The Xiliang Royal Palace seems to be shrouded in white. It looks like an ice sculpture palace. The sun reflects the colorful colors and looks sacred and spectacular. If the surrounding priests are not all around, Ye Hao thinks she will appreciate this. Beautiful view.

"You are farther away." Huangfu said faintly to the nameless.

I saw them without name, indicating that others had stepped back a few steps and followed them not far away.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Qi Ruoshui is still very jealous of you."

Huangfu looked up at the palace in the distance. "She just jealous of my last name."

"Did you see your nephew?" asked Ye Hao.

"Qi Ruoshui promised to let him be by my side." Huangfu said faintly, "I don't know my life, and Qi Ruoshui promised to stare at him."

Taking advantage of Qi Zikai’s life experience is the best for him.

Ye Hao gently nodded. "Master, can you... help me one thing."

Huangfu listened to her tenacious questioning, and there was a bitter taste in her heart. "What?"

"Being good and staying here is dangerous. Can you send her away first?" Ye Hao whispered.

Jin Shanshan, who walked around Ye Hao, heard this and frowned. "Women?"

Ye Hao raised her hand and let Jin Shanshan not have to say anything more. She continued to say to Huangfu, "Goodness stays here, Qi Ruoshui will use her safety to threaten me. She left here, but I am more relaxed."

Huangfu looked at Jin Shanshan with a faint look. "Qi Ruoshui arranges many people around me unless it is good for her..."

"It is also said that she seems to be more prepared for you." Ye Hao sighed with a smile, if Huangfu can let Jin Shanshan leave, he can leave himself.

"I heard that the left guard of the priest's palace was caught by General Ye?" Huangfu asked.

"Dust? If she hasn't returned yet, it should have been caught." Ye Hao said.

Huangfu gently nodded. "Qi Ruoshui values ​​her two methods of protection. If she wants to put Jin Shanshan, she must let the dust come back."

"Okay." Ye Hao did not hesitate to beheaded. She knew that she had no name to hear what she and Huangfu said. She deliberately wanted him to know.

"Where is it in front?" Huangfu pointed at a temple like a cage in front.

Yes, it looks like a temple in the distance. When you look closer, it is indeed a cage. A large cage is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. The ice hangs down and emits a lustrous glow in the sunlight.

"This is the prison of the palace, specializing in the imprisonment of Wang Sungongqing." The nameless said behind them.

Ye Hao looked at him differently, Wang Sungongqing? Is it too humiliating to be in this place?

"There are people inside." Jin Shanshan shouted.

what? Ye Hao looked at the past and saw that there was a black shadow in the cage wearing dark blue clothes. The black image sculpture did not move, I don’t know if it was dead or frozen.

"Who is that?" Ye Hao had a bad feeling in his heart.

The nameless whispered, "The prince who wants to rebel."

Ye Hao approached the cage and looked at the man carefully through the railing. The face covered with frost was only able to see the side face. She took a sigh of relief. "Wang Yanxi? He is finished." Hee?"

"When Yan Xixi's mother killed her brother, she tried to force the palace to rebel. The Witch King shut him here, and it was already open to the net." No name said.

"It’s just..." Farting! Ye Haoqiang resisted and did not lose his voice, and Yan Yanxi was completely framed by Qi Ruoshui. It is no wonder that Qi Ruoshui did not see anyone for a few days, but he was afraid to deal with Yan Xi.

Huangfu said in a cold voice, "It is better to kill him if he is locked here."

Nameless sneer, "Mr. Huangfu should go to the Witch King."

"Open the door, I want to see him." Ye Hao said coldly and looked at the nameless.

"No one can go in without the permission of the Witch King." No one looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is cold and cold. "I remember that the Witch King said that I can be responsive. This is what the Witch King promised. It seems that there is no credit."

Huangfu sees Ye Hao's look and anger. It seems that she knows Yan Xi, and he faintly said to the nameless. "The man seems to be dead. Even if you open the door and let us in, he can't run."

"No one can open this prison without the permission of the Witch King." No name is unmoved.

Ye Hao opened his mouth coldly, "Open the door!"

The nameless face looked at Ye Hao indifferently.

"Good!" Ye Hao stood in front of the unknown, and called Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan condensed and walked to the door of the prison. The iron gate was locked with a very thick iron chain. When he wanted to open the door, he had to get the key to open the lock. She grabbed the chain and shook her eyes in the nameless. In the middle of force.

Someone exclaimed.

The chain was broken by Jin Shanshan, and the door of the prison was opened.

Ye Hao’s lips smiled. “It seems that you are not needed.”

Anonymous and coldly looking at Jin Shanshan, his eyes flashed murderous.

"If you dare to hurt her a hair, I promise, Qi Ruohui will regret to let you follow today." Ye Hao said coldly.

"Let them go in." Qi Ruoshui didn't know when it was. She was wrapped in a mane and walked slowly. Her eyes looked at Huangfu and Ye Hao with a smile. "As the Queen Empress said. , Yan Yanxi is almost dying, even if he is released, he will not live for a few days."

Anonymous to the side of the side to open a few steps, no longer blocked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao did not pay attention to Qi Ruoshui, and Jin Shanshan turned into the prison, Huangfu stood at the door, faintly watching Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui came to him in front of him. "Wan Yanxi killed his biological mother. Before a while, he colluded with the criminals to rebel. If I didn't do this, Xiliang would be in chaos."

"I thought it was already in chaos." Huangfu said faintly.

"With my day, Xiliang will never be in chaos." Qi Ruoshui said confidently, "You see, today's Xiliang is much stronger than before. You have experienced that kind of high left hand can turn clouds, right hand can cover The taste of the rain? Watching the country go further and further under your leadership, this sense of accomplishment is not so easy to get, aunt, you are not at all tempted?"

Huangfu glanced at her with a chuckle. "The person who seems to be tempted is you."

"I am for your emperor's family." Qi Ruoshui said.

"This is just an excuse for you to find yourself." Huangfu looked at her ridiculously. "Admit it, Qi Ruoshui, you are not for my uncle, but because of yourself, but you have not taught you other skills, but instead You have developed an ambitious person."

Qi Ruoshui did not hear what Huangfu said, and her attention was drawn to Ye Hao in the prison.

She is saving Yan Xi.

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