When Murong Yu was in the locust worm, he almost lost all his self-control ability. If it wasn't for Huangfu to give him medicine every other day, he might have become a **** of Qi Ruoshui, obeying Qi Ruoshui's orders to do things. .

He gasped and gasped, leaning almost on the edge of the tub.

"The owner..." Song Yu rounded his eyes. Although he tried to calm down, he could see the locusts crawling out of the cabinet and the eggs floating in the water. The fear in his heart could not be controlled.

Fujisawa was also scared, but he was quite calm. "Song Wei, can you ask the Queen, can the owner get up?"

"Okay, okay." Song Song tightened his teeth when he turned around, otherwise he was afraid that he would cry out. He didn't know how strong the man's endurance was. The owner endured so many worms biting on him. How painful it is, it is no longer a pain that people can endure.

Murong stunned and looked at Fujisawa weakly. "You shouldn't let her still be cool in the west."

"I must save you." Rattan whispered, knowing that Murong is talking about Lu Hao.

"The locust has been in my body for a long time. She can't save me. Don't let her see me like this." He didn't want her to think that he would only be jealous in the future. It would be his willingness to save her from the priest's house. He hopes. Keep a good memory in her heart, not what it is today.

Fujisaki glared at Murong Yu. "You are almost dying. I am worried about how she looks at you. If you really like her, he will quickly heal the wound and take her away."

Going high? Murong smirked out loudly, even though he was willing to leave everything behind, he was not willing to go with him.

"How did you rescue me?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Fujisawa said, "The emperor helped us in the priest's house, and the dark guards in the palace led us to the guards, and we can save you."

"Why haven't you left Xiliang yet?" Murong asked again.

"Qi Ruo water sent troops to support Hirai, they want to go through the Pingjing is not easy." Fujisaka whispered.

Murong faintly said, "You asked her to come back and save me."

"The owner!" Fujiko looked firmly at Murong. "You have to blame me for leaving Lu Hao in the West. I don't care. She is a love for you. For me, it's just a way to save you." The Queen of the Republic of Korea, if it weren't for him, you don't have to suffer from this kind of suffering. You are my best friend. How can I watch you die?"

"Take her to the side of Murong Chan tomorrow." Murong said faintly.

Before the rattan had not had time to talk, Ye Hao took the medicine and pushed it in from the outside. She glanced at Murong and looked at the water in the tub with a layer of eggs and larvae. His wound was poisoned by potion.

"Oh..." Murong looked up at her with a sigh of relief.

Ye Hao whispered, "The wound on your body needs to be bandaged. Wash it first with water and change into clean clothes."

Murong Yu looked helplessly and laughed at her. "Good."

Fujisawa looked at Murong, who had become tame and ignorant, and his heart was dark and light.

"These drugs are applied to him, and then wrapped in white cloth, and the whole body is wrapped." Ye Hao turned to tell the vine.

"Okay." Fujisaka took the white cloth and the medicine and nodded without hesitation.

Ye Hao looked at Murong Yan sideways. "I am outside, so call me."

Murong Yu looked at her back and disappeared at the door, and the smile on her lips faded.

Fujisawa glanced at him. "Everyone is going to give birth to a son for Murong Zhan. You just look at what it is."

"Shut up." Murong yelled at him and stood up on the edge, letting Fujisawa take the water and rushed for him.

When he was wrapped in a whole body, he only wore a simple white straight sputum. Qingjun’s facial features were much thinner. He was soaked in the water for too long. He walked with the vines and he just walked out of the clean room. He suddenly felt the throat. Sweet, a black blood spit out.

"The owner!" Fujisaki yelled, "Are you okay?"

Song Hao, who was outside the house, immediately pushed the door. "How... the owner, what happened to you?"

Ye Hao followed behind Song Song and saw the black blood spit out by Murong. The heart was shocked. "Come on him to the bed."

Murong Yu only felt that the internal organs of the body had to be smashed. He endured the pain and grasped Ye Hao’s hand. "Hey..."

"You don't want to talk." Ye Hao whispered, "You still have mites in your body, you must first force the mites out."

Fujisawa put Murong Yu on the bed and asked Ye Hao loudly, "Isn't those bugs all coming out?"

"That is the wound mites, and there is no force that has already entered his body." Ye Hao said faintly, let Hung Hom take the food box in his hand, she looked at Murong Yu, "I don't know. You can't cure you. Your internal organs have been bitten by insects. This medicine can only let the mites in your body come out, but your body needs to recover slowly, can you wake up... It depends on yourself. ""

"What do you mean, this medicine may not wake up when you drink it down?" Fujita said next to him. "What kind of medicine is this? Are you a doctor?"

Murong squinted at the vine, "Shut up."

Fujisaki glared at Ye Hao.

"When you go out, I have something to say to you." Murong said to him.

"The owner!" Fujisaki didn't want to go out, but he could see Murong's cold eyes, and he had to go out unwillingly.

Only Murong and Ye Hao are left in the house.

"Oh, I never thought about hurting you." Murong looked at Ye Hao in a dark, black, and if he was about to die, he just wanted her to forgive him.

"I know." Ye Hao gently nodded. "You saved me."

Murong smiled bitterly. "Hey, you still don't forgive me for being a Thousands of Shrines."

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Ye Hao whispered, they knew when they were in Dongqing, and he had many opportunities to tell her about it, but he did not mention it.

"This is not a glamorous identity." Murong said with a funny voice, "Hey, if I know that I will like you so much one day, I will not leave Kyoto in the past, I must know you before Azhan."

Ye Hao’s apex trembled and smiled bitterly. “When I met Azhan, I was still a little girl. When you met me, I only felt that I was naive and annoying, and I was greedy.”

Murong snorted and said, "How good, I can watch you grow up. When you haven't had time to like others, take you with you, you will only belong to me."

"Murong 恪..." Ye Hao bowed her head, she could not respond to his likes, whether it was the last life or after the rebirth, the people she likes are Murong Cham.

She and he are inseparable.

"Give me the medicine." Murong said with a smile.

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