Looking at the strange and real annoyed old lady in the mirror, she simply wondered if she was dreaming. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was no longer a young woman, but a wrinkled old woman. The skin on my face feels so real, she shouldn't be born again to an old woman?

Suddenly, someone pushed the door in. It was the long, petite woman next to Qi Ruoshui. It looked very young. She looked at Ye Hao with a blank expression. "It’s not early, we have to go out."

Not dreaming, not reborn on others, she is being replaced! Ye Xie felt incredulous in her heart. She thought that the embarrassing skills that Huangfu taught her could already be faked. I didn't expect them to be more powerful.

Such a woman, can she still recognize who she is?

Ye Hao was taken out of the door by the dust, and Lu Yizhi was seen outside.

Lu Haozhi saw the old man behind the dust, and then his handsome face showed a smile, and looked at Ye Hao with a sly look. He stopped in front of her and whispered, "Hey, I want to I’m part of you and I’ll go to Xiliang to find you in a few days.”

Ye Hao glanced at him coldly, and she did not expect him to come to her.

"Go." The dust said indifferently.

Only the dust has to leave the switch, the more people are more likely to attract attention, and I don’t know where to find the ox cart. They look like ordinary people living in the country. She is the old man, the dust is the girl, they In the eyes of others, it is grandparents.

Ye Hao does not know who is guarding the gate, can she recognize her?

A sharp sword is on the belly of Ye Hao. "This sword won't kill you, but the child in your stomach will be gone."

"You treat the guests like this?" Ye Hao asked coldly, Qi Ruoshui said that she would not hurt her, she did not believe that the dust would dare to do it.

The dusty voice said calmly, "The Witch King only said that he could not kill you."

Do not kill her, but can hurt her?

Ye Hao sat on the ox cart and swayed. She closed her eyes and meditated, not impulsive! Never impulsive! If she is injured, the action will definitely be inconvenient. She has to find a way to make the people in the city find the same.

The front has been able to see the looming city gate, Ye Hao straight up the waist to see.

The dust dusted a few acupuncture points on her body. Ye Hao glared at her. She wanted to open her mouth and reprimanded and found that she couldn’t make a sound. Even if there was a voice, it was just a few sounds. It sounded like a dumb.

She couldn't even straighten her waist and could only lean on the dust.

Even if she doesn't have to look in the mirror, she knows that she looks like a real old man at this time.

Jin Shanshan! Ye Hao saw the figure standing outside the city gate, trying to straighten herself, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not move.

Because the wilderness is different from other cities, Jin Shanshan can't block the gates from letting the people in and out. As a result, the people on the wilderness will definitely be troubled. This is the critical moment of the war. They can't let the people on the wasteland have anything more. Dissatisfaction is not good for them.

Therefore, you can only search carefully for each person who passes through the customs. Anything that is similar will be left behind.

Already in the past few days, Jin Shanshan has not found any suspicious characters. There are not many people who have passed through these days. If there is any difference, she will certainly notice.

Ye Hao has been staring at Jin Shanshan. She can't talk and can't move. She can only use her eyes to let Jin Shanshan discover her.

"Stop, who are you?" Two defending soldiers stopped their cattle cart.

The dust reveals a bright and bright smile. "Two big brothers, we live in the northwest village outside the city. This is my grandmother. She was unwell yesterday. I took her to the city to see the doctor. Because the distance is too far, I have to I lived in the city for one night and only went back today."

Ye Hao looked at the dust that was indifferent to the ice before, and thought that the people around Qi Ruoshui did not have a simple one.

"Northwest Village?" The two soldiers exchanged a glance and yelled at a soldier in the corner. "Big Liuzi, here is your fellow countryman, come and recognize it."

Hearing this, Ye Hao’s heart is happy, maybe this is an opportunity.

A middle-aged man rushed over and saw the dust in his eyes. "Six-headed, how did you get into the city, didn't you say it to the uncle?"

"Liu Shu, my grandmother is ill, I took her to the city to see a doctor." The dust said with a smile.

The middle-aged man yelled at the big door and yelled at Ye Hao. "Three women, are you not feeling well? Hey, I forgot, you can't talk, nothing is ok, the city doctor is amazing, you look good." ""

Good ghost! Ye Hao glared at the man angrily. Needless to say, this person is also arranged by Qi Ruoshui.

Shouted, "Uncle Liu, my grandmother doesn't like people saying that she won't talk, you don't want to make her unhappy."

The two soldiers who stopped the carriage drove the man away impatiently. "Okay, don't block the road, let's go!"

Ye Hao is not angry in his heart, is it so close? Shouldn't she let her get off and check it carefully?

Jin Shanshan! Jin Shanshan! Ye Hao eyes have been watching Jin Shanshan standing next to the city gate. She likes Jin Shanshan to discover her.

"Want to die?" The sword in the hands of the dust fell on her lower abdomen.

Ye Hao closed her eyes, she had to solve the acupuncture points first, so she would not be discovered.

She tried to calm herself down and saw the phoenix that was spreading wings in the sea. This stinky bird followed her for so long. Except for Lingquan, she did not give her any help. Can she count on it to solve the acupuncture points?

When I thought about it, I ignored the phoenix of Ye Hao and suddenly looked up and gave her a look.

It seems to know what Ye Hao is thinking, suddenly shouting in the sky, a spark of sparks behind it, Ye Hao feels warm and full body, stunned, hands and feet have been able to move.

Their oxcart has already left the city gate, and Jin Shanshan is behind him.

Ye Hao suddenly turned back and grabbed the sword of the dust in one hand. "Good!"

The dusty eyes changed, and I saw Ye Hao in an incredible way. Can she actually reopen the acupuncture points?

Jin Shanshan heard Ye Hao’s cry and slammed it over. “Block the cow car!”

"Damn!" The dust whispered a curse and slammed the leaves. "Take her away first!"

The people who were originally dressed as ordinary people suddenly moved up, and the dust would recommend Ye Hao to a carriage. "Take her first."

Jin Shanshan had already ran over and saw Ye Hao on the carriage. She immediately went up to the horse and ordered it. "Take the woman, you catch up with me."

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