Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 906: One leaf obstacle

Ye Yinan took the dust to the military camp. He knew that the woman’s martial arts was not weak. It was not necessarily useful to know that the sealing of the acupuncture points. He asked people to give her medicine. That was before the leaves were used to make a martial arts high. People temporarily lose their martial arts.

Tang Hao already knows everything that happened in the city gate. The queen and Jin Shanshan were taken away by the Witch King at the same time. This is definitely very angry for Ye Yinan. He looked down at the dust and said, "Is she taking the Queen Empress out of the city?" ”

"Yes, she has a strong martial arts, and more than a dozen soldiers in the city gate can't stop her." Ye Yinan said.

"If it weren't for you, it is estimated that dozens of soldiers are not her opponents." Tang Yan whispered to Ye Yinan.

Ye Yannan looked at him. "Do you know who she is?"

"If you don't guess wrong, it should be the left guard of the Xiliang Wuwang, and the dust." Tang Yan stared at the face of the dust, seeing her still expressionless, but his eyes sank, he knew himself That's right.

"That can't kill her, it will always be useful to keep her." Ye Yinan said.

The dust and the taunts looked at them. "The Witch King has taken them to the priest's house. Even if you keep me, what can you do?"

“Would the Witch King ignore the life and death of a left guardian?” Ye Xiaonan asked Tang Yan.

Tang Yan raised an eyebrow. "If the Witch King is an indifferent person, and someone around him can replace it, maybe."

"I changed it, I will not, at least martial arts is so good, there is something useful." Ye Xiaonan sneered, and Tang Yan walked out of the camp, letting people stare at the dust.

When the two of them went out, Tang Yan whispered, "The Queen and Jin Shanshan were taken away by the Witch King. Can't find anyone?"

Ye Xiaonan’s face was heavy, and the twilight was as dark as the storm before the storm. “They are more familiar with the wilderness than we are.”

Tang Zhen asked, "Why is the Xiliang Wuwang really trying to catch the Queen?"

"I don't know." Ye Xiaonan shook his head. They were in the wilderness. They knew too little about what happened in Kyoto.

"Cui Yang of Dongqing State will go to the wasteland for support on the two days, and the emperor will also swear by the pro." Tang Yan whispered.

Ye Xiaonan stunned. "Is the emperor to be a prince? Going to the wasteland?"

"No, it is to go to the sand to gather the city, and the sand and the city are also adjacent to each other." Tang Yu whispered, "Wan Ziliang and Fan Ludu are really threatening to us, but the troops of Beiming are not only So, if we concentrate all our forces here, if the North Ming Kingdom attacked the city, we would have no time."

Ink Murray is really far-sighted, and the support of the Dongqing State is not necessary to increase the strength. In fact, Murong Cham does not need to be levied by the driver. He will leave Kyoto in order to save the disaster.

"Everyone thinks that the emperor is going to the wasteland." Tang Yan lowered his voice. "It is estimated that even the ministers of Kyoto think so."

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "It seems that the emperor deliberately thought that he would go to the wasteland."

"Except for the minister of the cabinet, it is estimated that everyone thinks this way." Tang said, "There is one more thing, I have to send Xiao Wangye back quickly."

“Sent back to Kyoto?” Ye Yinan said. “He doesn’t necessarily want to go back.”

Murong Yu did not want to go back to Kyoto. When he was in Kyoto, he could only be a prince who reached out for a meal, but he was not the same in the military camp. He lived with the soldiers, although the days were not comfortable before, even at any time. There is danger, but he feels full, and every day is full of fighting spirit. Even if he eats coarse grains and wild vegetables with the soldiers, he feels very good. He does not want to go to the life without any fun.

Although Ye Yinan did not let him go to the battlefield, he still secretly went twice. He realized that the emperor's world was so hit, and he knew how difficult and dangerous the emperor had experienced when he was so big.

He is simply not qualified to enjoy his success. His future should be based on his own hands, not the emperor's giving.

"I won't go back to Kyoto." Murong said to Ye Yinan, "I want to stay."

Ye Yannan gave him a deep look. "I know that you like it, but what you need now is to return to Kyoto."

“Why?” asked Murong.

"You are the brother of the emperor. If you want to worry about the emperor, you should be in Kyoto at this time, accompanying the Queen Mother, and guarding Kyoto." Ye Xiaonan said in a low voice, "The Queen Mother has changed greatly, you are I know, the emperor is not in Kyoto, but the Queen Mother is being smashed? Xiao Wang Ye, you can do more things in Kyoto, for the emperor."

Murong looked at him with surprise, "What do you mean..."

Ye Xiaonan nodded, "Little Wang, immediately set off for Kyoto."

“What can I do when I go back?” asked Murong, “Is it the emperor? Is he going to the wasteland?”

"Yes!" Ye Xiaonan nodded. "Little lord, Kyoto needs you more than here."

Murong Yu was silent for a while. "Well, I will go back immediately."



Ye Hao was taken to Xiliang, sitting in the carriage, she could watch the scene outside freely, the Xiliang city was more prosperous than she had imagined, and... she thought that Xiliang was different from Kyoto, but now she looks Pedestrians on the street seem to have nothing to change except for clothing.

This is probably the credit of Qi Ruoshui. She is not a Xiliang person. She is from Jinguo, so she turned Xiliang into another Jinguo?

"When can I go back?" Qi Ziyu whispered to Ye Hao.

When Qi Ruoshui entered the Xiliang area, he did not know where to go. Ye Hao finally let Qi Zikai know who she is, although her face is still old.

"Do you know...who is she?" Ye Hao asked, she said she was Qi Ruoshui.

"She said she is my mother." Qi Ziyu frowned. "My mother is dead."

Ye Hao smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Have she told you something?"

"She said that she will compensate me in the future, let me live a prosperous life, I don't want anything to be rich and wealthy, I just want to go back to find my grandmother." Qi Zikai looked disgusted, he didn't like it very much, and he didn't like the self-proclaimed him. Mother's Qi Ruoshui.

Ye Hao wanted to say something to comfort him, but she suddenly saw a familiar face.

Thousands of snow? Is the woman who just walked out of the inn is a thousand snow?

How could she be cool in the west?

Ye Hao played the curtains and looked back. After the snow, she saw a more familiar figure, Murong Yu?

Is Qian Xue looking for Murong in the cold?

"Mother, what are you looking at?" Jin Shanshan whispered.

"Nothing!" Ye Hao shook her head gently, and there was no name outside. She didn't want him to hear her.

If Murong Yu is in the cold, can she find a way to contact him?

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