Ye Hao has a nightmare again.

She didn't know if this was a nightmare. She dreamed of Murong Zhan. This time, Murong Zhan didn't fall into the turbulence. She saw him with a woman with a gentle smile on her face. The woman is not She, she can deeply feel that it is not her.

In the dream, Murong Zhan did not remember her. Looking at her eyes was like watching a stranger. No, not a stranger. He was watching Ye Hao, the Ye Hao who made him hate and hate... ...

Ye Hao woke up from her dreams. She felt more flustered and fearful than the last dream. Murong Chong looked at her eyes too cold. Like her first time with him, he looked at her eyes. I can't wait to kill her.

It must be that she missed him too much recently, so she would dream of him and dream of the last generation of Murong Cham.

There is no misunderstanding between them. Murong Chong loves her so much, how can she forget her?

"Anniling." Hung Hom hurriedly called Ye Hao outside.

Ye Hao returned to God and showed a faint smile. "What happened?"

"They said they would take the six kings to leave." Hung Hom screamed, "Hey, they are blocking them, the goddess, are you going to let them go?"

"Where does Fujisawa want to take Murong?" Ye Hao immediately sat up, letting Hung Hom put on her clothes and said, even the hair was simply pulled up and went out.

Outside the door of Murong Yu, Fujisawa was carrying Murong, and he and Shen were confronting him at the door. Song Hao was anxious.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Hao frowned, cold eyes looked at the vines and asked.

"I want to bring the owner to find someone else to heal. If you can't cure it, don't waste time." Fujisawa said coldly, he had waited for two and a half days, only half a day left, he didn't want to let This woman killed Murong Yu.

Ye Hao knows that Fujisawa is hostile to himself, but he can actually do such stupid things. "If I can't cure it, you can't cure him if you go to someone."

Fujita sneered, "He can't die if he is going to die."

"You are simply unreasonable!" Ye Hao was so angry that he turned red. "Put him down!"

"Oh, I am not Murong, nor your running dog, you don't need me to order me to do things." Fujisawa said, "Song, go to the carriage."

Song Wei looked helplessly at him. "Fuji, if it is not a queen, the owner is still suffering from locusts, you believe her."

"How? In a few days, you have to become her dog? Don't forget you, you are a thousand Luosha people, and I will return to Jinguo in the future. We are all criminals." Ramp.

Ye Hao said, "There is still a half-day time. After these few hours, if I can't wake him up, you can do whatever you want."

Fujisawa is unmoved. "I won't believe you again. You can't save him. There will always be people who can save him."

"Who do you want to take him to?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"Huangfu." Song Yi said aside.

Fujisaki glanced at him coldly, as if he was condemning him.

Ye Hao sighed in her heart, Huangfu is her master, and Fujisaki believes that it is only natural that Huangfu can cure Murong.

"You want to leave, at least let him drink the medicine." Ye Hao said, the biggest problem of Murong Yu is that the bite in the body is too serious, only Lingquan can repair it for him, if the rattan This took him away, and Ye Hao couldn’t feed him to drink Lingquan.

"If your medicine is effective, he has already woken up." Fujisaki did not believe her medicine at all. He felt that Ye Hao did not really want to cure Murong.

Ye Hao looked helplessly at him. "Fuji, Murong is hurt by the mites, and what he needs is recovery..."

Fujisaki interrupted her. "Can you let him recover? You can't even wake him up."

"You are too anxious." Ye Hao said.

"Bring your medicine." Rattan said coldly. "Let's leave the medicine and let's go."

"Fuji, you will hurt him." Ye Hao frowned.

"It’s you who made him such a person." Fujita glared at Ye Hao. "Even if he wakes up, I won’t let him see you again. Lu Yan, if you have a little conscience, you should Let him go, don't hurt him any more."

Listening to the vines said that this thing, Ye Hao really do not know what else to say, she is helpless and angry, but Murong Yu is the owner of their thousands of Luosha, even if she let the Shen Qiang forced Murong to stay, only I am afraid that both sides will be seriously damaged.

Ye Hao said to Fujisawa, "You put Murong Yu back on the bed, wait for him to drink medicine, and you want to take him with you."

Fujisawa thought about it and thought it was the only way he could accept it. "Good."

"You all let go, you don't have to stop him. Murong is the owner of their thousands of Rakshasa. Even they don't want to save him. You are blocking it." Ye Hao turned his head and said to Shen and He.

She went back to the house to cook the medicine, and took a small porcelain bottle filled with Lingquan. She personally gave Murong a medicine, and almost stopped when he took the pulse.

Why is there no pulse?

Fujisawa has been staring at Ye Hao's look. When she saw her face change, he immediately noticed a problem. "What?"

Ye Hao glanced at him and reached for the chest of Murong, and there was no heartbeat.

died? No, how is it possible!

"What happened to the owner?" asked Fujishiro loudly.

Ye Hao was so up in his heart that he couldn't believe that time had not yet reached Murong.

"Murong!" Ye Hao grabbed his hand. "Wake up, don't you want me to forgive you? If you don't wake up, how do you know if I will forgive you?"

After seeing Ye Hao so excited, Fujisawa immediately understood what happened. He pushed her away and put his hand on Murong’s chest. His eyes were filled with anger and grief. “Lu Yan, you do it to him. What? What did you do to him?"

"Let's relax!" Hung Hom stood by Ye Hao, and when Fujimak shot and pushed Ye Hao, she just helped Ye Hao.

Song Hao’s face turned white. “What happened to the owner?”

Ye Hao said, "He suddenly lost his heartbeat and pulse..."

"Your medicine has a problem." Fujiko's eyes squinted at the leaves, "You killed him."

Song Hao had no idea how to react. He couldn't believe that the lord who was omnipotent in his mind would leave like this.

"Mother, is it better to go back to the room first?" Hung Hom whispered to Ye Hao.

Shen Wei came in when he heard the movement, and watched the vines with vigilance.

Fujisaki endured the grief in his heart and looked at Ye Hao with murderousness. "I will not let you go."

"You can't take him away." Ye Hao shouted at the vine.

"Lu Yan, you are not qualified to say this." Fujisawa said coldly, "Song Song, go to the carriage, leave here."

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