The second day after Murong Yu left Wang Du, the poison of his body finally broke out. Even if the medicine that Huangpu gave him to inhibit toxicity, it would not help, he screamed and even violently wanted to kill. In the end, Fujisawa personally lived with him, and tied his hands and feet before he let Murong jump off the carriage.

"Kill me! Kill me!" Murong Yu left only a trace of reason, he seized the hand of Fujisawa and ordered him to kill himself.

"No, it's hard to save you out. You hold on to it. If we find Lu Hao, she can cure you." Rattan shouted loudly, seeing Murong Yu like this, he was in his heart. Anger and sorrow, the means of Qi Ruoshui is too cruel and vicious.

The Murong, who he knows, has always been high, and now he has to suffer such pain.

Murong Yu screamed in pain. Not only was he violently hurting all over the body, but the worms and wounds in his body were smothering. This kind of pain is more terrible than death. He grabbed the vines. Hand, "Don't see her... Don't let her see me like this."

The vines are so mad that they have to gnash their teeth. "When is it all the time, you still think about Lu Hao."

"Kill me!" Murong screamed in pain. "I don't die, I will be used by Qi Ruoshui."

"No!" Fujiko's eyes were red, and the voice shouted dumbly. "Lu Yan will cure you, and you will support it."

Murong screamed, "Fuji, kill!"

"You don't want to explain it to her personally? I want to kill her, not you." Rattan shouted. "You don't want her to forgive you?"

"Oh ah..." Murong’s physical pain and grief in his heart made him unable to stop it, even if he forgave him? He is like this now, how can I see her?

Fujita closed his eyes and didn't want others to see his tears. He raised his hand and knocked Murong to stun.

"What about medicine?" he asked if he didn't look at the red dragonfly.

Hung Hom silently gave the medicine to Fujisawa. "There are only three left."

Fujisawa feeds the medicine into Murong's mouth, and looks at him silently for a while, then turns to the rut to replace the cockroach.

He and Hung Hom didn’t know what to say. They didn’t expect Murong’s deep feelings for the Queen. The coma on the road was the Queen’s name.

But the Queen is already...I am the Queen of the Empress!

They passed another day on the road, and Murong’s consciousness became weaker and weaker. The last time he actually called him to take him to see Qi Ruoshui.

The sky was getting darker and the speed of their carriage was forced to slow down.

The medicine given by Huangfu was gone, and Murong Yu was screaming in pain. In this silent night, his voice made people feel fearful and worried.

"Is it coming soon?" Hung Hom couldn't help but ask Fujisawa.

Fujisawa nodded and said, "It’s fast."

I couldn't bear to break the hope of Fujisawa at this time, but she still had to ask, "If...what if the goddess is not there?"

"Unless she wants him to die," Rattan said coldly.

He originally hated Lu Hao. If Murong Yu really died because of Lu Hao, he would kill Lu Hao in the world and let her go with Murong Yu.



Lu Yuzhi left the wasteland and went to Donglai. When he was not in Donglai, he learned that the people of Qianluosha had saved the Ye Hao from the priestly temple. The reason why he would obey Qi Ruoshui, except that his life was her. Saved, and she promised him, she will give him Ye Hao in the future, and he will do whatever he wants.

He always hopes to get Ye Hao’s forgiveness and truly forgive him. As long as he gives him time, he will definitely let Ye Hao know his heart. Now he has not had time to ask her for forgiveness. The people of Qianluosha actually took her away. It is.

"Don't go to Donglai, go to Anhe City." If Ye Hao leaves the priest's house, she will definitely go to Murong Cham, and he may still find her on the road.

Finding her this time, he will not let anyone take her away.

"Mr. Hey, why don't you go to Donglai?" Lu Yizhi's entourage asked questioningly.

Lu Yan said faintly, "Donglai has fallen, even if it is Tuoba, it is not necessarily able to play Ye Yiqing. It is useless to go."

"So let's go to Anhe City?"

"Go to the Witch King." Lu Yan said faintly.

The follower did not say anything, and changed direction with Lu Yi.

At this time, Ye Haonan in the wilderness also learned that his sister was rescued.

"Hey was rescued from the priest's house!" Ye Xiaonan smiled on his face and said in a letter to Jin Shanshan.

Jin Shanshan’s face was a joy. “The maiden was saved. Who saved her, Mr. Huangfu?”

Tang Yan was about to walk into the camp, and heard Ye Yinan’s voice outside. He stunned slightly and couldn’t help but smile.

"No." Ye Xiaonan smiled slightly. "It is the people of Qianluosha who saved the scorpion."

"Is it Murong?" Jin Shanshan remembered the person who saw that night, "The owner of the thousand Rakshasa."

Ye Xiaonan said in a deep voice, "Murong Yu was arrested by Qi Ruoshui. He went to the priest's house to save his life?"

Jin Shanshan nodded. "Yes, if the people of Thousands of Luosha take away the goddess, where will they take the goddess?"

Tang Hao came in from the outside. "I should go to Qingzhou to find Ye Daren, but... Is Murong Yu really caught by Qi Ruoshui?"

"Yes." Ye Yinan said, "Murong is the six princes, he went to save the squad... will his people send 夭夭 to Qingzhou?"

"Hopefully." Tang Yan sighed.

Ye Xiaonan said, "I heard that the Witch King has left the priesthood to go to Anhe City."

"Do you tell the emperor if you have Zhu Yequan?" asked Tang.

"Already people go to Anhe City." Ye Xiaonan nodded. He looked at Tang Yu and said, "Now Fan Luduo is dead. The Xiliang army is not stable. Only Wan Ziliang is not threatened. Jing Ninghou I want to take the soldiers to Xiazhou."

Tang Yan’s mouth smiled. “I just want to discuss this with you. You and General Cui will go to Xiazhou. I can handle it here.”

Jin Shanshan immediately said, "I am also going to Anhe City with you."

"You naturally want to be with me." Ye Yannan glanced at her and said.

Tang Yan walked to Ye Xiaonan and lowered his voice. "If Lu Yuzhi knows that the queen has been rescued, he may go to the Queen and must be careful to guard him."

"Does he dare to see him?" Ye Xiaonan's voice suddenly became cold.

"What else is he afraid to do?" Even the first empress was killed by Lu Hao.

Ye Xiaonan snorted coldly. "I hope he came to me."

"In any case, General Ye, must protect the emperor, Wan Ziliang and Qi Ruoshui should be the one who wants to kill the most." Tang said.

"I know."

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