Huangfu did not expect to see Lu Hao here, should she not be in Kyoto?

Qi Ruoshui came out from behind Ye Hao, and looked at Huangfu with a smile. "Auntie, you are my guest."

"You brought her from Kyoto?" The gentle smile in the eyes of Emperor Huang gradually faded away and was replaced by a layer of frost.

"Yeah, you should miss her very much." Qi Ruoshui said with a smile, "You haven't seen each other for a long time, and now you have a chance to tell the story."

Huangfu looked at Qi Ruoshui indifferently. "Are you going to threaten me?"

Qi Ruoshui sighed softly. "Auntie, how do you think about me like this, we are a family, there is a threat to this statement, no matter what, we can discuss it."

"If you want to discuss with me, then send the donkey back to Kyoto." Huangfu said.

"I just asked the Queen of the Kingdom to go to the priest's house, how can I stay for a few days?" Qi Ruoshui laughed. "I don't bother you to talk about the old. I will come back to discuss other things with you later, if we can discuss one. As a result, I will naturally send her back."

Huangfu looked at her coldly.

Qi Ruoshui left the courtyard with a smile, leaving Ye Hao to face the emperor alone.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Huangfu immediately asked Ye Hao after Qi Ruoshui left. "Are you not in the palace?"

Ye Hao reluctantly sighed. "Yes, I just didn't expect the daughter of the medical officer to be the Xiliang Wuwang..."

How can she be brought to the Xiliang by Qi Ruo water to simply tell Huang Fu, "...I should not underestimate Qi Ruoshui, or I will not stand here today."

Huangfu glanced at her silently. "I am tired of you."

Ye Xiao smiled. "How could Master be tired of me? Qi Ruoshui is ambitious, what she wants to do, who can expect it?"

"I met her in Qi State. At that time, I didn't know that she was a Xiliang Wuwang. I only wanted to persuade her to go back to Jinguo to see her. I didn't expect to be ambushed by her." Huangfu whispered.

"The note you left, that Qi... is it right?" Ye Hao asked.

Huangfu gently nodded. "It’s just too hasty. I can’t write the name completely. Those dark guards will send the note back to Jinguo. I’m afraid you can’t guess who it is, or you won’t be taken away by Qi Ruohui. It is."

Since he knows that there is a secret guard looking for him, why has he always avoided avoiding coming back?

This sentence Ye Hao did not dare to ask questions, she felt that the answer would not be what she wanted to hear.

"Master, why should Qi Ruoshui catch you?" Ye Hao asked.

Huangfu frowned and said after a moment of silence, "This should be related to my uncle..."

Ye Hao stunned, "Is it right?"

"Do you know?" Huangfu looked up from afar. Didn't he know the life of Qi Ruoshui?

"Qi medical officer told me." Ye Hao gently nodded. "Right, my nephew was brought here by her, but I haven't seen him for a few days. I don't know if it was placed in Qiruo. Where."

There was a sigh of anger on the face of Huangfu. "Qi Ruoshui’s ambition is too big, she is already mad."

"Xiliang has already fought with Jinguo. It is also her idea to come here." Ye Hao said, "Xiliang Wang is actually listening to her, and even her own son does not trust. It is obvious that Qi Ruoshui's ability is not as simple as we think. ”

Huangfu looked up at Ye Hao and whispered, "Qi Ruoshui has the ability to understand hypnosis. Xiliang Wang should not be so incompetent. Most of them are controlled by Qi Ruoshui hypnosis. The strength of Xiliang is not as good as Jinguo. With the grasp of the victory of the country, there is no victory, Qi Ruoshui brought me here, thinking that I can help her dominate the world, this is an idiotic dream, I am alone, and the power of her will help her."

"Xiliang has already joined the North Ming Kingdom." Ye Hao said, "She probably thought that the Emperor's dynasty still exists in a corner of the world. As long as you wave your hand, you can order the country."

"Do you believe it?" Huangfu asked, "Is this rumor that has been circulating for more than 100 years?"

If it is a rumor, how can it last for a hundred years, but if it is true, it has been so many years, who can still be faithful?

"I don't know..." Ye Hao shook his head gently. "Master, if you really exist, what do you do?"

If there is really the hidden power of the Emperor's dynasty, how can Huangfu not know, Ye Hao just wants a guarantee from him.

Huangfu was a bit stunned. How could he not hear what she said? When did she start to guard him? She is worried that he will listen to Qi Ruoshui’s words, and let the emperor’s dynasty, which has been hidden for many years, reappear in attacking Jin Guo?

She is worried... will he hurt Murong Cham?

"There is no such possibility." Huangfu lowered his eyes and did not want Ye Hao to see the disappointment in his eyes. "It has been so many years, even if there are future generations, they should not live a life of vicissitudes. They have a peaceful and peaceful life. The imperial dynasty is no longer possible." Huangfu whispered.

So, it still exists.

Ye Hao looked at him, "Master..."

Huangfu smiled. "I know what you mean. You are now the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. Naturally, you have to think about Jinguo. You don't have to worry about Qi Ruoshui. What she wants is impossible."

"Master, I don't mean that." She is not worried about what Huangpu will do. She knows that he won't, just... she is worried that he will be used by Qiruo because of his scruples.

"Azhan knows that you were brought to Xiliang?" Huangfu asked, and the burning in his eyes had already gone silent.

Ye Hao said, "He knows, Qi Ruo Shui is too embarrassed, and the Dark Guard has not been able to catch up."

"I will find a way to get you out of here." Huangfu said.

“Don't Master want to leave here?” Ye Hao asked.

Huangfu smiled faintly. "After sending you away, I will find a way to leave. Well, go back."

Ye Hao did not know why he suddenly became indifferent and alienated. What did she just say wrong?

"Master..." Ye Hao looked at him doubtfully.

Huangfu stood up. "Azhan knows that you will not be indifferent if you are taken to Xiliang. If I have not guessed wrong, he has already left Kyoto. I will find a way to find out whereabouts."

"I have been looking for you for a long time, Master." Ye Hao interrupted him. "Are you hiding from me?"

"Oh..." Huangfu looked at her helplessly. "I didn't hide from you. Didn't you say that your nephew was taken to the priest's house? I went to see him."

Ye Hao knows that Huangfu is avoiding her problem, "Master?"

"When I have seen you, I will go to you again." Huangfu said.

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