Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 919: Dive into the dive

Ye Hao had known that Qi Ruoshui was suspecting her, but what about it? She still cured Yan Xi, and Qi Ruoshui could no longer ask for his life.

She crossed the water and walked into the room.

The emotions of Wan Yanxi are very excited. He hates Qi Ruoshui in hatred. If he is too weak and is shackled by two pharmacy children, he must go out and kill Qi Ruo.

"You are coming." Huangfu nodded to Ye Hao. "His mind is not very clear, but the body is no longer a problem."

Ye Hao looked at him gratefully. "Thank you, Master."

Huangfu smiled lightly and knew that Ye Hao had a lot of words to ask Yan Xi. He called the two pharmacy and the maid to leave here, leaving only Ye Hao and Jin Shanshan.

When Wan Yanxi saw Ye Hao, he was no longer struggling. What he saw yesterday was not an illusion. The Queen of the Kingdom of Korea was really in the priesthood. What happened?

"The big prince, are you okay?" Ye Hao sat down next to him and looked up at Yan Xi. "I took you out of the palace that day. You didn't come to Xishuang to find you." Falling like this?"

"You..." Finished Yan Xi’s look at Ye Hao, still not responding.

Ye Hao knew what he was wondering, and whispered, "I was brought to the west by Qi Ruo water, and now she is under house arrest in the priest's house."

Yan Yanxi rounded his eyes. "How... how?"

"Don't say me, how did you make this?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, and then saw the meat porridge next to it, I haven't touched it. "You drink the porridge first."

Probably because of the relationship with the acquaintances, the emotions of Wan Yanxi have stabilized. He took the meat porridge silently and took a whole bowl of food. He took a breath. "I thought I was dead. ""

Jin Shanshan said, "If our Niangnius saved you, you are indeed dead."

Wan Yanxi looked at Ye Hao and said, "I...had almost succeeded."

"What is it successful?" Ye Hao asked.

"General Ye made people send me to Xiliang. I found the embarrassment. We originally intended to force the father to abdicate. The palace has been controlled by the embarrassment. At the last moment, he and Ado are missing. I know they must be I was killed by Qi Ruoshui. When I wanted to withdraw from the palace, it was too late. The ministers and soldiers who promised to return to me were all reversed. I was arrested and went to Qi Ruoshui. She had already bought it. The people, now and Ado are not known, I was locked in the prison of the palace, thinking that it must be dead, I did not expect you will save me." Wan Yanxi said.

Ye Hao said, "Qi Ruoshui must have controlled the entire palace long ago. You and you are all self-investing in the net."

Wan Yanxi bowed her head and smiled bitterly. "She not only controlled the entire palace, but even my father and the king listened to her. Before, my father was not like this..."

"You are still alive now, don't be too impulsive, first raise your body." Ye Hao said softly, but he was thinking about Yan Yan's embarrassment. If he and Ado were not killed by Qi Ruo, then Should be still in a corner of the capital, if you know that Yan Xi is here, will you find a way to save him?

"Queen Empress, how are you brought to the West Liang by Qi Ruo water?" End Yan Xi asked in confusion, he remembered that the Emperor of the Kingdom of Korea was very fond of the Queen, how could he let Qi Ruoshui have a chance to approach her?

Ye Hao did not say too detailedly, but simply said, "Qi Ruoshui was originally a Jin Guoren. She personally went to Jinguo to bring me here, also in order to threaten my Master."

Finished Yan Xi, hey, "Your Master?"

"Mr. Huangfu." Jin Shanshan said.

"Do you have any connection with you?" Ye Hao asked.

Wan Yanxi said, "Even if I can contact me, he is afraid that he will not be able to save me from here. This is the priest's house."

This priest's house is in their eyes a wall of copper.

"I know, you should raise your body first, and we will talk about it in the future." Ye Hao said, "Yes, you are the great prince of Xiliang. Why do the ministers do not support you, but instead support Qi Ruoshui?"

Isn't that strange? Qi Ruoshui is not a Xiliang person, but also a woman. He remembers that the status of Xiliang women is not very high.

Wan Yanxi said, "After Qi Ruoshui killed my mother, I pushed the charges to me. No one knows that I am being detained."

Ye Hao suspiciously, "Don't even have a minister who trusts you?"

"But whoever is arguing for me, I believe that the minister who was framed has been framed, and even I am also guilty of being blamed for the sake of Qi Ruo, if I am not entrenched in the West, I am afraid that I will be The water is dead." Wan Yanxi said with hatred, "However, as long as I don't die, someone will believe me, I will find a way to contact me."

"Okay." Ye Hao nodded lightly. After seeing Yan Xi's face, it was a little white. "You take a good rest, I will let you cook the medicine. You should raise your body first."

"Thank you for the Queen Empress." Wan Yanxi said gratefully that his life was saved by her.



Jin Wuxi fell, the two patrol guards of the priest's palace chilled to the street stalls, ordered a few side dishes and a bowl of beef noodles, ate a big mouth, and the booth owner smiled and gave them a pot. The wine, both of them drank the wine, and the small dish also ate a drop, which was enough to leave the noodle stall.

A pot of wine is not enough to make them drunk, but the whole body is too warm and comfortable, thinking that if a woman is in her arms, it will be fine.

Tonight is their night, go back and sleep, and wait until the middle of the month they will start patrolling.

The two whispered vulgar jokes and said that while they were laughing loudly and ready to turn around the street, they suddenly turned black.

"There is a black skull on this man's face. Should you put the black scorpion on?" In the corner, two long-haired men are changing clothes. They are wearing the clothes of the priest's house guards, but the sound sounds like Different.

"Go." Another person said faintly.

These two people are not others, it is Murong Yu and Fujisaki who have been outside the priest's house for a few days.

"In fact, even if we don't go to the priest's house, Qi Ruoshui still has to release Lu Hao." Fujimori said, "Ye Yiqing personally took the soldiers to attack the Xiliang, unless the North Ming Kingdom is willing to send troops to help, otherwise Xiliang can have no chance of winning. ""

Murong, who has become a guard, looked at him faintly. "The emperor is in the priest's house, if the rumors of the old dynasty really exist..."

Fujisaki rounded his eyes. "That is really troublesome."

"Save the scorpion first and say it again." Murong sighed and said.

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