Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 946: In case you can't wake up

The first thing that Xiliang Wang was awake was to replace Yan Xi’s charges. He thought that Yan Yanxi could not be a mother. However, Qi Ruoshui’s confidant minister who stayed in Xiliang felt that he should not be ordinary for him. Yan Xi did not have aunt, but it was a fact that forced the palace. At that time, all the ministers saw him take the troops to attack the palace. This is the great crime of rebellion. It must not be tolerated him.

At this time, Xiliang Wang knew that everything was Qi Ruoshui's ghosts behind him. Although he couldn't remember what he had done, he knew that Qi Ruoshui had used him to control the entire court.

If he continues to let the claws of Qi Ruoshui soak the court, then Xiliang will fall into the hands of Qi Ruoshui sooner or later.

"Mr. Huangfu, can you help the widows a favor?" Xiliang Wang whispered to Huangfu, and his body was able to save himself because of the rescue of Huangfu every day. Otherwise, he would have fallen into a coma.

"Please tell the king." Huangfu said in a whisper, he did not like to intervene in any major events in the country, but now it is different. If he does not help Xiliang Wang and Wan Yanxi, Qi Ruoshui will get Xiliang. At that time, she will definitely be more mad, and more people will be harmed by her.

Before he goes to Qi Ruoshui, he must first help Xiliang Wang to stabilize his power.

Xiliang Wang whispered, "Qi Ruoshui has been planning for a long time in Xiliang. She has bought many people. Even if she is not in Xiliang, those people will do things for her. The widows need to get rid of these people..."

"Wang, is there anyone you believe in to be able to do things?" Huangfu whispered, he understood the meaning of Xiliang Wang, but he was alone, only a little difficult.

"There was originally, but now the widows are not sure, so I want to ask you." Xiliang Wang said.

The emperor sank for a moment. "The king can tell those people down, and he is willing to try hard."

Xiliang Wang wanted to laugh, but couldn't help but cough up. He said hard, "Mr. Huang, you can do it."

"Father Wang." When Wan Yan came in from outside, he was not tortured when he was held in the priest's temple dungeon. He was able to recover health after two days of rest in the palace. He has already begun to handle the political affairs for Xiliang Wang, even though those ministers Not obeying his words, but it also prevented the priestly palace from continuing to hegemonize.

"Let Xieer help you." Xiliang Wang said to Huangfu.

Wan Yanxi looked at Huangfu with a puzzled look. He didn't know what Xiliangwang said in the end. He said with a smile, "Father Wang, you are already on your way back."

Xiliang Wang smiled and slept tiredly.

"Mr. Huangfu, what does my father mean?" Wan Yanxi whispered.

"Consolidate the kingship." Huangfu said in a deep voice, let Yan Yan followed him out to talk.



Ye Hao put the medicine in her hand. She looked down at Murong Yu. He didn't seem to have any fear. He didn't worry that if her medicine had problems, he would wake up all his life. She hesitated and didn't take medicine. Send it in the past.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"If you can't wake up?" Although Ye Hao knew that the drug was no problem, she still worried, just in case?

Murong smiled and said, "What is the relationship if you can't wake up?"

Ye Hao looked at him. "I haven't forgiven you yet. If you don't wake up, I won't forgive you."

"I will wake up." Murong smiled and promised, "Oh, don't be jealous, I will be willing to save you. If I am dead, the person who harms me is Qi Ruoshui."

"Come on the medicine soon." Ye Hao said, "I won't be embarrassed."

Murong Yan looked at her and smiled, took the medicine in her hand and drank it.

Ye Hao’s face was a little white, his eyes were hard to look at him nervously, and he turned to take a copper basin and put it on his hand.

"Hey, go out." Murong slaped the hand of Ye Hao and called the vine.

"I stay." Ye Hao whispered, "I am your doctor."

Fujisawa came in and saw the copper basin at the hand of Murong. He asked in confusion, "What is this going to do?"

Murong’s face suddenly blackened, and even his lips were black. It looked like he was poisonous. The face of the rattan suddenly changed. “Lu Hao, what did you eat for the owner?”

"Pharmaceutical." Ye Hao looked at Murong, and replied in silence.

"Which medicine eats people like this?" Fujita was furious. "If he has three long and two short, I will not let you go!"

Murong Yu wanted to open his mouth to drink the vine, but he knew that he had just opened his mouth, and his throat was sweet, and he vomited.

The three black fingers of the big fingers squirmed in the copper basin, and they didn't move for a while.

Fujisawa’s face was white.

Murong Yu had no time to talk and spit it out.

The people outside the room heard the movements coming in. When they saw the locusts that Murong spit out, they were all scared and white.

"How did those bugs get in?" Song Hao could only have the courage to speak for a long time.

Ye Hao whispered, "From his mouth."

"What?" Song slammed his mouth and stared at Murong.

Fujisaki couldn't help but ask, "When is the main spit? What the **** is there... How many bugs?"

Ye Hao has been staring at Murong's face, seeing that the black on his face has faded a lot, she whispered, "When the blackness on his face is gone, the bugs are gone."

Murong Yu spit out a few worms. In addition to the dead mites and black turbid blood in the copper basin, who can imagine that there are so many locusts hidden in the body of Murong.

"Okay, hold him." Ye Hao saw Murong's face return to normal as usual, and immediately said to Fujisawa.

Both Fujisawa and Song Yu came forward at the same time, one person broke the copper basin, and one person supported the Murong who had been comatose.

Ye Hao took out a pill and let Murong 恪 in his mouth, said to Fujisawa. "If he can wake up within three days, it is still alive, if you can't wake up..."

"Will you die if you can't wake up?" Fujiko asked.

"I don't know, I hope he can wake up." Ye Hao whispered.

Fujisawa sneered. "His life and death are not important to you."

"I am still here, are you important?" Ye Hao asked faintly. "I will see him tomorrow."

After a day of tossing, it was already dark outside, and she felt tired at this time.

"You..." Fujisawa is dissatisfied with Lu Min’s indifferent attitude. Murong Yu is for her sake. She is so calm, she doesn’t feel bad about him at all?

Song Yi looked at the copper basin aside with fear and said to the vine in a low voice. "You don't say a few words. If the queen doesn't care about the owner, she has already gone to Qingzhou."

"Shut up!" Rattan sipped him.

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