Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 907: regardless of costs

"Is there something to look at me?" Murong Yu walked out of the inn, his eyes faintly on the face of Fujisawa. If it was changed, Fujisawa was the most talked about, but rarely talked in these two days, and even some were avoiding it. he.

"Well?" Fujisaki looked at Murong with doubts. "What can I do for you?"

Murong stopped and thought thoughtfully. "I also want to know what you can't let me know. If you want to stare at me, it's best to marry me forever."

Qian Xue looked at the rattan with some nervousness. She asked her to ask Murong to tell her. She didn't want Murong to take risks for people who are not worthy.

Fujiko’s eyes flashed a hesitation, and he looked at Murong’s eyes. “Are we going to leave the West? We can’t find anything here. The last time the priest’s house went, I didn’t see any witches. In any case, the war between the priestly palace and the kingdom has nothing to do with us."

"What the hell?" Murong’s voice was cold.

"Xiliang Wuwang caught Lu Hao, it has been ten days. In the first two days, Lu Hao was brought into the wasteland." After the vines finished, they bowed their heads and did not dare to go to Murong.

Murong’s black scorpion slightly shrunk, and Jun’s face was covered with frost, and the twilight looked coldly at the vine. “You say it again.”

"I also learned these two days. The Witch King is the daughter of Qi Yu, called Qi Ruoshui. He was taken to the priestly palace more than ten years ago and became the old daughter of the old witch, but he did not know the witch king a few years ago. The pass was passed to her, Qi Ruoshui grabbed the emperor, then went to Kyoto, and took ... Lu Yu also." Fujisawa hurriedly explained that he would have liked to swindle Murong to Xiliang. I knew that I wouldn’t be stunned.

"What do you want to use!" Murong squeezed a thin lip and looked at the rattan with a sharp look. The slightly undulating chest could see how angry he was at this time.

Fujisawa said, "I, I am not afraid of your impulsiveness, don't be angry, I heard that Lu Hao has been brought to Xiliang. If you want to save him, we will find the opportunity to go to the priest's house."

Thousands of snow said anxiously, "The owner of the priest, the priestly guardian is strict, and now the Witch King is back, it is certainly not easy to get in. If it is discovered, you will be in danger."

When Murong Yi did not hear the words of Qian Xue, he said to the vines in a cold voice, "I will hand over all other Grade A or above."

Thousands of Luoshu's killers were originally graded, and all of them were top killers. Although Qianluo is no longer doing murderous business, the level still exists.

"Are you serious?" Fujisaki looked at him with horror, and summoned the killer above A. It has not been seen for so many years. For Lu Hao, does he actually want to use the greatest strength of Qianluo?

Murong Yan looked at him condensedly. "Yes, I must rescue her."

"For her, can you not even have a life?" Fujisawa asked quietly.

"Yes." Murong nodded without hesitation, and did not see the tears in the eyes of Qian Xue.

Fujita laughed. "Okay, I know."

Since Lu Hao is Murong Yu’s life, he must let him do whatever he wants. Even if Lu Hao is already the queen of Jin Guo, she should stay with Murong’s side.



This is the priest's house!

Ye Hao looked up and saw the magnificent and sacred building in front of him. He had not yet entered the temple. He was able to feel the depression here. There was a guard in almost ten steps. Qi Ruo is not there. He was brought by nameless, and those guards saw I went to the nameless and immediately respectfully bowed.

Not only the people in the priest's house were very respectful to the nameless, but only after they entered the city, the people saw their carriages stop and salute.

It can be seen that the priestly palace is in the position of the people of Xiliang.

"Take them to the room first." The nameless maid of a priest's house, let her go with Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan.

Behind the priest's house is a few yards. The courtyard in the center looks magnificent. It should be the place where Qi Ruo Shui lives. Ye Hao looks at the nameless. "When can I see Mr. Huang Wei?"

The nameless whispered, "When the Witch King lets you see him, you can see him."

Ye Xiaomei asked, "What about Qi Ruo water?"

"Wu Wang wants to see you naturally will find you." No name to see Ye Hao, he really can not stand her face, the dusty ease of the ability is getting more and more powerful, put a country It is not easy for a woman to become like this.

"The dust hasn't come back yet?" Ye Hao touched the wrinkled face. She was not willing to look in the mirror these days. If she is old, she will not want to see Murong Cham.

Anonymous stunned Ye Hao, "She will come back."

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Send us back to the room to rest, hoping to be at home in the priesthood."

"Please." No name nodded to the maid, let her leave with Ye Hao.

They were arranged in an independent small yard. The layout of the yard is different from that of Jinguo. The house here has two floors. The wooden staircase is the room. There is only one maid in the yard. .

Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan entered the house and immediately closed the door.

"Odd girl, what should we do?" Jin Shanshan whispered to Ye Hao.

"I don't know until I see Mr. Huang Wei." Ye Hao pushed open the window and looked at the courtyard not far away. I don't know which yard the emperor was in.

Jin Shanshan said, "How can the Xiliang Wuwang be a Jin Guoren? She arrested you and Mr. Huang Wei exactly what I want to do?"

Ye Hao looked at the distance calmly. I don't know how Murong Chan is doing now. It must be very angry. He still doesn't know that she is pregnant. If she knows, she definitely wants to kill Qi Ruo water.

"Qi Ruoshui is only afraid to want to recover the former dynasty." Ye Hao whispered.

Former? Jin Shanshan stunned. "You mean that she wants to let the emperor dynasty dynasty? Mr. Huang Wei, he..."

"Mr. Huangfu does not agree, otherwise she will not bring me here." Ye Hao sneered, "Qi Ruoshui knows that I am the apprentice of Mr. Huang Wei, is my brother calling you to save me?"

Jin Shanshan glanced at her. "You are his only sister."

Ye Hao said, "The person who wants Qirui is me, you will martial arts, try to find a chance to leave here."

"I won't leave unless you go with me." Jin Shanshan said.

"Qi Ruo water will not hurt me, I am still useful to her, you stay here, she will threaten me with your life." Ye Hao said in a cry, "There is something that you have to leave here to do." ”

Jin Shanshan asked questioningly, "What is it?"

"Today we haven't entered the city for a long time. In the inn near the city gate, you have to help me to ask a person." Ye Hao whispered, she saw Qianxue and Murong Yu today, perhaps Murong Yu can help her.

"Who?" Jin Shanshan asked.

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