Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan entered the prison. She whispered the voice of Yan Xi, and did not dare to touch him easily. She put her hand on the pulse of his neck. He was not dead yet, but his body was frozen. He did not sleep, heard Ye Hao calling him, his eyes moved a little, but the whole body could not move.

"He is still not dead." Ye Hao said to Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan looked at the man who was wearing only a thin piece of clothing. He thought that even if he had not died at this time, he was afraid that he would not be saved. He seemed to be no different from death.

She glanced at Ye Hao and put the big cockroach on her body.

"He hasn't died yet, I can save him." Ye Hao whispered, taking a porcelain bottle from his arms and feeding him a little bit of Yang Yan's mouth.

Wan Yanxi’s breathing is slowly clear.

Qi Ruo water came in and stared at the porcelain bottle in the hand of Ye Hao. "What is this?"

Ye Hao broke the porcelain bottle and broke it. "I want to take him back."

"Unless you tell me, what medicine are you using to save him." Qi Ruoshui said.

She deliberately led Lu Yan to see Wan Yan here, just want to see for herself how she will save the death of Yan Xixi. In the past few days, she carefully examined Lu’s medicine cabinet and those Medicine, those medicines look the same as ordinary medicines, but the medicine is much stronger, she wants to know the reason.

Lu Hao must have a secret that is unknown!

Ye Hao said, "This is the potion that I used to use my medicine."

"Pharmaceutical side." Qi Ruoshui said.

"First send him to the priest's house." Ye Hao said with a condensate look.

Qi Ruoshui silently looked at Ye Hao for a while and nodded to the outside name.

The nameless will let the two guards come in and carry out Yan Xixi.

Ye Hao helped Jin Shanshan’s hand to stand up. She looked at Qi Ruoshui coldly. “You have already got the Xiliang Royal Palace. You have a good mother, you are very clear, why can’t you give him a happy, must He is here to torture him?"

How can she discover the secret of the Queen of the Kings?

"This is what he should punish." Qi Ruo water said faintly, "If you still want to save him, it is best not to ask me again."

Ye Hao looked at Qi Ruoshui coldly and turned and walked out of this prison.

Qi Ruoshui stood in the same place with a smile on her back, and her eyes slowly turned to Huangfu.

Huangfu is also watching her.

Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan have left here, and the imperial concubine has not kept up. The nameless Qi Qishui’s gesture has been sent to the priests.

"I thought that Mu Mu is your favorite person." Qi Ruoshui came out with a smile, and looked at Huangfu with a smile. "It seems that your heart is all Lu Yi."

"She is my apprentice." Huangfu said coldly.

Qi Ruohe smiled happily. "Before she has not become your apprentice, you have already been tempted. Is it to deceive yourself to accept her as an apprentice?"

Huangfu looked at her with cold eyes. "What do you want to say?"

"You should be very clear in your heart." Qi Ruo water said, "Do you want to get her? Don't you want her to accompany you to the old age? Willingly push her to the side of Murong Cham?"

"Who told you the secret of the emperor's family, there is no royal dynasty in this world, you can get everything you want with the Xiliang you took." Huangfu said coldly.

Qi Ruoshui said, "The secret of the emperor's family does not exist in your heart. The emperor is your uncle, uncle and uncle. His legacy is to restore the old dynasty. You don't want to do it for him?"

"His legacy..." Huangfu looked at Qi Ruoshui with some grief. "You are really sad."

"What do you mean?" Qi Ruoshui blinked slightly, where did she make him feel sympathy?

Huangfu whispered, "The things you and my uncle have become your magical obstacles. Are you sorrowful?"

"Don't think that you are my cousin, I really won't kill you." Qi Ruoshui's face changed, she could ignore it when others mentioned it, but Huang Hao mentioned this matter, she felt that she was all Shame is exposed to the eyes of the world.

Because he knows all her past.

Huangfu said faintly, "You know that I am not afraid of death."

"You..." Qi Ruoqi, then laughed again. "You are not afraid of death, what about Lu Yan? She is still pregnant, as long as I die, she does not have to lose her life, just lose her belly. The child will do, she will hate you forever."

This sentence finally made Huang Fu’s face sink. He didn’t know that Ye Hao had already been pregnant. She still looked like the little girl he had known before.

"Qi Ruo water!" Huang Fu roared at her.

"For her, you can only listen to me." Qi Ruoshui said.

Huangfu just looked at her and walked straight ahead.



"Can he still live?" Jin Shanshan looked at Wan Yanxi, who still curled up into a group. How did she think that this person was actually dead?

Ye Hao looked at Yan Xi, she did not expect to see him again in such a situation, he is not in the barracks military camp? How could it appear in Xiliang, and it was caught by Qi Ruoshui.

"I don't know." Ye Hao whispered, she didn't know if she could survive, but she wanted to save him.

Jin Shanshan whispered, "He went to Xiliang to find Tuoyuan Xuanyuan. He and Tuoba Xuanyuan wanted to force Xiliang Wang to abdicate, so that he could avoid fighting with Jinguo. The last time I heard that it was already The support of most officials of the Xiliang Dynasty did not know why this was the case."

"Because Qi Ruo water is back." Ye Hao whispered.

"Qi Ruoshui really can cover the sky with one hand?" Jin Shanshan asked, Qi Ruoshui looks like a weak woman, why can it be raining in the west.

Ye Hao seems to see through Jin Shanshan's thoughts. She smiles faintly. "The more harmless people are, the more difficult it is to deal with. Qi Ruoshui must have the ability we don't know. In any case, her priestly palace is enough to make people jealous. ”

Jin Shanshan turned his head and looked at Yan Yan. "When Yan Yanxi was arrested by Qi Ruoshui, what about Xuanyuan Xuanyuan? And the guardian who is next to him..."

Yes, Addo is inseparable from Wan Yan. Where is he?

"If they haven't been killed by Qi Ruo Shui, it must still be cool in the west." Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao. If they knew that Yan Xi was in the priest's house, would they come to save him?

Ye Hao gently shook his head, indicating that Jin Shanshan would not go on any more, no name is still in the car, he will listen to their words in the ears.

"I only know when I waited for Yan Xi to wake up." Jin Shanshan said silently.

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