Wasteland, Xiliang military camp.

"The emperor of the Jin State actually attacked the North Ming State in Xiazhou!" A middle-aged man walked back and forth in the camp. He had a pair of thick black eyebrows and his eyebrows were almost together. He could see that he was a grumpy person.

"This is Murong Zhan." Lu Yan said faintly, Qi Ruoshui grabbed Ye Hao, and Murong Chan was definitely unable to sit in Kyoto. He estimated that he could not wait for Xiliang to level.

However, he did not expect that Murong Zhan did not lead troops to Qingzhou, but in Xiazhou.

What does Mo Rongzhan choose to attack Beiming Country? He did not want to go to Xiliang to save Ye Hao, but went to Xiazhou. Lu Yizhi did not understand what Murong Chan wanted to do.

"Wan Ziliang is on our side. If you don't have him, we must not beat Ye Xiaonan." Chu said in a low voice. "Fan Ludo's idiot didn't know how to fight."

"Northern Ming Dynasty is not only a general of Wanziliang." Lu Yizhi said softly, "Under the circumstances, the North Ming Kingdom only took 10,000 soldiers to the wasteland this time. What do you think is the real strength of the North Ming Kingdom?"

Chu turned his head and looked at Lu Yuzhi. "You mean... is this the result that Wan Ziliang had already expected?"

Lu Yanzhi looked outside and said, "Why do you think Beiming should join forces with Xiliang to attack Jinguo?"

"I want to win the Jinguo in one fell swoop." Chu said that he once knew the ambition of the emperor of the North Ming Dynasty. He had the meaning of levying Jinguo many years ago. Initiating war, the North Ming Kingdom cannot be indifferent.

"Wan Ziliang is a good idea to fight, and we are joining hands to drag the Jinguo here, let Jinguo think that the general of the North Ming Kingdom is in the wilderness. If there is no guess, the 200,000 troops of the North Ming Kingdom are Waiting for Murong Zhan." Lu Yan's faint smile.

Chu is away from the eyes, 200,000 troops? "Northern Congress condemns the power of the whole country to attack Xiazhou?"

Lu Yi’s whispered, “It’s not about attacking Xiazhou, it’s going to kill Murong Zhan, and there are those around him who are threatening to the North Ming State.”

"You mean, those people around Murong Zhan?" Chu asked.

"In the beginning, Murong Chong could fight in the battlefield with invincibility, and these people can't get away with it. As long as they are next to Murong Zhan, the ink country of Mo Rongzhan will stand up, Wang Hao, Sima Yi, Cheng Zemao. Wang Qu... including Tang Yin and Lou Lou, they are the confidants of Murong Zhan.” Lu Yi thinks of life with these people in the sand, the twilight sinks slightly.

Chu smiled. "You still said that there is one person missing, and you Lu Yizhi. If you are in Jinguo, Murong Chan will have more generals."

Lu Yan looked at him coldly. "You have to be here, I have to go to Donglai."

"What are you going to Donglai?" Chu asked.

"When you go to Qingzhou, you must fight against Donglai. I have to go to Donglai. If you can't stop the tower, it will affect the wasteland." Lu Yanzhi said that he can't let anyone have a chance to get from the west. The cool leaves will be taken away.

Chu cried out, "You have to say something to the Witch King."

"It’s too late to say to the Witch King." Lu Yan said, "I will let people tell the Witch King on the road."

"If we can't annihilate Jin Guo this time..." Chu looked at Lu Yuzhi seriously. "That is cool."

Lu Yizhi nodded, "I know."



Murong Zhan stood on the wall of Xiazhou, and looked coldly at the front.

"The emperor, there is the Anhe city in the northern Ming Dynasty." Wang Hao stood behind the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, pointing to the looming city gate in the distance.

Anhe City is the border of the North Ming State. It is separated from Xiazhou by a desert. A year ago, Xiazhou was still in the North Ming State. It is now a Jinguo.

"Wan Ziliang has only 10,000 soldiers in the wilderness." Murong Zhan said softly, the tone is very calm.

Wang Hao did not speak, and there were subtle footsteps coming from the stairs. It was the other two confidants of Mo Rongzhan, Sima Yi and Wang Qu.

"The emperor." They came to the front of Murong Zhan and gave a gift. "Anhe City has heard news from there. There are 200,000 troops in the North Ming Kingdom coming over here."

"200,000?" Wang Hao screamed, "We only have 50,000!"

Wang Qu glanced at him. "Are you afraid?"

"What is Laozi afraid of?" Wang Hao shouted without anger.

"You Laozi is my father." Wang Qu snorted.

Murong Chan swept a sharp eye, and they immediately snorted and did not dare to argue.

Sima Yi whispered, "The emperor, this is probably a bureau of Wan Ziliang."

"Oh, I know." Murong Chan looked cold and cold. When he knew that Wan Ziliang went to the wasteland, he thought that this was a game he was dealing with in Jinguo. If he did not bring troops to Xiazhou, the North of the Ming Dynasty The strength of the troops will level Xiazhou until the city closes.

He guessed this game, but did not expect the North Ming Congress to put all the troops here. It seems that the North Hall is a must for the Jin State.

"What is afraid of 200,000, don't forget that we used to fight back 100,000 troops with 20,000 troops." Wang said.

Wang Hao nodded. "Yeah, the emperor, 200,000 is 200,000, we may not lose."

Sima Yi asked, "Imperial, do you want to let the tower come back?"

Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "No, what is necessary is that he has broken into the Xiliang. We only need to drag the 200,000 troops of the North Ming State."

As long as the 200,000 troops were dragged, the North Ming State could not send troops to support Xiliang. He only hoped that Ye Yiqing could rescue Ye Hao.

"The emperor, or else... you should go back to Kyoto first, there are us here, we will definitely try our best to drag the army of the North Ming State." Wang Hao whispered.

"If you are not here, these 200,000 people will not move." Murong Cum said softly.

Beitang is trying to kill him.

"The emperor, what do we do now?" Sima Yi asked.

"Meng General has gone to the various places to transfer troops. We only need to drag the 200,000-strong army and wait until the generals of Mongolian generals come." Murong Zhan’s voice said coldly.

Sima Yi said, "The emperor will eventually lead troops to attack Ande City tomorrow."

"This time I can't fight the front of the North Ming Kingdom." Murong Chan's fingers gently tapped on the wall, "Sima Yi, Wang Hao!"

"The end will be!" The two immediately shrugged.

Inklessly said, "You each bring five thousand soldiers from the northwest to the rear in two directions, waiting for the arrival of 200,000 troops, 200,000 troops, they need a lot of grain, and find ways to break them. Grain bank."

"Yes, the emperor." Sima Yi and Wang Hao led the death.

At this time, the tower should be merged with Qingzhou and Ye Yiqing, but I don’t know... What happened to Xiliang in Xiliang today.

Huangfu and Murong Yu are both in the cold, they should protect her.

He is jealous, he misses her very much.

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