The cold winter is colder than Kyoto. You can hear the cold wind outside in the house. In the morning, you can see the ice ridge hanging by the window. Ye Hao didn't get used to the weather at first. The finger still has two frostbite, but it is only after she has soaked it with Lingquan.

"What the **** weather, it's already spring, the snow here is the same as the goose feathers." Jin Shanshan shook the snow on his shoulders outside the door, complaining and walking in.

"You went out early in the morning?" Ye Hao asked with a smile, Qi Ruoshui did not restrict them to be in the house, so Jin Shanshan went out for a walk every morning, watching it is going out, actually wanting to find where A guarded gap can leave here.

Jin Shanshan nodded. "The whole priest's house has let me go. It seems that there is someone secretly staring at the place where the defense is loose. It is not easy to leave from here."

"It was expected." Ye Hao smiled lightly. When Jin Shanshan was able to walk around the first day, she suspected that this was Qi Ruo-shui’s intentional connivance. Qi Ruoshui wanted to let them know and leave, let them know that they were away. Do not open here.

"So how do we get out of here?" Jin Shanshan said depressedly, sitting down next to Ye Hao, "I will try to go out tomorrow."

Ye Hao immediately said, "Don't take risks, don't be hurt, you will continue to walk around, keep all the corners in your heart, remember the whole priest's house, I will find a way to let Qi Ruoshui send you back. When necessary, you can let your brother change the dust for you to go back. When you draw the priest's house to your brother, it is easier for them to save me."

"Don't you let me go to Murong?" Jin Shanshan whispered, and that day it was obvious that she had to find a way to leave here to find the six kings. How could this change her mind?

Ye Hao smiled. "It’s been a few days. Murong also doesn’t know that he is not in the city. It’s a bit unrealistic to expect him to save me. He doesn’t know that I am in the cold, so you still have to find a way. Leave here to find my brother."

Jin Shanshan looked at her suspiciously. "You are not doing this to make me cool?"

"Of course I am for myself." Ye Hao smiled.

"Ye General will definitely want you to go back." Jin Shanshan whispered that she did not want to be in the position of Ye Lannan compared with Lu Hao, but she felt that way.

Ye Hao turned his head and looked at Jin Shanshan seriously. "Don't you and my brother have not said it yet? You don't know where you are in his mind?"

Jin Shanshan’s cheeks are red. “Mother, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

"You understand." Ye Hao laughed. "My brother is this person... His temper was not like this before. He is gentle and peaceful. He is polite to any woman. It seems to be good to anyone. In fact, he is not at all. Knowing who the girls are, he is actually a very indifferent person. I saw him yelling at a girl for the first time. It’s so rude to say that those words make you sad. He doesn’t know how and like the girl. get along."

"What do you mean, he yelled at me and was rude and **** like me?" Jin Shanshan raised his eyes inconspicuously. "If you like it again, wouldn't it be more prelude?"

Ye Hao laughed. "When he knows what method to treat you, he will definitely be different."

"You know him like this..." Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao with suspicion. "Would you not be in the border town when you were young?"

"Oh?" Ye Hao coughed softly. "I told you."

There are still many doubts in Jin Shanshan's heart, but she can't think of anything wrong. "Then I will go there again tomorrow."

Ye Hao gently nodded, just wanting to marry her a few words, the voice of the maid came from outside, "Lu girl, Mr. Huangfu came."

Huangfu is willing to see her? Ye Hao stood up and his eyes flashed with a smile.

Since I met with Huangfu that day, he didn’t see her again in a few days. Even if she went to see him, he would avoid it. How can I come to see her today?

"Mr. Huangfu is also in the priest's house?" Jin Shanshan asked strangely, she did not know that Huangfu was also in the priest's house.

Ye Hao said, "I forgot to tell you that Mr. Huang Wei was also caught by Qi Ruoshui."

"Qi Ruoshui is a madman!" said Jin Shanshan.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded and went out to go out. In the hall downstairs, he saw the imperial concubine of Yushu Linfeng.

The emperor’s body stood tall and stood like a jade, and it was full of glory. The face like Guan Yu’s face had a shallow smile, which seemed to make people feel like a spring breeze. “Hey.”

He seems to have forgotten the unpleasantness of the day, and the gentle and gentle eyes are soft smiles.

Ye Hao felt inexplicably sad, and she should not be suspected of guarding him that day. "Master, how come you?"

"In the priest's house for so many days, it must be very boring, Qi Ruoshui promised that I can take you out, want to go out and go?" Huangfu asked with a smile.

"Go out? Go out of the priest's house?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

Huangfu nodded with a smile.

Ye Hao looked back at Jin Shanshan and said to Huangfu, "Can goodness follow me?"

"Nature is ok," said Huangfu.

Qi Ruoshui, what is wrong with this? Ye Xie was suspicious in his heart and walked out of the courtyard with a suspicion of the Emperor. They were all unimpeded, and the maids and priests guards who passed by her did not stop them.

After walking to the gate of the priest's house, and seeing the carriage stopped outside, Ye Hao was finally convinced that Qi Ruoshui was really relieved to let her leave the priest's house.

Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan exchanged a look, Qi Ruoshui really is not afraid of her taking the opportunity to leave?

"Mr. Huangfu, Lu girl, please." Nameless from the carriage, indicating Huangfu they got on the bus.

"……"nameless? ! Ye Hao sneered in his heart, let the guardian of the priest's house personally drive for them, even if they had the opportunity to leave, I am afraid that it is not far away.

Then, Ye Hao found that in addition to the nameless, they also followed a lot of guards.

"It seems that this distraction is not so comfortable." Ye Hao said to the emperor.

"They are guarding me." Huangfu said with a smile.

Jin Shanshan frowned and asked, "Where are we going?"

"I heard that the Xiliang Palace is unique, Qi Ruoshui said that we can go to the palace." Huangfu said.

"Wang Gong?" Jin Shanshan is really surprised. I heard that the Xiliang Palace is not going to let people enter. Is Qi Ruoshui able to dominate everything in the palace?

Ye Qiu mouth floated a sneer, "Obviously Qi Ruoshui has completely controlled the palace."

Qi Ruoshui is not asking them to come out, but wants to tell them, don't be against her, the whole Xiliang is already under her control.

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