Song Yu waited until the evening from the daytime, and waited until dawn in the evening, waiting for his heart to be anxious, not knowing what happened to Murong Yu, he rubbed his face with both hands and wanted to make himself awake.

In the early hours of the morning, the surrounding area was still silent. The grass on the ground was condensed with dew, and the spring was cold. He took a chill and jumped a few times.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a fierce cry broke through the sky.

Song Yu was scared and looked back at it. A carriage broke through the sky and came over here at a very fast speed.

Who is the scream? Song Yu’s face changed greatly. He could hear that it was Murong’s voice, but he couldn’t believe how their cabinet owners would make such a fierce cry.

The carriage was getting closer and closer, and the screams became more and more obvious, and the leafhoppers in the house were alarmed.

"It's your cabinet owner." Shen Qiu did not know when he came to Song Hao's side and whispered.

Song Yan took a deep breath and went forward to meet the carriage.

When Rattan saw Song Song, his face was obviously relieved and he hurriedly stopped the carriage. "What about Lu Hao?"

"In the house." Song said, looking at the carriage, "What about the owner?"

Just after the words were finished, Murong Yu broke free of the rope and rushed out of the carriage. His eyes glared at the front. He could not see anyone, like a crazy leopard.

"Catch him!" vine shouted, and had jumped from the rut to catch Murong.

Song Yu recovered from the shock and followed the vines to stop Murong.

The leaves that have come out of the house look at this scene.

Is that person covered in blood a Murong?

How could it be him?

Shen Wei did not expect that Murong Yu would become like this. He could not describe the shock in his heart and walked to Ye Hao. "The goddess, Murong Yu seems to lose humanity, you must be careful."

Ye Hao said quietly, "You are going to help, bring him back."

"Yes, the goddess." Shen Wei gently nodded, and they gestured to the red dragonfly.

Hung Hom and Miao came over with surprise. "The goddess, the slaves finally found you."

"What happened to Murong?" Ye Hao’s eyes were always staring at Murong Yu, who was playing with the vines. She couldn’t recognize him. His handsome face turned out to be a sore wound, not to mention. Said to be thin and not adult.

"When we found Murong, he was still in the wormhole, and it was Mr. Huangfu who helped us rescue him." Hung Hom whispered, "When we left, the people of Thousands of Rakshasa and The dark guard is still playing against the people in the priest's house, and now I don't know how."

Ye Hao is a little surprised. "Nobody chasing you?"

"Qi Ruoshui is not in the priest's house. It is already less than half of the guards. The nameless... has been with Mr. Huangfu, not in the priest's house." Hung Hom said.

"Murong's wounds are all bitten by mites?" Ye Hao's apex trembled, Murong 恪 was for her to become like this, she knew that he liked her, but she never thought... he actually Willing to do this for yourself.

She felt terrified and upset because she could not give back to him.

"Anniling!" Shen Shen, they have already subdued the crazy Murong, and Fujisawa took him back, they looked at her expectantly.

Ye Hao converges on the grief and helplessness in her heart and whispers, "Put him on the bed, I will deal with his wound first."

Fujita looked at Ye Hao, he still hated this woman, but now only the woman who can save Murong, "You can't let him die for you."

"He won't die." Ye Hao said faintly.

Putting Murong on the bed, Fujisawa stood staring at him, and he must make sure that Lu Hao can heal Murong.

"You all go out." Ye Hao said to the vines, "Red 缨 and 蒹葭 left to help me."

"No, I want to be here," Rattan said coldly.

Ye Hao looked at him coldly, "Go out!"

Song Yu took the hand of Fujisaka and said, "Let's go out and wait."

Shen Shen is not at ease, "Mother, we just knocked him out, what if he woke up and hurt you?"

Today's Murong Yu can not remember other people, he is worried that it will hurt the Queen's mother.

"Nothing, he won't wake up for a while." Ye Hao said, "Go out."

Song Wei pulled the two people who stood still and refused to move their positions. "Since the Queen Empress said no problem, it must be sure, we are waiting outside."

Ye Hao sent them all away, which made Hung Hom take off Murong’s clothes.

The blood on Murong's body is already scarred, and it is not easy to take off with clothes. It is not easy to take off with a little water.

Seeing Murong's skin with purulent blood, Ye Hao couldn't control his tears for a while.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom looked at her worriedly.

Ye Hao wiped away the tears and looked down at Murong’s wound. The wound on his arm was not bitten by any mites. There were eggs on it. If you want to cure these wounds, she must first put these eggs. Cleaned up.

"Bring the pen and ink." Ye Hao said that she quickly wrote a prescription. "Let Song Song quickly find all these herbs, how much is needed."

"Hey, you go to the kitchen to boil water."

Ye Hao told me to go down, and then took out a porcelain bottle from her arms. She knew that she would definitely need Lingquan in these days, so she had already prepared it. However, she still needed the medicine in the space, but she rushed out. Will be suspected, had to wait for Song Yu to send herbs, she can take the opportunity to replace the medicine in the space.

Song Wei took the prescription and went to find the medicine immediately. Fortunately, he was prepared two days ago. He had already bought a pharmacy in the street not far away, in order to get the medicine at any time.

When he took the medicine back, the boiled water was also opened. Ye Hao asked the red dragonfly to look at Murong Yu and went to the kitchen to take medicine.

"How can the goddess let you take your own medicine?" said the frown.

Ye Hao waved faintly, "Go down." She looked at him. "You go to my house and bring the jars on the table. It is powder."

蒹葭 蒹葭 应 。.

"Shen Daren, you are going to guard Murong, lest he wakes up and ran away." Ye Hao said.

All the people were sent away, and Ye Hao took the medicine from the space and changed it to the one bought by Song Yu. Then he threw it into the pot according to the weight and cooked it. After about a quarter of an hour, the medicine bubbled up.

Ye Hao called them in the vines and let them work together to lift a large pot of potion into the house.

“What do these drugs do?” asked Fujisaka.

"Let Murong simmer, and get out the eggs and mites of his wounds." Ye Hao said faintly.

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