Qingzhou, military camp.

"Ye Daren, I heard that you ordered the next day to attack the city?" The tower went in from the outside and looked at Ye Yiqing, who was facing him.

Ye Yiqing is watching the entire map of Xiliang, and he heard the question of the tower, he just nodded. "Yes, tomorrow, attack the city."

A big smile was opened on the face of the tower. "The gate of Donglai is still hung with a flag."

"Since the war that Xiliang provoked, the flag of the war-free flag has no meaning at all." Ye Yiqing turned back, and Sven's face was with a cold smile.

"No, I think so too. The old men in Qingzhou still said that the war-free flag is a rule. Going to his rules, they are all fighting and talking about rules." Xiaolou said with a smile, Xiliang is fart. The country also dared to fight with the Jin State, not to beat them down and to treat them as cats.

Ye Yiqing doesn't think so much like the tower. He wants to save the city at the fastest speed. He doesn't want to waste his time here. He knows that his daughter was taken away by the Xiliang Wuwang. He had only one thought at the time.揍 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容 容

"I heard that there are 200,000 troops on the side of Anhe City." Ye Yiqing whispered.

The smile on the face of the tower was a little stiff. "Yes, I have already heard that the North Ming Kingdom has concentrated all its forces in Anhe City."

"It seems that I knew that your emperor would go to Xiazhou." Ye Yiqing said, he looked down at the map on the table. This is a big picture of the whole world. Now, apart from Qi, the other four countries have already started fighting. It’s not far from the chaos in the world.

"Wan Ziliang is in the wasteland." Xiaolou said, "What do you want to do in Beiming?"

Ye Yiqing was quiet and silent for a moment. "There are 50,000 soldiers in Jinguo, and there are 200,000 in Beiming... Who do you think is better?"

Diaolou wants to say that their emperor is invincible, but the disparity between 50,000 and 200,000 is too great. He can’t say confidently at all. "As long as you can drag some time, Jin’s reinforcements arrive in Xiazhou. The North Ming Kingdom will be defeated."

"That depends on whether Murong Zhan can not be able to survive." Ye Yiqing whispered that he did not look down on Murong Zhan, nor did he expect too much. After all, the gap between 50,000 and 200,000 is indeed too great.

"Ye Daren, can we attack Donglai tomorrow?" asked the tower.

Ye Yiqing looked sharply at the tower, "you must take down Donglai."



Xiazhou, the war is in full swing.

The wounded soldier was carried back to Xiazhou City. The black armor of Murong Zhan was stained with blood. Even he did not know whether he was himself or someone else.

"The emperor, the grain bank of the North Ming State was burned by us. They will not play again for at least five days." Wang Hao ran from the other side and gasped and said to Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan nodded, "doing well!"

He asked Sima Yi to take troops to intercept the grain bank of the Northern Ming Dynasty army, in order to delay the time. Today, he took tens of thousands of soldiers to fight with 200,000 troops. Although he lost 5,000 soldiers, he was at least Beiming. The country is still retreating.

The reason for the retreat of the Northern Ming Dynasty is also very simple. Because of the news that the grain bank was intercepted, it was thought that Jin Guo sent troops to attack from the rear, so he hurried back to defense.

In the intentional creation of Murong Cham, the head coach of Anhe City did not know the actual strength of Xiazhou. He thought that the army of Jinguo was here, so he did not dare to fight in the end, directly attacking Xiazhou. I am afraid of the trap of Murong Cham.

"Reorganize the team and count the number of people." Murong Zhan said to Wang Hao, "I will treat the soldiers today."

Wang Xiao smiled. "Thank you for the emperor."

Murong Chong returned to the temporary handsome house. He just walked into the house. Fu Gonggong had already greeted him. "The emperor, quickly wipe the face with a hot towel."

“Yeah.” Murong Zhan took the hot towel from Fu Gonggong and applied it directly to his face. The heat made his frozen skin warm.

"Emperor." Wu Chong ran over and made a gift to Murong Cham.

"Is there any news in Xiliang?" Murong Zhan took the towel and slammed it toward Wu Chong.

When Wu Chong was in Kyoto, he was injured by an unknown name. His injury was not as heavy as Xue Lin. When he was able to move around, he came to Murong Zhan to listen to the bad things.

"The emperor, the news sent back from the wasteland, Lu Yizhi left the military camp and rushed to Donglai." Wu Chong said, "Xiliang only passed back to the Queen's Mother to go to the palace, and was kept in jail. Wan Yanxi brought back to the priest's house."

Murong Zhan nodded faintly, let Fu Gonggong come over and remove the armor for him. At least he knew that Ye Hao is safe now. There is Huangfu in the priest's house. Qi Ruoshui dare not treat her. "When Yan Yan died?"

Wu Chong said, "It seems... was saved by the girl."

"Is there any news about the sinking?" asked Murong Cham.

"Not yet." Wu Chong said.

Ink Murray's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and the sinking people have been chasing the traces of Ye Hao. The red dragonfly and the donkey are also rushing to Xiliang to meet him. How come there is no news?

"Oh, I know, let's go." Murong Zhan whispered, and then thought of Lu's things, "don't care about Lu Yizhi, let him go to Donglai."

Qingzhou has Ye Yiqing, he will never let Lu Yizhi.

He failed to go to Xiliang to save Ye Xie himself. He must resist the 200,000 troops in the North Ming State here. Now he only hopes that Ye Yiqing can attack Donglai as soon as possible.

Donglai is easy to defend, but it is still the most important level of Xiliang. As long as you win Donglai, it is much easier to take the Xiliang King.

As for the difference between them, it is necessary to say that it is cool to the west.

He and Hung Hom were ordered to feel the convergence of Qingzhou and Shen, and they then sneaked into Donglai afterwards, and rushed to the king all the way. It was only after the priest’s temple that they found it difficult to save people. They had to find ways to wait around the priest’s house. Yes, even if they can enter the priest's house, they can only worship the witch **** in the front hall.

They waited for a long time, and finally they were able to become the maids of the priestly temple. They had not waited for them to find the empress, but the priestly temple suddenly caught fire.

"Hung Hom, you see no, that person is like a gold girl!" He said, holding the red hand.

"It's her!" Hung Hom looked at the woman who was running to the side, and saw that she was the Jin Shanshan she had seen before.

He said, "How is she here? Now that the priests are in chaos, we must hurry to find the goddess. Maybe the girl knows the whereabouts of the goddess."

Hung Hom saw that there was a chase behind Jin Shanshan. She said, "I will lead those people. You will save the Golden Girl first."

"Good!" He nodded. "Shen Daren doesn't know where he is. He should be looking for a goddess."

"Be careful, don't let people discover our identity." Hung Ho said.

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