The priest's house is sung every morning. I heard that this is praying for the people of Xiliang. Ye Hao can hear the heavy and ethereal song even in the house. She opens her eyes and the sun shines through the window. She Sitting up from the bed, the maid was ready to wash the clean water. She simply washed and had breakfast, and went to the courtyard for a walk.

She has to find a way out of the yard, or how to find a way to get out of here.

This is her third day in the priest's house. She walks in this yard every day. Apart from Jin Shanshan and the maid, she has not seen anyone else, let alone the emperor.

It seems that she can only see the emperor when she returns to Qi Ruoshui.

"It seems that you are very comfortable." Just thinking about when Qi Ruoshui came back, Ye Hao heard her voice in her ear.

"I don't want to be comfortable, it's like a jail here, but the environment is better." Ye Hao said sarcastically.

Qi Ruoshui smiles with her. "Besides the priest's house, you can go anywhere."

Is this the confidence that she absolutely can't escape the priest's house? A faint smile floated on the edge of the leaf. "Wu Wang has not seen the shadow for three days. Is it going to find the dust?"

"The dust is caught by Ye Xiaonan." Qi Ruoshui said faintly, the tone does not seem to worry too much about the safety of the dust.

Ye Hao also guessed that the dust was in the hands of her brother. When she heard Qi Ruoshui, she smiled faintly. "How does the Witch King plan to save the dust?"

Qi Ruoshui smiled. "You don't have to save, she will definitely come back."

"Do you overestimate the dust, or underestimate my brother?" Ye Hao asked.

"The dust has the ability to become the left guard of the priest's house. If you can't cope with this trouble, it doesn't match this position." Qi Ruoshui snorted.

Left guard? The dust is actually the protection of the priest's house!

Ye Hao knows that Qi Ruo water is overestimating the dust, but she underestimates this woman who seems to be inconspicuous.

Being able to be compared with the namelessness has become a gimmick.

"Your face..." Qi Ruo water raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Hao’s face or the old man’s face. "I would rather watch you become a ugly monster. This woman who is beautiful when I was younger than me is only you, but If you let you see the emperor in this way, you must not let him promise me."

Ye Hao touched her face. She actually had the means to wash off the face. As long as she joined Lingquan in the potion, she could restore her appearance, but she did not do so. She was afraid that Qishui would doubt.

The solution to the acupoints has made Qi Ruoshui doubt her, she can fool others, but Qi Ruo water... I am afraid not to fool.

"It doesn't matter, I feel that I am used to such a face, I will cherish the young and beautiful myself." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Qi Ruo water snorted, and a palm-shaped white porcelain bottle appeared in his palm. "Go and give this guest a clean face."

The maid took the bottle, "Yes, the Witch King."

When the leafhopper washes away the crumpled fake skin on the face and reappears in front of Qi Ruoshui, it is almost late.

"How much do you know about Huangpu?" Qi Ruoshui slowly played in front, and Ye Hao could only follow her.

"I don't understand what you mean by this." Ye Hao said faintly.

Does she know Huangfu? It seems that in addition to knowing that he is the most orthodox heir to the Emperor's dynasty, the other knows that there are not many. He is a miraculous existence in the eyes of the world. It seems to be omnipotent. The kings of various countries seem to respect him.

"Do you know the existence of Niujia Village?" Qi Ruoshui asked again.

"I don't know." Ye said, the name of Niujiacun is listening to the rustic, but probably no one knows what kind of place it is. After the apologetic dynasty, the emperor dynasty disappeared with countless forces and gold and silver treasures. In this world, everyone knows that they have retired to Niujia Village. Unfortunately, no one in this place knows where it is. Even if it finds a location, there is no way to enter the village.

Qi Ruoshui laughed. "Only in this world, Huangfu can come and go freely in Niujia Village. Only he can bring out the troops and treasures left by the Emperor's dynasty."

"This is what you want." Ye Hao looked at Qi Ruoshui's back and asked coldly.

"In fact, there is still someone who knows, but unfortunately he does not know where it may be dead." Qi Ruoshui smiled. "Do you believe that a person can live more than a hundred years old?"

Ye Xiaomei’s heart jumped, “Who are you talking about?”

"Jiang Shi." Qi Ruoshui said.

Uncle Jiang of the library tower? Ye Hao was amazed, but she quickly calmed down. She couldn't let Qi Ruoshui know where Jiang Shi is now.

"Come on." Qi Ruoshui looked back at Ye Hao, "Huangfu should be very happy to meet you."

Ye Hao looked cold, she saw the expectation in Qi Ruo's eyes, so she did not want to show the idea of ​​wanting to see Huangfu, not to mention, she did not want to see him in this ghost place.

They came to a courtyard in the lake, and there were willow trees by the lake. It looked more quiet. There was a big wisteria flower in the yard. It had already covered the whole bamboo frame and was crawling to the pillar next to it. Next to the wisteria flower. It is a bamboo chair and a short section, and there is a guzheng on it. Ye Hao does not see the figure of Huangfu.

"Auntie." Qi Ruoshui called out to the closed door.

The door was closed and there was no plan to open it.

"I brought an acquaintance to see you, you should really want to see her." Qi Ruoshui evokes a meaningful smile. "In order to bring her to see you, I also went to see a beautiful country. Brought back, do you really want to see it?"

There is still no sound coming out of the house.

Qi Ruoshui slightly frowned, "Auntie?"

Ye Hao chuckled. "It seems that you don't know him enough."

"Auntie, if you don't open the door, then I will go in." Qi Ruoshui said that she is still very jealous of Huangfu, so she has always regarded the emperor as a guest. If Lu Yan can't let him change his mind, What else can she do?

There was still no movement in the room, and Qi Ruo’s eyes floated with an anger, and she reached out to open the door.

“夭夭?” There was a clear and gentle voice behind it.

Ye stunned and slammed back and looked at the past. The man in the memory, such as Guan Yu, stood beside the wisteria flower. He looked at her in shock, as if she was alone in the world.

"Master!" Ye Hao smiled slightly.

Qi Ruoshui saw the reaction of Huangfu, and she knew that it was right to bring Lu Hao to the priestly palace.

Huangfu will definitely promise her for her.

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