Ye Hao had not closed her eyes and rested for a day, and she felt constantly tired. She leaned against the soft couch in the house and tried not to close her eyes.

Lu Yanzhi looked at her at the door for a while. When she didn't know when the light was burning, Ye Hao felt that this fragrance made her tiredness disappear. After a while, she remembered this thing, she shook. Shaking his head wants to stand up, but probably because of the relationship between pregnancy, and one day did not close her eyes, she has already slept before she stood up.

Even if she didn't see her for so long, she was still thrilled, and he lost his heart at a glance.

She is Ye Hao, the first woman he loves and can't forget for a lifetime.

Lu Yanzhi walked up to her and looked down at her sleepy look. If it wasn't for the sake, she would probably not have such a relaxed time in front of him.

"Hey, you will forgive me." Lu Yi’s eyes floated and smiled. He slowly bowed his head and kissed Ye Hao’s forehead. "We should leave here."

He has been around Murong Zhan for many years and never looked down on him. Therefore, he knows that Murong Chong will soon find it here. He will leave Ye Hao with him.

Lu Haozhi hugged Ye Hao, carefully placed on the soft couch of the carriage, and the mountain road was difficult to walk. He deliberately put a few layers of cushions on the carriage. This little girl was spoiled and could not afford a little. Uncomfortable.

"Mr. Hey, we must leave immediately." The man who drove the car said to Lu Yizhi.

"Go!" Lu Yizhi nodded gently, he did not intend to continue to stay.

"What do I do?" Ye Yaoyao asked aloud under the carriage.

Lu Yan took a faint look at her. "You can sit in the rut."

Ye Yaoyao rounded his eyes, "What?"

"You can also choose to stay, but if this time Murong Chong catches you again, it is estimated that you do not have to go to the hospital." Lu Yizhi said softly.

"Lu Yizhi!" Ye Yaoyao looked at him with resentment, but knew that he was telling the truth, she could not catch it again.

She can only sit on the rut, endure the bumps and the wind and the sun, and the Lu Hao who was **** by them can lean on the soft soft couch in the car. This is unfair, no matter if it is Murong Cham. Or Lu Yizhi, they only see Lu Hao in their eyes.

Lu Hao is like a moon that attracts men by nature, and the stars are just like this.

Ye Hao slept for a long time. When she woke up, she found herself in the carriage. It was already dark outside. She couldn't see exactly where it was, but the carriage was moving smoothly and it didn't feel like it was on the mountain road.

"Wake up?" Lu Yuzhi's voice rang in the dark.

There was a light in the dark carriage, and Ye Hao saw the situation in front of him.

She is indeed in the carriage, only her and Lu Yizhi in the car, he is sitting on the soft couch opposite her, the lights are shining in his eyes, shining.

"Sleep for a long time, get up and drink some water." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, poured a glass of water into Ye Hao.

Ye Hao didn't take his water. She sat up and looked at him with frowning. "Where is this?"

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "We have been away for a while, there is no moonlight tonight, I don't know where this is, I will know tomorrow."

Murong Chan has not found her yet! Ye Hao gently bites her lip, she never missed him so much.

"If he finds a mountain road, he will not find us." Lu Yizhi whispered that he lost to Murong Cham once, and there will be no second time.

“Qi Ruo water?” Ye Hao asked, since Qi Ruoshui had arrested her, what about her?

Lu Yanzhi said, "She still has something. If you want to see her, you can see her at the Xiliang Temple."

Ye Hao sneered, "I didn't say I was going to the priest's house."

"Hey, don't be against the Witch King. She is better than you can imagine. The Xiliang King is controlled by the Witch King." Lu Yizhi lowered his voice, and he directly pulled Ye Hao over. In her arms, her thin lips are on her ears. "In the cold, no one treats her as a human being. She is a god, a demon, don't provoke her."

"Let me go!" Ye Hao said coldly. "Lu Yanzhi, you make me feel sick."

Lu Yanzhi let go of her. "Drink the water, or I will feed you personally."

Ye Hao took the cup and pushed him away. "I said, don't touch me."

"Oh..." Lu Yan looked at her helplessly.

"You called the uncle's man, I called his father." Ye Hao said coldly, "You don't feel sick, will you still have a face to see the old lady in the future?"

Lu Yizhi said, "You and I are very clear that you are not Lu Yan at all. Even Lu Yan, you are not my pro-sister, we have no blood relationship."

Ye Hao took a sip of water and slammed the cup on Lu's head.

The cup opened a wound in the forehead of Lu Yan, and the red blood oozes out of the skin.

"If you really feel sorry and regret for Ye Hao, go to hell." Ye Hao whispered, "Don't treat me as her again."

Lu Yanzhi did not feel the pain of his forehead, blood stained his eyes, he looked at her with a burning look, "I am not looking at you, Ye Hao, you are you."

Ye Hao leaned against the wall and closed his eyes and stopped talking.

At this time, Ye Haonan in the wilderness did not know what happened in Kyoto, and he did not know that his sister was taken away by Lu Yi.

Xiliang and the North Ming Kingdom Alliance attacked the Jin State. Although the strength of the Jin State was strong enough, it was still difficult to resist the joint attack between the two countries. Ye Yinan and Tang Hao finally blocked the opponent's offensive.

"If you just want to stop them from invading the wilderness, once the North Ming Kingdom is fighting in other places, I am afraid that the Jin State will not be able to support it." Ye Xiaonan looked at the soldiers who were resting, and whispered to Tang Yan.

Don Juan didn't understand what he meant. "What does Ye General mean?"

"Last year, the Emperor took the troops to take away a city in the North Ming State, although there was a general in the defending city, but..." Ye Xiaonan frowned.

"If we join forces with Dongqingguo?" Ye Xiaonan asked.

Ye Lannan gently nodded, "At least to reduce some worries."

"General Ye, what are you worried about?" Tang Yan whispered.

"I am worried about Qi." Ye Yannan said.

Tang Yan heard a word, he carefully thought about the reasons why Ye Yunnan was worried about Qi. Qi, no matter in strength or other aspects, is undoubtedly the most powerful of the five countries. If the other four countries are fighting, the Qi emperor Ambition, will he sit back and ignore it?

If Qi is going to take the shot, who will help?

Qi Guo...

Tang Yan and Ye Yinan looked at each other and their faces sank.

What they can think of, the emperor must have thought of it, what would the emperor do?

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