you have a little name. If it is not the arrangement of heaven, how can you come to me as Lu Hao?" You can forgive Murong Chan, is it... can you forgive me once?"

He really knows!

Ye Hao’s first thought was to deny it, but she quickly calmed down. Since Lu Yizhi had already thought of it, he must know something.

"Qi Ruoshui hypnotized you, let you treat me as Ye Hao?" Ye Hao asked with a sneer.

Lu Yanzhi seems to have expected that she would say so, he smiled slightly. "This does not require someone to hypnotize me. Hey, when I was in Bailongjiang, I already guessed it. If it weren't for you, who would hate it so much? I? If you were a Lu Hao who was raised in Lujia from an early age, how could you watch me being exiled to the wasteland?"

"I was watching you with my own eyes..." Lu Yan’s twilight looked at her deeply. He watched her swallowed by the fire. "No matter how you come back, it’s good. The people I like have always been you."

From the day she knew Lu Yuzhi, she knew that he was a very keen person, so he began to doubt in Bailongjiang, which is not surprising.

"It's a madman." Ye Hao sneered, he knows how, she will not go to the mouth of his mouth.

Lu Yan’s gentle smile, “If you can forgive me, what if you are a madman in your eyes?”

"Forgive you?" Ye Hao chuckled and looked at him sarcastically. "Lu Yizhi, where are you coming from the face and confidence, you killed Ye Hao, you took her jade and let Lu Shuanger replace her. The old man in the eyes of the emperor, you let her spend two years of lonely life in the Qin Wangfu, did you really send her letter to the emperor?"

No! Any letter that Ye Hao wrote to Mo Rongzhan at that time was saved by him. At that time, he did not know what kind of thoughts he had, for the sake of his children, or for not wanting Murong Chan to get her.

"Oh, I used to be wrong in the past, I am sorry." Lu Yizhi apologized, he will not hurt her for others as before.

Ye Hao looked at him with disdain and indifference, she didn't need his sorry.

Lu Yizhi did not expect Ye Hao to forgive him for just a few words today. Didn't Murong Zhan take so long to get her forgiveness? He can do better than Murong Cham, she will forgive him.

"Where is Lu Shuanger?" Ye Hao asked, since Lu Yizhi was able to live well, when Liu left Kyoto to go to the wasteland to find him, it should obviously not be too bad, but she wanted to know Lu Shuanger.

"Why do you want to know the children?" Lu Yizhi whispered.

"Where is she?" Ye Hao asked again, Lu Shuanger once appeared in the border, she should not be in Jinguo, if in the cold, Wan Yanxi should also know, not in Jinguo is not in the cold, then she will where.

Lu Yizhi said, "Shuanger is my sister, she will not have another chance to hurt you."

It seems that Lu Yizhi will not tell her the whereabouts of Lu Shuanger, and Ye Hao does not want to ask again.

"A good rest, I am going to prepare the dry food and water used on the road." Lu Yizhi whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao glanced at him coldly, but he was anxious in his heart. I don't know when Murong Chan would find this mountain road. If it is later, she will be left with Lu Hao.



Still no news of Ye Hao!

Fangyuan has been looking for it. Kyoto has almost turned over and found it, but there is still no trace of her.

Qi Qi has already woken up, she endured grief and entered the palace to see Murong Cham.

It’s Qi Ruoshui! She had suspected that Qi Ruoshui intentionally hurt her nephew. She always hoped that she was not her.

Yesterday, it was not long before the Queen's Empress left the family. A man appeared, not only stunned her, but also took the nephew away. Although the man said nothing, she knew that he was a subordinate of Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Qi knows that it is impossible to maintain Qi Ruoshui now, and Qi Ruoshui is no longer her daughter.

She told Mo Runzhan about the life of Qi Ruoshui. Although it is very shameful, it is no longer a shameful problem.

In this case, Murong Chong understands why Ye Hao refused to say the secret of Qi Yu’s mother and daughter. “So, is Qi Zizhen the son of Qi Ruoshui and Huang Fu?”

Qi Hao embarrassedly bowed his head, because his father is a prince, so he will have a disease that cannot be cured from childhood.

"Yes." Qi Wei whispered, "The emperor, the murder of the murder, is the death of the empress."

"Qi Ruoshui was only a few days in Kyoto. Has it been possible to buy a court official and leave her for hiding in Kyoto?" Murong Cham is next to Xu Lao.

Xu Lao whispered, "The court has already checked people. The officials who were bought by Qi Ruoshui in the court have already removed the official position, and are now inspecting the court."

Murong Chong looked cold and nodded, and he frowned and thought, "If there is no trace in Kyoto..."

They have already pursued it in Kyoto, and what else is missing?

He does not believe that Qi Ruoshui really has the skills to fly, they must be somewhere.

Qi Qi did not know what he suddenly remembered. He looked up and said, "The emperor, Qi Ruoshui used to like to collect medicine in Guiyun Mountain. It is connected to Yunshan Mountain and Baojing Mountain but there is no road leading to each other. Baojing Mountain is Liangcheng. ......"

On the west side of Kyoto, Liangcheng is surrounded by mountains and the road is narrow. No matter who you are, you will not choose such a road if you want to escape.

Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "Hey, go to Yunshan in person!"

Fu Gonggong immediately promised that the guards in the palace had been on standby, waiting for the orders of Mo Rongzhan.

The Yunyun Mountain is very large. It is the largest mountain on the outskirts of Kyoto. The Huguo Temple is on the east side, but because there are beasts in this mountain, unless there is no life, ordinary prey rarely appears in the mountains, so there is no mountain road here. .

Murong Chong took people into the mountains to search, and finally saw a hidden mountain road next to the abyss.

"The emperor, there is a mountain road here, it seems that it is not long before the excavation." Shen Qian sweeped the weeds and saw a road enough for the carriage to pass.

One side of the mountain road is the abyss. If you don't come in and look for it, no one will find that there is still a road here.

"Chasing!" Murong Zhan sighed underground orders.

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