"We can't get into the priest's house. After the return of the Witch King, there are more people in the inside and outside. The guards are more strict than before. We have been waiting here for a few days, and we can't find a chance to go in." Murong Yu whispered behind him.

They have been crouching for many days on the nearest building to the priesthood, let alone enter the priest's house, and the connection is near.

Murong Yu said with a deep voice, "The more this is the case, the more it proves that the Witch King has seized her for a reason."

"The reason is not very obvious? Lu Hao is the apprentice of Huangfu, Qi Ruoshui is to force the imperial concubine to admit." Fujimori said with a smile, "Huangfu is not just a mentor to Lu Yi."

"Shut up!" Murong snorted coldly.

Fujisawa glanced at him silently. "Admit it, you are jealous. You want Luke more than anyone else. After saving her, take her away."

Murong sighed and said, "I want to be able to dress up as a guard, and let them be like them. You can still do it."

"The two guards live in the priest's house. When they have dinner, they usually go there to eat a bowl of wine and drink a few glasses of wine. Their body shape is similar to us, we can dress up as theirs. Look, but tonight they are not expected to go to drink, we have to wait for them to drink when they start." Fujimou pointed to the two men who are entering the gate.

“When will they go to drink?” asked Murong.

Fujisawa said, "Tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, I don't know, I haven't seen the law yet."

"We..." Murong’s voice stopped, and he frowned at the carriage coming from the east. The driver was the guardian of the Witch King.

The guardian of the priest's house is driving in person, is it the Witch King?

Murong stared at the window and he wondered what the Witch King looked like.

A pair of hands suddenly raised the curtains, he saw a strange face, it was a young woman, it seems to be a bit familiar, but he does not remember who she is, as if I have seen it before, then, yes Another person approached the window, and the beautiful face of the Qing dynasty suddenly slammed into his sight.

Hey! When Murong took a hand and held the column, he almost jumped and jumped to save people.

"Don't be impulsive, you can't save her now." Rattan grabbed Murong's arm and prevented him from jumping.

Murong Yan stared at the carriage tightly. This kind of knowing that she was there but could not save her was like a fire burning in his chest, burning him angry and painful, can’t wait to jump right away. Save her.

"Look!" Fujisaka pointed at the surroundings. The priests were guarded inside and outside, and some were staring in the corner. They only had two people. They wanted to save Lulu. Possible things.

The carriage has entered the gate of the priest's house, and the vines loosened the arm of Murong. "She can still enter and leave the priest's house. The witch king is still a courtesy to her. This is a good thing. She is not tortured and wronged in the priest's house. You can Rest assured."

"Try to go to the priest's house as soon as possible." Murong said in a deep voice.

Fujisaki nodded. "Good."



Ye Hao let people send Yan Xi directly to her yard, and let her nameless give her two attendants.

She asked the maid to prepare a large bucket of warm water, wiped the water temperature, and said that others did not see the Lingquan dripping into the warm water, and then let the attendant soak the Yan Xi into the water.

Wan Yanxi's clothes can't be taken off the skin. She can only let his clothes soak and then take off. She lets the maid prepare hot water and warms up the water that has cooled down.

"Lu girl, clothes have been able to take off, do you still need to continue to soak in the water?" A waiter came out in the clean room and said to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded and said, "Continue to soak." Then she said to the two servants next to me, "This is the prescription, and I will find these medicines for me."

"This... only the Witch King has a pharmacy there," said the maid.

"Then go and tell your Witch King that I want these medicines." Ye Hao said coldly.

The maid had to answer it.

Qi Ruoshui has not returned to the priest's house, but no name is here. He took a prescription and gave it to the next maid. "Let the pharmacy take the medicine to take medicine."

"How did Lu Yan cure Yan Xi?" The nameless whispered the attendant who had just come behind him.

"Small sees that she is going to make Yan Xi in the water."

Soak in the water? Anonymous picked an eyebrow, "continue to stare."

On the other side, Wan Yanxi has been soaked in warm water for half an hour, his face has recovered blood, his skin is no longer cold and stiff, and he has body temperature. Ye Hao lets the two attendants wear clothes for Yan Xi. Lift it out and put it on the bed.

"Animal, he is still unconscious, and the pulse is very weak." Jin Shanshan's hand is placed on Yan Yan's neck, she really does not think he can still save.

Ye Hao nodded gently. "I will take acupuncture for him first."

When the Yanxi acupuncture was given, the maid took the medicine that Ye Hao wanted, and Ye Hao asked Jin Shanshan to go to the decocting.

After about an hour, Ye Hao took the needle from Yan Xi’s body.

"He still hasn't woken up. It seems that you can't save him." Qi Ruoshui came in from the outside, with a sneer in his eyes. It seems that she thinks too much. Lu Yan is like a normal female doctor. There is nothing. The magical life is back to life.

Ye Hao said faintly, "He hasn't broken his breath, so there is a chance to save him."

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao with a scornful look. "Then I will wait and see."

"The niece, the medicine is cooked." Jin Shanshan walked in from the outside, holding a bowl of medicine in his hand.

"Slow!" Qi Ruoshui stopped Jin Shanshan, took the medicine from her hand, poured it a little in the cup, and then put it back in her hand.

Jin Shanshan frowned and glanced at her and walked over to Ye Hao. "Girl, I will feed him."

Ye Hao gently nodded, "feed slowly into his mouth."

"He didn't eat or drink for three days in the heavy snow. Ordinary people can't support the three days of dripping, not to mention that he is still in the cold snow, even if the medical skills are so brilliant, can you still come back to life?" Qi Ruoshui asked.

"There is a heaven outside, the field you don't know doesn't mean others, and there is no medical skill. How do you know that there is no miracle?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao with contempt. "I will look forward to your miracle. If you can save him, then I will let him live a path."

Ye Hao looked down at Yan Xi, "Let's talk."

"I am a sorcerer, will you still eat?" Even if she stayed with Yan Xi, it would have no effect on her.

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