The sky in the east floated a white belly, and a carriage slammed from the darkness to the dawn.

Song Yu concentrated on driving, he must send Lu Hao to Qingzhou in the fastest time, this is the main thing the cabinet does, he can no longer let the owner disappointed.

Inside the carriage, Ye Hao was sweating. She leaned against the wall of the car and bitter her teeth. She felt uncomfortable all over her body. It seemed like something was biting, but her pulse was normal, and even the pulse of the fetus was good. This feeling like poisoning...

Ye Hao breathed in a hurry. She knew that she was poisoned when she was in the priest's house. Qi Ruoshui was poisoned by her!

She doesn't know what kind of anti-drug she is, she doesn't even know what method to use to detoxify. Is she going to die?

"Be calm! Calm!" Ye Hao closed her eyes. She had read the book about poisoning, and she could know what was wrong with her.

Ye Hao’s hands poured out Lingquan, and she swallowed a few mouthfuls in her mouth before she felt the pain in her body eased.

Damn Qi Ruoshui! Ye Hao cursed in her heart, if her child had any accidents, she would not let go of Qi Ruoshui, absolutely not!

"We have to rest in front of me for a while tonight. I have to change a horse. You can rest assured that it is the place where our people are prepared and will not be discovered." Song said outside, "The carriage is ready. Dry food and water, you can eat a little."

"Thank you." Ye Hao whispered.

She took out a food box from the cupboard under the couch. It was not only dry food, but also delicate pastry. She ate two pieces and drank two glasses of water. It didn’t take long to sleep on the couch. It is.

Song Yu, who was driving, was thinking about biting a big cake. If the owner came out of the priest's house this time, would Lu Hao be moved to see him? It is a pity that she is already a queen. What if she ran away with the owner?

Song smiled and looked forward to the future of life.

It should be quite exciting.

Ye Hao in the carriage is immersed in his dreams.

She didn't know how she would come into the space. This is the first time she dreamed of coming here. Usually she was consciously able to enter the space of knowing the sea.

Suddenly, a colorful insect with a finger appeared in front of her. She felt a chill in her body. She stepped back a few steps and stared at the worm. She found that the worm was slowly growing up.

This is not a bug.

It is a snake! Ye Hao watched with horror as the colorful worm grew longer and the tongue was almost as big as her fist.

Yin snake 蛊...

Ye Xie remembered the books she had read about scorpion venom. This kind of snake, the size of a worm, is called a yin snake. This snake egg has been taken and practiced when it has not been born. It will only hatch when it enters the human stomach, and then grows in the human body. If you take the antidote every day, you can suppress its growth rate in the body. If not... it will grow very fast, and finally you will eat it. .

Is this Yin snake a poison in her body? When Qi Ruoshui was kneeling at her.

The yin snake spit out a bright red snake letter, and a pair of eyes stared at Ye Hao in a sinister manner.

Ye Hao had cold sweat all over his body, and he took a few steps back.

If this is the yin snake in her body, she really does not know if there is any way to detoxify. Is Lingquan useful? In the event that Lingquan nourishes the growth of Yinshen?

The more she wants, the more she is afraid.

Suddenly, the Yin snake jumped up and opened her mouth to her.

Ye Hao screamed, and suddenly a phoenix came, and the dazzling flame ignited behind her. She saw the phoenix that had been disdainful to see her, biting the squirrel, and swallowed it a few times. in.

After the phoenix finished eating, he still had a fullness. He bowed his head and licked his own wings. He looked at Ye Hao lazily and flew away.

"..." Ye Hao looked blank, she felt that she seemed useless in the eyes of the phoenix?

"Queen Empress, Queen Empress."

Ye Hao heard someone calling her, and was shocked. She opened her eyes and saw Song Hao, who was driving, standing outside and calling her.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao slept a little and looked dizzy. Looking up, it was already dark outside.

Song Wei said, "We are here, first have a night here."

Ye Hao gently nodded, "OK, I know."

Their carriage was in the alley, next to a small house, and two people stood in front of the door. One of them was known by Ye Hao, and it was a thousand snow.

"Song Song, the owner of the house?" Qian Xue did not see Ye Hao, his eyes looked straight behind, thinking that Murong Yu had not come.

"The owner is still in the priest's house." Song said in a low voice. "First take the queen to rest, and we will have to hurry tomorrow."

Thousands of snow screamed, "What do you mean by this, what is the owner of the priest in the priest's house, is the owner not going to save this woman?"

Song Wei glanced at Ye Hao and whispered, "The vine has returned to save the owner. I don't know what happened."

"Then you should always know!" Qian Xueyan told Ye Hao, "Since our cabinet owner has not left, how come you are here?"

"Murong is trying to save me..." Ye Haoxiu was slightly embarrassed. "He was trapped in the priest's house to save me."

Thousands of snow screamed, "Lu Yan, you are a good person, why don't you die!"

Song Hao hurriedly blocked in front of Ye Hao, frowning at Qian Xue. "Thousands of snow, she is the sweetheart of the owner, you must not do stupid things."

If a thousand snow dare to hurt Lu Yi a hair, he thinks that the owner will definitely kill thousands of snow.

When Ye Hao saw the reaction of Qian Xue, she realized that the person whom Qian Xue liked was Murong Yu. When she was in Kyoto, Murong Zhan imprisoned her in the palace. Actually, because of Murong Yu?

"I want to kill her." Qian Xue eyes reddened Ye Hao, she married this woman, obviously have been married to Murong Zhan, why can I still get Murong Yu's like, but also for her life is not careless What is good for Lu Hao? She pushed Song Song away, "Go away!"

"Thousands of snow..." Song screamed.

Ye Hao stepped back a few steps and saw a whip on the rut. He grabbed it and smashed it into the snow. He stalked her hand. "Kill me, do you think Murong will come back to you?"

Song Yu wants to stop Qian Xue, but he is blocked by the people behind Qian Xue. "This woman is a disaster star. With her day, the owner will die sooner or later."

Thousands of snow pulled the rope hard and sneered at Ye Hao. Today she must kill this woman.

"Even if you kill her, the owner will not look at you, why don't you understand?" Song screamed.

"Shut up!" Qian Xue shouted at Song Yu, took the sword from his waist with one hand, and cut off the whip in the hand of Ye Hao. "Go to hell, Lu Yan!"

Her sword was cut off on the leaf scorpion, and her face showed a smug smile.


Her sword was blocked and a man appeared in front of the leaf.

"Sinking?" Ye Hao exclaimed, but did not expect to see the difference here.

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