Ye Hao walked out of the house with Jin Shanshan, and was about to return to her room. A maid came over and said that it was the Witch King.

This is the first time she walked into the place where Qi Ruoshui lived. From the outside, the hall was mysterious and majestic. When I came in, I found that it was overcast and there was a horrible feeling of infiltration.

"The Queen of the Queensland is coming."

When Ye Hao was just entering the hall, he heard the nameless voice ringing low.

In addition to the emperor and Qi Ruoshui in the hall, there is an old and weird old woman sitting on the side of the Taishi chair. She is wearing a black mane and her face is full of wrinkles. It seems that only the eyeballs can move.

Qi Ruo water gestures lazily on the throne just above, the seat is not known to be made of what, the armrests on both sides are fiercely Xiliang gods, behind a witch who grows his mouth and reveals his teeth. The image of Qi Ruo Shui's soft and beautiful beauty is a strong contrast.

"Huangfu, I don't have time to spend with you, she or Huangfu dynasty, you choose." Qi Ruoshui's voice sounds lazy and idle, but the eyes are cold, just before, she received Donglai According to the news from the side, Ye Yiqing also led the troops to attack the Xiliang. Donglai could not resist it. If they did not send troops to support, they would soon take Donglai’s attack.

"There has been no emperor dynasty, why don't you believe it?" Huangfu sighed. "Qi Ruoshui, you were deceived by the emperor."

Qi Ruoshui looked at Ye Hao coldly. "So, you don't care about Lu Hao's life and death."

"No, I can't let her suffer a bit of damage." Huangfu whispered, "You suddenly have no patience, is it because of the things in Donglai?"

"Since you know, you are very clear about what I want." Qi Ruoshui said.

Huangfu sighed and said, "What you want is something that exists in nothingness. You could have lived a more peaceful and comfortable life. You don't have to worry about who Xiliang will lose. For many years, Xiliang has not been enemies with any country. If it weren't for you, there would be no war in the wilderness, and there would be no war in Donglai."

"People are deceived by people, and even if Xiliang does nothing, Wan Ziliang did not take away our two cities last year?" Qi Ruoshui said coldly, "There are only strong people in this world to survive, you are the emperor's family." The orthodox heir, once the emperor repaired the world, the whole world is the emperor's family, such as today's next five points, maybe soon after the world is chaos, you can make the world peaceful, you have such power has this ability, but you But do nothing, do you look at the chaos in the world, and the people are satisfied with the bones?"

Huangfu said, "Even if it is a chaos in the world, it is also caused by you. If there is an old dynasty, why didn't you tell me why? Why didn't you use the power of the old dynasty to get what he wanted."

"He told me." Qi Ruoshui said quietly.

Huangfu looked at her with pity. "After you are taken to the priest's house, the relationship with you is definitely bad. If I didn't guess wrong, he should hate you."

Qi Ruoshui’s face changed slightly. “What do you want to say?”

Seeing the change in her face, Huangfu knew that her guess was correct.

"I am not an ambitious person, or he will not be with the old witch king for so many years in the priest's house." Huangfu looked at the old woman with the wilted look. "Do you hate the old witch king?" ”

Ye Hao looked at the old woman differently. "What is she?"

Qi Ruoshui blinked slightly, and she sat up straight. "Huang, you want to say, you cheated on me?"

"You lied to him, let him spend the rest of his life in pain, how can he let you go easily." Huangfu said, "He gave you a ridiculous dream before dying, you really intend to I can't sleep in my dreams."

"You said that his will is fake, and the old dynasty he said is also fake?" Qi Ruoshui laughed, if all is fake, then what she has done for so many years is just a joke? No, she doesn't believe it is fake.

Huangfu said, "It is fake."

Qi Ruoshui smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if it's fake. Even if there is no power of the old dynasty, the name of Huangfu is still very useful. What you don't want to do can be done by others. Huangfu, he is also the old man of the Emperor's dynasty. As long as you have a word from Mr. Huangfu, I believe that there are many people who support him in the world, right? Ah Chen?"

Ye Hao, who has been listening to it quietly, looked at the past. Just now, Huangfu’s words, she thought that Qi Ruoshui was only tempted by the imperial concubine, so she only had the ambition she should not have, and then heard her. Ye Hao understands that even if there is no imperial concubine, Qi Ruoshui is a woman who is unwilling to be lonely. She will still stir up the situation in Xiliang, or she will get everything she wants without any means.

Qi Ruoshui is simply a madman.

Ye Hao looked at it, but the legendary old Witch King has never said a word so far. It seems that he is not talking.

"Only you can prove the blood of your nephew. I know someone is secretly contacting you, spreading the identity of the nephew, letting everyone know that he is a descendant of the emperor's family, a descendant of your emperor, if you still want Continue to delay the time, tomorrow I will personally put a bowl of red flowers into the mouth of Lu Hao." Qi Ruoshui said coldly, "I said to do it, do not believe you can try."

Huangfu looked at her angrily, "Qi Ruoshui!"

"You can go, you only have three days, tomorrow will not agree, Lu Yan will lose the child, the next day I will cut off her hands and feet, the third day ... you can only accept her corpse. Qi Ruo water said coldly.

"I promise you." Huangfu did not want to answer, "I promise you, can you send her back?"

Qi Ruoshui laughed. "When you do it, she naturally does not need to stay in the priest's house."

"Good." Huangfu nodded and turned to look at Ye Hao.

“Have she been here?” Ye Hao’s attention was on her body. She did not turn and left, but she pointed to Qi Ruoshui.

Qi Ruoshui smiled coldly. "What is it?"

"She has been running out of the light, you don't let her lie down and rest, let her go naturally, so torture her, what are you doing?" Ye Hao asked, she is not a sly daughter? What hatred makes her want to treat it like this.

"Lu Yan, I don't kill you, it doesn't mean you can do more business." Qi Ruo water said coldly.

"You are retaliating, because the person who loves you is her." Ye Hao whispered, "You are terrible."


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