Xiliang, the palace.

Qi Ruoshui pushed the Xiliang Wang who was sleeping on her. She walked down from the bed. Her skin was smooth and white, and her posture was graceful. The palace lady at the door looked at it and couldn't help but blush.

She looked indifferently at the sleeping Xiliang Wang, and let the palace lady come over to serve her.

In order to let Xiliang Wang agree to extend the troops to Donglai, she put down her body and let Xiliang Wang approach. Now that the purpose has gone, she does not need to stay in the palace. There are still many things to ask her at the priesthood. Go to deal with it.

It was already dark outside, and Qi Ruoshui returned to the priest's house in the night.

The wolverines of the priest's house have been packed up. Someone has repaired the hall in the night, and Qi Ruoshui just swept away and went straight to the direction of the dungeon.

In the dungeon, Murong Yu was tied to a cross wooden frame. His body was already scarred. He stood on the side without a name and looked at him coldly.

"Where did your people take Lu Yan?" asked innocently.

Murong smiled. "I am locked up here, how do I know where she is."

"Mu Rongge is a man." Qi Ruoshui slowly walked down the stairs and looked at Murong Yu coldly. "Others may not know, but you absolutely know where Lu Hao is, if you don't want her." If you are killed by poison, it is best to send her back."

"Let her come back to be tortured by you? It is better to let her be bitten." Murong Yu saw Ye Hao's medical skills, and he firmly believed that she would be able to cure herself, so no matter what Qi Ruoshui said, he would not shake.

Qi Ruoshui sneered. "Are you not deeply affectionate about her? She is dead, can you get her?"

Murong looked at Qi Ruoshui with a smile and smiled. "When is the life of the sorcerer so tight to the Witch King? I don't think she is in your hands, can you order the world?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it." Qi Ruo water said faintly, "I will catch him sooner or later. As for you, I won't kill you, but you don't want to live a good life."

"Wu Wang will be very anxious at this time." Murong slammed his lips and smiled. The scars and blood on his face did not cover his handsome and clean temperament. Instead, he added a bit of evil charm. Rao is Qi Ruoshui, seeing this. Murong Yi felt that his heart was a glimpse.

But it is just a moment, now Qi Ruo Shui is more angry.

"No, I am not in a hurry." Qi Ruoshui laughed. "The person who is in a hurry is you, Lu Yuzhong is a yin snake. If you don't take the drug for one day, you will feel uncomfortable. If you don't take the medicine for three days, you will vomit blood, seven days. If you don't take the medicine, you will bleed seven times... Don't talk about the child in her stomach, even her life can't keep it, Murong Yu, is this what you want? She saved her from the priest's house but killed her, not as good as Not saving."

Murong looked at Qi Ruoshui with a stern look, saying nothing.

He didn't know if he was really poisonous, but he knew that he couldn't let him go to the priest's house again.

Qi Ruo water looked at him coldly and coldly, "Throw him into the wormhole, I will train you into a monk!"

"Yes." No name nodded nodding.

"Thousands of people in Luochao will definitely come to save him. Don't let them have the opportunity to take people away from the priest's house." Qi Ruo water said coldly to the nameless.

The nameless whisper should be.



Jin Shanshan escaped from the priest's house with chaos. She saw a carriage outside and stole the horse and ran out of the priest's house.

She didn't know if the queen could be saved, but she must return to the wasteland in the quickest time and tell Ye Xiaonan everything about the priest's house.

Fortunately, the guards of the entire king were transferred to the priest's house by Qi Ruoshui, and she could leave the city with a little cover.

She ran for two days and nights in one breath, until her horse was exhausted and stopped.

Jin Shanshan did not dare to tip the inn. In case there was a chasing soldier sent by Qi Ruoshui, she found a broken temple in the woods. She was still dark and went to find some wild vegetables in the woods. She also caught one. The pheasant, one person and one horse, rested in the temple for one night.

The cockroach who had been following Jin Shanshan came to the outside of the temple. She glanced back and determined that no one was ready to open the door.

Her hand just touched the door of the temple, and a gust of wind came on her face. She rushed back and forth, and the other party's speed was fast. She had already punched her.

"Golden girl, it is me!" hurriedly yelled.

Hearing the voice of the other party, Jin Shanshan, full of murderousness, hurriedly recovered his fist.

"Hey?" She looked at the woman in front of her eyes in amazement, recognizing that she was the palace lady before Lu Hao.

"It's me." He said immediately, "Golden girl, girl? We are looking for the goddess."

"I don't know if she is still in the priest's house now, you? Who else do you have?" Jin Shanshan pulled the squat into the temple. "Tonight, Murong and Qi Ruoshui got up, I ran out and didn't see it. Niangniang, Niangniang, I must tell the generals of the priests to General Ye, I am going to the wasteland."

He said, "Hung Hom and Shen Daren are still in the priest's house. I wonder if I can save the goddess."

"Qi Ruoshui will not kill the maiden for the time being, and Mr. Huangfu is still in the priest's house." Jin Shanshan said.

"Since the maiden is still in the priest's house, then I have to go back." He whispered, "Golden girl, now there is no news from the priest's house. You can go to the wasteland after two more levels. We will definitely rescue." Goddess."

Jin Shanshan frowned and said, "Are you not following me?"

"No, I have to go to the priest's house to inquire about the news." He said, knowing that she would be relieved to save her mother in addition to Murong. If the goddess was not saved the night before, I believe that Murong will go to the priesthood again. of.

As long as the priest's house is in chaos again, they can save the goddess.

Jin Shanshan said, "Then I will go back with you."

"No, Golden Girl, General Ye is still ignorant of the priest's temple. You must first go to the wasteland and tell Ye General all the things here." He said, "What's more, this is the command of the maiden, it must be useful. You are going to do this."

"That's good, you are all careful." Jin Shanshan whispered to him.

He took out a street sign from his arms. "This is the street sign for each level of Xiliang. The closer you are to the wasteland, the more you check it. You hold it."

Jin Shanshan did not politely with her, and took the road sign in her arms. "Good! I will definitely go to the wasteland and tell the generals of the priests everything."

"Then I will go back first, take care." He nodded to Jin Shanshan, she was going to find red and Shen, I wonder if they could save the goddess.

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