Jin Shanshan fed the medicine into Yan Xi’s mouth and looked at Ye Hao sideways. Wan Yanxi still had no signs of improvement. Is this waiting for him to wake up?

Ye Hao licked the herb and smashed a large bowl. She said to the two attendants, "Look at where the skin on his body is red and swollen. Apply these herbs and wrap them in gauze."

The two attendants looked up and looked at Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui said with a smile to Ye Hao, "These two do not understand medicine. Since you need someone to help you, I can find two medicine children who know medicine to help you."

"There is a Witch King." Ye Hao accepted it politely.

"You are just treating his frostbitten skin. How do you wake him up?" Qi Ruoshui asked.

Ye Hao glanced at her faintly. "He naturally woke up when he woke up."

Qi Ruoshui saw that she was still full of confidence in the waking of Yan Xi, she smiled lightly. After she saved her from Ye Hao, she always kept people staring. If she had any other way to save Yan Xi, she would Someone told her.

She wants to use Yan Xi to know the secret of Ye Hao, I believe that there will be an answer soon.

The two medicinal children of Qi Ruoshui soon came. Ye Hao asked them to pack the frostbite skin for Yan Xi, and then went to sleep by Yan Yan, except to let the medicine child feed him a little water.

The sky gradually dimmed, the sunset had fallen, and the emperor appeared in Ye Hao’s yard.

"Master?" Ye Hao looked at him strangely. She didn't see him after she came back. She thought he didn't come back at the palace.

Huangfu looked at the room behind her. "Will Wan Yan wake up?"

"Not yet, but the face is no longer purple." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Master, have you just returned to the priest's house?"

"You..." Huangfu did not answer her words. She just looked down at her lower abdomen and asked bitterly. "Is it pregnant?"

Ye Hao stunned, it should be Qi Ruoshui told him, "Yeah, less than three months."

No wonder I can't see it! Huangfu said faintly, "I let Qi Ruoshui send you back to Kyoto."

what? Ye Hao looked at him differently, seeing that Huangfu had turned and wanted to go away. She hurriedly grabbed his arm. "Master, what do you mean?"

"You are already pregnant, you should not be here, but beside Murong Zhan." Huangfu whispered.

Ye Hao clutched his arm tightly. "So, what are you going to do? Do you agree with Qi Ruoshui?"

Huangfu took her hand. "I promised that she wouldn't do what she wanted to do, and she would slow down."

"Master!" Ye Hao screamed at him. "Qi Ruoshui is not what you promised now. I will let me go. If I don't achieve the goal, she won't let me go. I am fine. You don't have to ask her for me. compromise."

"Oh..." Huangfu looked at her lowly.

Ye Hao whispered, "Azhan will save me from leaving, you don't have to do anything for me."

The emperor was dark, "Okay, I know."

"Master..." Ye Hao wanted to speak again, but he didn't know what to say.

"Go and cure Yan Xi." Huangfu said, "As long as I am here, I will not let Qi Ruo water hurt you."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Good."

Huangfu looked at her deeply and turned and walked out of the yard. She had not seen her steps and saw her Qi Ruoshui in front.

"What secrets does Lu Yan have?" Qi Ruoshui looked at Huangfu, and as the master of Lu Hao, he should be very clear about how her medical skills came.

"Secret? Do you think anyone has the same secret as you?" Huangfu asked with a sneer.

Qi Ruoshui said, "She grew up in the border town. Although she knows medicine, she is just a third-rate doctor. She can teach Lu Hao how many things. Before returning to the border town, Lu Hao is just a meeting point. Herbs know a few words, and it was not long before she arrived in Kyoto. She was admitted to the medical hall. Is it so powerful that her medical skills can be so great?"

Huangfu looked at her faintly. "What are you suspecting?"

"I doubt who she is. If she is really Lu Hao, how did she become a famous woman from a wild donkey, her medical skills are even more superb than mine." Qi Ruoshui said.

"Because her medical skills are better than yours, you suspect that she has an ulterior secret?" Huangfu looked like a joke and looked at Qi Ruoshui. "Her talent is higher than you, and those medical books are almost impossible." Forget, not only that, she is working harder than you, this is the secret you suspect."

"Impossible!" Qi Ruoshui called, she absolutely does not believe who else's talent is better than her.

Huangfu looked at her with pity. "Then you go to find your secret."

Qi Ruoshui took a deep breath, she did not believe who could do so against the sky, Lu Yan let her completely invisible.



Xiazhou, military camp.

"The emperor, the letter sent from the East Qingguo." Wang Hao shouted, rushing in from the outside.

Murong Chong nodded to the neighboring tower and took the letter from Wang Hao.

The letter was Ye Yiqing personally replied. He already knew that Ye Hao was taken to Xiliang. So Mo Rongzhan proposed to borrow the road. He not only persuaded Li Wei to agree, but also decided to personally bring troops to attack Xiliang.

If Qi Ruoshui knows that Ye Yiqing is a woman who loves her daughter, she will certainly not make such a stupid thing.

“Ready to go to Qingzhou.” Murong Chan said to the tower, “Everything follows the orders of Ye Daren.”

The tower was stunned. "Ye Daren? Emperor, Ye Daren also wants to go to Qingzhou?"

"Yes." Murong Chan smiled, he knew that Ye Yiqing would be such a reaction after receiving his superstition.

No one in this world can harm Ye Yiqing’s daughter, whether he or anyone else.

"Yes, the emperor." Xiaolou grinned, but he heard a lot about Ye Yiqing's deeds, and finally had the opportunity to meet the famous big-name adult.

Murong Chan pinched the letter in his hand and asked Wang Hao, "Can there be news from the wasteland?"

"Back to the emperor, there is no news yet." Wang Hao said.

Although Lu Yizhi has returned to the Xiliang military camp, but now Cui Yang has gone to support Ye Xiaonan, there should be no problem in the wilderness.

"Commanded to go down and attacked Beiming three days later." Murong Zhan ordered.

Waiting for the squatter to leave Xiazhou, he will concentrate on attacking the North Ming State. As long as he starts to fight, what will be the way to deal with Wan Ziliang in the wilderness? Will you retreat from the wasteland?

There is a condensation in the ink, and he will definitely level the North and the West!

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