Qi Ruoshui let the drug boy come over to help Ye Hao, in order to know what secret Ye Hao had when he treated Yan Xi, she did not believe that Lu Hao was just a unique wild head before returning to Kyoto. After arriving in Kyoto. It has become a personal experience not only for medical skills and talents, but also for her parents. She is not Ye Yiqing watching her grow up.

Already one day passed, the two drug children still did not see the same. Although Yan Yanxi did not wake up, but did not die, it seems that the color is getting better and better, and should wake up soon.

Qi Ruoshui came to the courtyard where Ye Hao lived. She was the witch king of the priest's house. She entered and left the freedom everywhere, so she came to the door and no one told me about Ye Hao.

"Mother, he is not dying, has not been awake for so long." Jin Shanshan frowned and looked at Yan Yanxi, who was still lying on the bed, and she did not want this person to die.

Ye Hao is replacing Yan Xi with the pulse, the pulse is much better than before, and she should wake up soon. She believes that the role of Lingquan, if it is not the priestly palace, she will definitely take out the medicine in the space. But no, she already felt that Qi Ruoshui was suspicious of her. She could not let Qi Ruoshui discover her secrets.

"Give him some porridge water." Ye Hao told the medicine boy next to him.

The drug boy said, "He is no different from the dead, but he still feeds him to eat?"

Ye Hao looked at him coldly. "He is still alive. I will do whatever you want."

"Yes." The drug boy looked at Ye Xie with a dissatisfied look. He thought that he would not be a prisoner. He would die in the hands of the Witch King sooner or later, and he would dare to arrogate in front of them.

Jin Shanshan supported Ye Hao’s hand and stood up. “Are we waiting?”

Ye Hao whispered, "As long as there is a turn for the better, I will always wake up."

They walked out of the room, and Qi Ruoshui, who had been standing outside, had left. Ye Hao stood in the courtyard and looked at the blue sky. "I don't know what the wasteland is now."

I don't know how much it is that Murong Chan is now uncomfortable.

"Oh..." Huangfu came over from the outside.

Ye Hao smiled at him, "Master."

Huangfu looked at Jin Shanshan and whispered, "Azhan personally took the soldiers to attack the North Ming State in Xiazhou. The generals were ordered to cross the city to reach Qingzhou, and the Ye Daren joined forces to attack the western part of Xiliang..."

"Anniling!" Jin Shanshan looked at Ye Hao with great joy.

Ye Hao looked up at Huangfu, "Master, how did you know?"

"There is a rush to leave in the water, it has always been related to this matter." Huangfu said.

"You are also under house arrest in the priest's house. How do you know what's going on outside?" Ye Hao ignored the answer from the imperial concubine and continued to ask him.

Huangfu sighed and looked at Jin Shanshan with a faint look.

"Anniling, I went to see Yan Xi." Jin Shanshan whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at Huangfu on the side and waited for his explanation.

The emerald color is gentle and gentle, looking at her white face and her face, her eyes are bright and clear. She used to look at him like this, but at that time, she was full of trust in him, but now she has no trust.

"Hey, are you worried that Qi Ruoshui will persuade me?" Huangfu whispered.

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "No, I know that Master is not interested in this."

What are you worried about, what are you afraid of? Huangfu asked in his heart.

"I said that there are no descendants of the imperial dynasty in this world, but the emperor's family still exists. Qi Ruoshui caught me. It is nothing more than trying to use the name of the emperor's family. She is very clear that the so-called hidden forces have long been known. It doesn't exist, for so many years, even if there are those who are descendants, no one still trains every day like in the military camp. They are just ordinary people, some live in Niujia Village, some leave Niujia Village, Qi Ruoshui just wants I want to use my support for those who are scattered all over the world and have a little bit of nostalgia for the old dynasty." Huangfu whispered, "She wants the world to be chaotic, thinking that she can win in the chaos."

Ye Hao listened silently, she knew that Huangfu had not finished.

"Huangfu's family...not only I left Niujiacun, they knew that I was under the house arrest, so I would find a way to contact me." Huangfu said.

"They have sneaked into the priest's house?" Ye Hao looked around and asked, pressing down.

Huangfu chuckled. "The priests are so easy to sneak into. At the time of the palace, they only saw me. All they can do is pass on the news to me."

Ye Hao didn't know how he contacted others in the palace under the eyes of Qi Ruoshui. She asked questioningly, "So... how are they going to save you?"

"Qi Ruo water wants to force them to appear, she does not dare to hurt my life, this priest is also good, live for a few more days." Huangfu said with a smile.

"You want to wait for Qi Ruoshui to believe that the Huangfu family has not existed for a long time. I want her to die." Ye Hao understood the plan of Huangfu.

How can Qi Ruoshui easily die, if she will die, she will not catch her.

Huangfu said, "She will understand one day that the emperor will leave his legacy not to revive the old dynasty, but to avenge her."

"What?" Ye Hao lived, what does this have to do with Huangfu?

"Qi Ruoshui is doing everything related to my uncle's last wish before his death. My uncle...has never been an ambitious person. Therefore, leaving such a will is to torture Qi Ruoshui." Huangfu said that he I know that Huangfu is embarrassed, so I understand what he really wants to do.

Ye Hao shook his head. "I don't understand, Huangfu is not her... her father?"

"After Qi Ruoshui was taken to the priest's house, there must have been things that we didn't know, otherwise the emperor wouldn't be like this to her." Huangfu said that if the emperor squats and hangs on the water, he should find a way. Let her be carefree for the rest of her life, not to be a ridiculous dream.

Ye Hao is not interested in the past, "What is the current situation in Qingzhou and Xiazhou?"

"It is not clear, if there is news, I will tell you." Huangfu said.

"Okay." Ye Hao gently nodded, knowing that these are already good, and Murong Zhan and Yan together shot, Qi Ruoshui can not have a chance of winning.

"Anniling!" Jin Shanshan ran out from the inside with excitement. "Wan Yanxi wakes up!"

Ye Hao’s eyes lit up and finally woke up.

The emperor's face flashed a bit of a strange, he looked at Ye Hao, she actually saved the return of Yan Xi.

"Master, I am going to take a look at it." Ye Hao said, turned and went to the house.

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