"The emperor, there is a bamboo house here." Shen Shen shouted loudly.

Murong Chong turned over and rushed into the house, the faint scent of the air, and a scent of leaf scent.

"The incense burner is cold, and the water in the teacup is cold." Shen Shen quickly checked the house up and down. "The emperor, they should have left for a while."

"Continue to chase!" Murong Zhan said, going out of the house will be launched.

"The emperor... the emperor..."

Later came the voice of Lu Shiming.

Murong Zhan stopped and looked back at him.

Lu Shiming gasped from the horse back. "The emperor, the wilderness sent an urgent report, the North Ming Kingdom and the Xiliang Alliance attacked us. Are we... Do we want to join forces with Dongqing to fight against the enemy?"

Today is a difficult time for Jin Guo, and Murong Chong can't leave the palace for too long. He can't chase it anymore.

"The emperor, you should go back to the palace first, and the subordinates will bring back the empress of the empress." Shen said to Mo Rongzhan.

Murong Zhan looked at the black and secluded mountain road. He knew that even if he continued to chase it, it would be difficult to find Ye Hao. Qi Ruoshui is well prepared. If he did not guess wrong, Lu Yizhi also came. He took Ye Hao with him. gone.

"Go back." Murong Zhan said in a deep voice, "I want to lead the troops to kiss."

He wants to level the priestly palace of Xiliang!

Lu Shiming was saddened by his heart. He was so worried about his daughter, but he knew that there are more important things to do now, Murong Zhan to do, "The Emperor..."

"Lu Daren will go back to the palace, and the sinking will chase down. Any news about you will be sent back." Murong Zhan said calmly, and the suffocating suffocation in his eyes was hidden.

"The emperor, Xiliang Wuwang grabbed the cockroach... Will it hurt her?" Lu Shiming whispered to Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan said, "No, she still has to use her, she will not hurt her at this time."

Lu Shiming quietly breathed a sigh of relief, so good, at least it is safe, as long as it is safe, then there is a chance to save her back.

"Lu Daren, if she is in the hands of Lu Hao, will she be safe?" Murong Zhan whispered, he did not look at Lu Shiming.

In the case of Bailongjiang, Lu Hao’s almost hurt Ye Hao, and Murong Zhan was not afraid of Ye Hao’s hand in Qi Ruoshui, but if it was Lu Yuzhi... he was hard to rest assured.

Lu Shiming wants to say that he is definitely safe. Lu Yizhi is still a cousin. In any case, he will protect him. However, Lu Shiming thinks about what happened a few years ago and has been delayed in Bailongjiang.

Some of his affirmative answers can’t be said.

"The emperor, how can the queen be his cousin, he... he will not hurt the queen." Lu Shiming whispered.

Murong Zhan faintly nodded, Lu Hao's best not to hurt.



Ye Hao thought that Lu Yi’s meeting took her all the way. After a day and night carriage, they stopped and rested in a farmhouse. Obviously, this farmhouse was also arranged by the priest’s house. The people inside saw Lu Yuzhi. Just bowed and bowed.

"Qi Ruoshui should be walking in front of us. This road to Xiliang Road is arranged by you." Ye Hao asked faintly.

Lu Yizhi looked at her and saw her face whitish and her heart tipped. "This road is hard work, but there is no way to wait a few days for more rest."

Ye Hao’s hand was gently placed on the lower abdomen. She knew that Murong Chong was afraid that she could not catch up. If she was really taken to Xiliang, the first thing she wanted to think about was how to protect the children in her stomach. Knowing that she is already pregnant, she is now very fortunate to have a spring, and she can still have a baby on such a bumpy road.

"Oh, not a lot of expensive body, playing small is the wild donkey who grew up in the border town, when the queen is not expensive, it can't be done." Ye Yaoyao said behind the Lu Yan.

Lu Yizhi ignored her, but whispered to Ye Hao, "The peasant woman has already cooked the food. Although it is a rough meal, you will have a look."

"In terms of the status of prisoners, your rough tea is really extravagant to me." Ye Hao said sarcastically.

"You are not a prisoner, but a guest of the priest's house." Lu said.

Ye Hao sneered, "The original priestly palace is such a guest."

"Lu Yizhi, you are so polite to her, Wu Wang did not let you treat her like this." Ye Yaoyao cried indignantly.

Lu Yuzhi looked back at Ye Yaoyao coldly. "Wu Wang said it, you are a guest of the priest's house. If you feel uncomfortable, don't follow us."

"How can you be so good to her, can she still fall in love with you? Lu Yizhi, don't forget, she is the queen of Jinguo, a woman you can never get." Ye Yaoyao called.

"Roll!" Lu Yan's eyes stared sharply at Ye Yaoyao. "Don't think I can't kill you."

Ye Yaoyao smiled proudly. "Do you dare to kill me? You are also a dog beside the Witch King..."

Her words have not been finished, the sword in the hands of Lu Hao has been drawn, and a blood mark is drawn on the neck of Ye Yaoyao. He looks at her incredible eyes with a blank expression. "You think the Witch King will care about your waste." Life and death?"

"You..." Ye Hao did not expect that Lu Haozhi actually killed Ye Yaoyao, he was still so ruthless.

Lu Yanzhi glared at Ye Hao’s eyes. "Go in, don't look."

"I watched you kill her." Ye Hao said coldly. It’s too slow to see her eyes now. She pushed his hand away and didn’t go to see Ye Yaoyao’s death.

"Ye Yaoyao is not a good person, she has hurt you." Lu Yuzhi said, let the people behind him deal with Ye Yaoyao's body.

Ye Hao went straight into the house. "You also hurt me, why don't you kill yourself?"

"I won't hurt you any more." Lu Yizhi said, "I will protect you."

"Since you are so good to me, why don't you send me back to Kyoto?" Ye Hao sneered.

Lu Yan gently smiled. "I won't send you back to Kyoto. Hey, how can I be willing to let you go back to Murong Cham."

Ye Hao snorted, "Let me not see you."

"Go to Xiliang, I will protect you by your side." Lu Yizhi whispered.

“Is it?” Ye Hao looked at him sarcastically. “Wu Wang wants me to threaten Huangfu. If I refuse to agree, or if Huangfu refuses to promise her, can you protect me from harm? She But your savior, will you be against the Witch King?"

Lu Yizhi said, "I will, oh."

Ye Hao’s lips smiled and his eyes were chilly. “Unfortunately, I don’t need it.”

"I know." Lu Yan's gentle smile, his eyes are like watching a beloved girl temper in human nature. "Come on, it's not too late."

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