The carriage carrying Ye Hao quickly ran forward, and Ye Hao clutched the window tightly. She was afraid that the carriage would bump her out. If she was pregnant, she would have nothing to do, but she is now Not afraid to take risks, afraid of hurting the children in her stomach.

"Mother, let go!" Jin Shanshan horse chased it up and forced the rear door of the carriage to open. Her strength was no match. The wooden board behind the carriage was really opened by her. She didn't know the leaf. He was already pregnant and cried out to her loudly, "Jump down."

Ye Hao took a deep breath, the carriage was too fast, she would definitely get hurt when she jumped. She didn't hurt, but she would have a child who would still be pregnant.

Jin Shanshan saw her hesitation and thought that Ye Hao was afraid. "You skip, I will follow you!"

She can't be taken to the West! Ye Xie said to herself, she is still young, not to mention that she will not necessarily lose her child when she jumps. She still has Lingquan!

"Good!" Ye Hao nodded and reached out to grab the hand of Jin Shanshan.

The carriage suddenly accelerated, and she and Jin Shanshan’s fingertips were just pulled away.

"Anniling!" Jin Shanshan yelled, and the horse immediately caught up.

Ye Hao almost rolled down the carriage, and she hurriedly grabbed the window and looked at Jin Shanshan who was chasing him.

They are already some distance from the city gate, and the dust is still blocking the soldiers from catching up. Now with her only the driver, she will be saved if she kills that person.

When Ye Hao grabbed a sharp piece of wood on her hand and opened the curtain to get stuck in the car, she knew who was on the rut.

It was the man named No Name, the guard around Qi Ruoshui.

Since the nameless is here, what about the water?

Ye Hao was shocked and turned his head and called Jin Shanshan, "Good, go!"

Jin Shanshan did not hear Ye Hao’s words. She and Ye Hao thought the same, thinking that as long as they killed the driver, they would be able to save Ye Hao.

She pulled out the sword at the waist and jumped into the carriage that was running wildly. "Stop!"

Anonymous and cold looked at her, one hand holding a rope whip and Jin Shanshan hand in hand.

Ye Hao looked around, she felt that Qi Ruoshui must be nearby. "Good, go, you are not his opponent."

"I dragged him, you go." Jin Shanshan knew that he was not an opponent at the moment of his nameless fight. This man's martial arts was too powerful, and he could be tied with her with one hand.

"Good, be careful!" Ye Hao heard the sound of the wind blowing, and she turned her head in horror, and she saw the beneficial arrow shot toward Jin Shanshan.

Ye Hao grabbed Jin Shanshan's arm and dragged her back to the back of the millennium, avoiding the sharp arrow that might be directly in her chest.

The nameless immediately took the sword in the hands of Jin Shanshan, and the backhand pointed the tip of the sword against the neck of Ye Hao.

Jin Shanshan did not dare to move around.

"Don't bother me, you are going, he won't hurt me." Ye Hao said to Jin Shanshan, and gave her a wink.

"Can't go away." Jin Shanshan whispered, she frowned at the carriage and people appearing from the two sides of the road.

Ye Hao also heard the sound. She turned her head and saw Qi Ruoshui’s carriage coming over here. There were more than a dozen men dressed in ordinary people’s clothes. They rode their horses behind the carriage and watched their facial features. It is Xiliang people.

Anonymously ordered Jin Shanshan's acupuncture point and pushed her into the carriage.

Qi Ruoshui came to them with a gloomy face. "Lu Hao, don't think I really won't kill you!"

"I think so." Ye Hao said faintly.

"The easyness of the dust and the acupuncture are all comparable to the priest's palace. How did you break free?" Qi Ruowen asked coldly, she handed Lu Hao to the dust, and believed that the dust was alone. She was able to take her out of the pass. In fact, she did not estimate the mistake, but she underestimated Lu Hao. She was able to speak when she was sealed.

When the dust first sealed a martial arts master's acupuncture point, the man still broke away day and night. Lu Hao was able to speak in a short period of time. Qi Ruoshui was very angry. She always thought that she already knew Lu Hao. Now, she knows that she still doesn't know enough about this person.

Ye Hao said faintly, "I don't know."

Qi Ruoshui took the sword in the nameless hand against Jin Shanshan. "She is so desperate to save you, you don't want to see her dead in front of you?"

Of course, she couldn’t watch Jin Shanshan’s injury. Ye Hao looked up and looked at Qi Ruoshui. “I learned how to solve the acupuncture points, which my father taught me.”

father? Qi Ruoshui remembered that Lu Shiming did not understand martial arts at all, and then remembered Ye Yiqing. She never looked down on the Ye family. She believed that Ye Yiqing did have such ability.

"Next, you'd better not play tricks, although I won't kill you, but I won't tolerate you continue to find trouble." Qi Ruosi said coldly.

Ye Hao sees that the dust hasn't come back yet, thinking that she may be trapped. If she is caught better, she looks at Jin Shanshan and aligns it with water. "Well, I won't find any trouble, but you will want to She let go."

Qi Ruoshui looked at Jin Shanshan with a smile and laughter. "If I remember correctly, this should be the daughter of General Jin Da?"

"Who are you?" Although Jin Shanshan was threatened, he did not intend to compromise.

"You should be a person from the North Ming Kingdom, how can you save the Queen of the Kingdom?" Qi Ruoshui asked with a smile.

Jin Shanshan said coldly, "I am now the vice president of Jinguo."

Qi Ruo waterway, "since this is..." She laughed. "That should be well guarded by your queen and go to the priest's house to be a guest."

"She is not useful to you, I don't need her to be around." Ye Hao immediately said that she could not let Jin Shanshan follow her to the priest's house. Qi Ruo water would not hurt her because she would use her to threaten Huangfu, but Jin Shanshan Different, she will be killed by Qi Ruo water at any time.

Jin Shanshan looked around and knew that it was impossible to save her by her only. "Mother, I want to stay with you."

"Good!" Ye Hao drank her unpleasantly.

"They won't let me go back." Jin Shanshan said, she followed her to Xiliang, at least it could be a helper, maybe she could find a chance to pass the news to Ye Yinan.

"Women, we have to hurry." Someone whispered to the water and said.

At this time, Ye Hao discovered that Lu Yi, who was still there yesterday, was gone.

"Let them get into the carriage, let's go." Qi Ruoshui looked thoughtfully at Ye Hao. She didn't care about Jin Shanshan's life and death. It was useless to her anyway. However, with Jin Shanshan, there is probably one who can Let Ye Hao bow down to the hostage.

Jin Shanshan looked back at the direction of the city gate. She brought so many people to defend the city. They didn’t even catch up. Is the other party really so powerful?

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