Murong Zhan sat on the horse and looked up at the war in the distance. The Jinguo and Beiming countries have been fighting for a month. The other 200,000 troops are only 150,000, and the 50,000 soldiers of Jinguo are also There are only 40,000 left. Although there are 30,000 troops brought by General Meng, they are still in a weak position compared with Beiming.

He did not summon all the troops of Jinguo to Xiazhou. The other borders of Jinguo must not have no troops. He was also carrying the soldiers of the North Ming State and suddenly led troops to attack other places in Jinguo.

"The emperor, the plains came over there, and General Ye killed the Xiliang general Fan Luduo." Wang Hao rode on the horse, his armor still with blood, full of gray face opened a big smile.

The cold face of Mo Rong Zhan floated a faint smile. This is good news. "Good, Wan Ziliang is still in the wilderness?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for Wan Ziliang's side, General Ye Ye, they would have been unable to recognize the Xiliang army." Wang Hao said.

"Let Ye Lannan find a way to kill Wan Ziliang." Murong Zhan said quietly.

Wang Hao should have a voice, he looked at Murong Zhan again. "The emperor, Bei Ming, this is going to die with us here."

The damage on both sides was not too light. The North Ming State lost more than 50,000 troops, but the other side did not intend to retreat. They did not send messengers to negotiate. Obviously they wanted to go to the end.

Inklessly said, "What do you think is the fighting power of the 200,000 army?"

"Unspeakable." Wang Hao said unceremoniously.

Yes, these 200,000 troops are vulnerable! The strength of the North Ming Dynasty, their strength can not be so fragile, Murong Chan has long seen the clue, but he feels uncertain, after such a long battle, he has to suspect another thing.

"Let people go to the North Ming Kingdom to inquire. In the past six months, Bei Mingguo has been recruiting troops." Murong Zhan whispered to Wang Hao.

"Yes, the emperor." Wang Hao promised.

Inkor Zhan took another look at the direction of Anhe City. If it is really the same as his guess, the North Ming Kingdom is hiding the real strength, picking up some men who have no combat experience, then the 200,000 army is dragging they.

Can't continue to waste time here! Must be quick and quick.

Back to the handsome house, the armor of Murong Chan has not been taken off, Wu Chong is eager to see outside.

"The emperor, Wu Chong is coming." Fu Gonggong said.

Murong Zhan nodded gently, indicating that he let Wu Chong come in.

Wu Chong strode in and said, "The emperor, the empress is rescued from the priest's house."

"What?" Murong swiftly turned back. "You say it again."

Fu Gonggong clenched his fists with excitement.

Wu Chong gasped and said, "The priests were invaded a few days before the temple and burned their hall. The goddess was saved."

"Who saved the queen?" Murong Zhan asked, and he was able to burn the priest's house.

"Yes... is a thousand Luosha, the emperor." Wu Chong whispered, "I heard that the six kings were trapped in the priest's house to save the empress of the empress, and now they are in the dungeon of the priest's house."

Murong Chong blinked slightly, and he forgot that Murong Yu had been cooling in the West. "Where is the Queen?"

"Back to the emperor, now only know that thousands of Luosha people saved the empress, but I don't know where the empress is, Shen Daren is in the cold, I believe he will find the goddess." Wu Chong said.

It’s a good thing to get rid of Qi Ruoshui’s clamps...

"Let the dark guards in Xiliang rescue the six kings." Murong Zhan said, "I found the queen's whereabouts as soon as possible."



Jin Shanshan finally came to the wasteland on the sixth day. When she came back, she happened to meet Jin Guo and Xi Liang in the war. She didn’t even have a cup of tea for rest and immediately went to the battlefield.

She knew that Wan Ziliang was there. Her father's death and Wan Ziliang couldn't get away with it, so she must catch Wan Ziliang and ask him how he killed her father.

Wan Ziliang used to be the general of Dongqing State. Because of the crimes of 10,000 crimes, he took the soldiers to the North Ming State. It was not long before he went to the North Ming State. He took the troops to attack the Dongqing Country. The general of the Northern Ming Dynasty died inexplicably.

On the battlefield of Jinshanshan Station, Wan Ziliang was abandoned as a prisoner of war. This tone she has been lingering in her heart. Whenever there is an opportunity, she will avenge her father and herself.

"Wan Ziliang!" Jin Shanshan rode the horse and rushed over. She saw Wan Ziliang who had played against Ye Haonan in front.

“Good?” Ye Xiaonan was shocked to hear Jin Shanshan’s voice. He thought that he had an auditory hallucination. Looking back, it was her.

Jin Shanshan smiled at him and pulled out the sword at the waist and asked aloud to Wan Ziliang. "Wan Ziliang, do you remember me?"

Wan Ziliang looked at Jin Shanshan with an eyebrow. Before he saw Jin Shanshan's men's dress, now he saw only a little girl. He really didn't recognize it for a while. If it wasn't her angry voice, he didn't know. Who is the other party.

"Golden girl!" Wan Ziliang smiled. "It turns out that you are still alive. I have been looking for you for a long time."

Jin Shanshan angered, "You want me to kill me!"

"How can I kill you? Golden girl, you are the good general of my North Ming, it is better to go back with me this time." Wan Ziliang said with a smile, he did not expect to see Jin Shanshan here, she thought she had been Ye Yannan killed.

"Is your father killed?" Jin Shanshan asked Wan Ziliang.

Wan Ziliang said, "Golden girl, you misunderstood me. I respected General Jin Da, how could he kill him?"

Ye Xiaonan snorted coldly. "Don't listen to him nonsense. General Jin Da is killing him. Your father's deputy Zhu Yequan has come to you. He has told me the truth. General Jin Da against Wan Ziliang went to Xiliang, so he was Wan Ziliang was killed. This is what your emperor knows, but he has concealed it for Wan Ziliang."

Zhu Yequan? Jin Shanshan stunned. It was the apprentice adopted by his father. Did he still die?

"Go back and talk about it, first drive these people out of the wasteland." Ye Xiaonan said to Jin Shanshan, let alone her, he also had a stomach problem to know, how did she come back, Ye Hao? Did you come back with her?

Jin Shanshan also knew that it was not the time to speak. She nodded to Ye Yinan and they both shot toward Wan Ziliang.

When Wan Ziliang dealt with Ye Xiaonan, he felt that he was struggling. Now, when he is at home, Jin Shanshan is even more difficult to support. He played a few rounds and immediately turned around and ran.

Ye Yinan chased him up, but met Fan Luduo who intercepted him. He and Jin Shanshan jointly killed Fan Ludo.

The Xiliang army lost its general, and suddenly the army was unstable. Everyone was confused. Tang Yan also captured more than 2,000 prisoners.

Wan Ziliang retired with others.

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