Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 931: As long as she is good

Huangfu lived in the priesthood for a while, and was familiar with the terrain here. Even if no one led the way, he could still find the location of the dungeon.

Anonymous has been silently behind him.

There were guards outside the dungeons. They looked at the nameless and saw him without instructions. So they did not stop the emperor.

Huangfu just walked down the stairs leading to the dungeon, and vaguely heard the screams of tears in the depths of the ground. He stepped forward and looked back at the nameless.

"Mr. Huang Wei is best not to continue to go, so as not to scare yourself." No name said.

The stairs were long, the lights on both sides were faint, and the surroundings were horrible. The emperor continued to walk down. The lights were getting brighter and brighter. He saw the whole dungeon. There were many people here, and those people were lying. In the corner, the eyes are empty and desperate.

There are no Murong in these people.

Huangfu remembered the scream that he had just heard.

"Murong?" He turned his head and looked at the nameless. "Where are you keeping him?"

"He has little to do with Mr. Huang Wei, why bother to care about his life and death." No name whispered.

"Oh ah..."

Another fierce scream sounded, and Huangfu looked at the innermost dark passage and immediately lifted his foot and walked over.

The nameless eyebrow wrinkles more tightly. Some of them don't understand this imperial concubine. They obviously have the opportunity to get the world. They prefer to be a leisurely person. The people of Qianluosha attack the priest's house. He has the opportunity to leave here, but he has the opportunity to leave here. Also chose to stay.

I really don't know what I am thinking.

Huangfu did not pay attention to the namelessness behind him. He walked to the end along the dark passage. There was nothing at the end. Except for a well, and then the lights on both sides, he saw a man tied in his hands.

Murong Yu!

They actually shut Murong to this place.

"Mr. Huangfu, I advise you not to go down." The nameless seeing the emperor wants to go down the bottom of the hole from the other side. He had to open his eyes and advised, "There are all locusts in the well. If you go down, you will definitely be hurt."

"Aphids?" Huangfu shocked to look at the nameless. "Qi Ruoshui shuts Murong in the inside...feeds the locusts? What does she want to do?"

Listening to the screams of Murong’s bursts from the bottom of the well, Huangfu’s heart became more and more angry. Qi Ruoshui must have gone crazy. She wants to take Murong to become a monk?

"Mr. Huang Wei, you can't go on." Named to stop Huangfu.

"Get out of the way." Huangfu raised his hand and opened the nameless name.

The nameless stunned, he always thought that Huangfu was only a little martial arts embroidered pillow, I did not expect his internal strength to be so powerful.

Huangfu has already walked to the other side of the ladder. He has a night pearl in his hand. When he walks down, he finds that the bottom of the well is full of insects. Murong’s clothes are bitten and cannot be seen. The skin on his body is almost intact. The blood that comes out is no longer bright red, but with a hint of black.

This is already poisoned, I do not know how many worms have entered his body.

"Murong, are you okay?" Huangfu lifted his foot into the locust pile. The worms smelled fresh and human, and they immediately came in, but they stopped at half a mile from Huangfu. They don't dare to go one step further.

Huangfu took a black pill from his arms and fed it into Murong's mouth. He used the internal force to help him swallow the medicine.

"Ah..." Murong screamed and felt that the meridians of the whole body seemed to burst, and his consciousness gradually became clear, and he could see the figure in front of him.

The locust that was biting the murderous murder suddenly escaped from him and dared not approach him again.

"Who!" Murong's voice was hoarse and scary. He had already lost his consciousness. Although the pain still exists, his consciousness is clear.

"Huangfu." Huangfu whispered, "I can only feed you for three days, and I will find a way to save you in these three days."

Murong Yu heard about Huangfu, but he has not seen it. "Why save me?"

"You saved it..." Huangfu said softly. "She is my apprentice."

"Qi Ruo water is sinister and sinister, and he will let you easily save me. She will not give up if she does not practice me as a monk." Murong smiled happily.

Huangfu put another medicine in his mouth. "Hold it, don't be controlled by viciousness."

"You..." Murong Yu wants to know what he wants to do, and why he feels he can save himself.

"Don't say so much, I will go up first." Huangfu whispered, turned and planned to go up the ladder.

"What?" Murong asked, and now he can support him to stick to it, that is, he still wants to see him again, and personally explain to her, he never thought about hurting her.

How can he be willing to kill her.

"She should have left." Huangfu said with a low voice, he knew that Murong was for the sake of his arrival, but he did not expect that the famous Thousands of Luochao owners would not even want to die. "Without her." The news."

"Qi Ruoshui said that he was poisoned..." Murong gasped. "She won't have anything, right?"

"She won't have anything to do." Even if Huangfu is not sure whether he is really poisonous, whether he can solve the poison, he is still firmly assured of Murong.

Murong gave a slight smile. "That's good."

"For her, do you think it is worth it?" Huangfu could not help but ask.

"There is no question worth not worth..." Murong said that he just wanted to see her.

Huangfu lowered his head and silently walked up the ladder to see the nameless standing still at the well.

In the nameless eyes, he couldn’t help but watch him with horror. "Those locusts don’t dare to bite you."

Huangfu looked at him faintly. "Where is Qi Ruo water?"

"The Witch King is not in the priest's house." No name said.

"Where is she?" Huangfu asked coldly.

Anonymous frowns, "Even if you go to the Witch King, the Witch King will not let Murong."

Huangfu looked deeply at the nameless. If Qi Ruoshui was in the priest's house, he would definitely meet him. Without name, he would not disclose her whereabouts. It would prove that Qi Ruoshui is not here.

Where will Qi Ruoshui go? Huangfu carefully thought about it. If he guessed it was correct, Qi Ruoshui should leave Wangdu, either to Donglai or to Anhecheng.

How can I save Murong? Let the people of Thousand Rakshasa know that he was locked in the dungeon.

"What did you eat for Murong?" asked the nameless frown.

Huangfu sneered. "You want to know, it is better to open his mouth and check it."

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