Ye Hao couldn't believe that Murong Yu died like this, not to say three days? Now that time has not arrived, how can he... How can there be no heartbeat?

"Mother, are you okay?" Shen Yu saw Ye Hao's face pale, and asked with some concern.

"Nothing." Ye Hao looked at the carriage that had gradually gone away. She knew that even if she wanted to force Murong to stay, Fujisawa would not agree, and maybe she would lose both.

Hung Hom and Sui looked at each other and they felt very sad about Murong’s misfortune. On the way, they all knew who Murong’s heart was, but his deep affection and infatuation were doomed to return. The person he likes is the Queen Empress.

Now that he is dead, maybe... it’s a relief.

"Go back." Ye Hao couldn't control her tears. She didn't want to cry. She didn't believe that Murong Yu was really dead. He would wake up.

Ye Hao entered the room and let the red dragonfly and the donkey wait outside. She couldn't help but shed tears. For Murong, she still had to live forever.

She entered the space and found the fire phoenix directly. "You are not saying that as long as Murong wakes up after three days, he will not die? How did he die?"

The fire phoenix is ​​drinking water, and the leaves are almost drowned. "What is dead, who is dead?"

Ye Hao said with no anger, "Murong, after eating your feathers, I have been awake. You are not saying that he will be awake after three days. If he hasn't been there for three days, he has no heartbeat."

"Isn't heartbeat not normal?" cried Fire Phoenix. "It’s not been there for three days. If you haven’t beaten for a long time, then you cry.”

"Do you believe that I have persuaded your feathers?" Ye Hao grinned.

Fire Phoenix jerked a few steps away. "His body has been smashed by locusts. It is good to wake up in three days. Even if you don't have a heartbeat, it doesn't mean he is dead."

Ye Hao heard the little bird and couldn't help but give birth to some hope, but thought that Murong Yu had been taken away by the vine, and she sighed with sorrow. "Murong has been taken away, I want to drink Lingquan for him again." It’s too late.”

"He is the body of a mortal. You have fed him a lot of spiritual springs in the past few days. If you feed it, you will die." Fire Phoenix said lazily.

Ye Hao heard it and glanced at it. "I will believe you again."

The golden scorpion of the fire phoenix suddenly flashed a sharp sharp color. "Someone is coming, this person is a lot of black, you have to be careful."

"What?" Ye Hao took a moment, and had not had time to ask who it was, she had been driven out of space by the fire phoenix.

Just opened her eyes, she heard the sound of fighting outside.

She hurried to get up and open the door, just to see the red dragonfly and the donkey running towards her side.

"What happened?" Ye Hao hurriedly asked.

Hung Hom gasped and said, "The Niangniang, Lu Yizhi did not know where to know that we are here, has surrounded it."

Angry, "Is it that Fujisaki sold us?"

"It won't be him, they will not leave for a long time, and they have no time to inform Lu Yizhi." Ye Hao calmed his face. "How many people did Lu Yanzhi bring?"

"I don't know... Shen Shen and others are fighting with Lu Hao, Niangniang, we will protect you from leaving here," said Hung Hom.

Ye Hao’s heart is thinking that Fujisawa’s insistence on leaving today is to know that Lu Yan’s coming is coming? Then he denied this speculation. He felt that Fujisawa would not take the initiative to find Lu Yizhi, but who else knows she is here besides Fujisawa?

"The niece, there is a cellar in the back, the cellar is through the back garden, we leave from there," he said.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded, and Hung Hom walked to the back of the cellar.

In front of him, Lu Yi, who is fighting with the sinking face, is calm and relaxed. His skill is originally on the surface of Shen. Because the poisoning and the ink-filled Zhan has been abandoned once, although it is not as good as it used to be, it still has no one or two. questionable.

This time he is well prepared to come here, he must find Ye Hao.

"What about your Queen's Empress?" Lu Yizhi asked quietly.

"Lu Yizhi, you are the thief! You dare to appear here." Shen Wei angered the geological question, ordered other secret guards to seize him.

"Why don't I dare to appear here, you protect the Queen's Empress, and I come to save, isn't this a very bright thing?" Lu said with a smile.

Severely clenched the sword in hand, knowing that Lu Yuzhi was coming to the maiden, I hope that Hung Hom and Sang have left the place with the maiden. "Is it? Then you have this ability."

Lu Yi’s faint smile, “I’m not playing with you, you are not worthy of being my opponent.”

"What do you mean?" asked with a deep anger.

"Guanjie, this person is an adult of the Jinguo Dark Guardian, and entertain him well." Lu Yan said with a faint smile, and said to Shen Shen, "This is the best warrior of Xiliang martial arts, Shen Shen, you hit Win him, come back to me to save your maiden."

Suddenly, I was shocked. The meaning of listening to Lu’s words is that I have already captured the goddess?

At the moment he lost his heart, the ring that looked like a child had already been cut with a big knife like him.

He shunned in danger, but saw the child smashing a hole in the ground.

Great strength!

Stunned and shocked to look at the ring, the child looks still full of tenderness, at most 13 years old, how strong is it so big?

He did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and he went all out to fight against the customs. He did not forget to tell others. "You are going to save the goddess."

Lu Yizhi just looked at him sarcastically and turned and left.

Since he is sure that Ye Hao is here, how can he miss the opportunity again?

This time, he will not hand her over to anyone.

On the other hand, Hung Hom has already taken Ye Hao through the dark road in the cellar. She just found the exit. She looks very happy. "The goddess, it is here."

The authentic exit is a wooden door with a layer of mud on it, and the red dragonfly and the dragonfly are very hard to push the door away.

"Queen Empress, we met again." Ye Hao had just left the tunnel, and a familiar voice had been heard behind him.

Ye Hao calmly turned back and looked at the thousands of snow sneering in the distance.

Sure enough, she! Ye Hao didn't feel surprised. If Fujisawa didn't sell her, the only person who knew this place was the snow.

"Although I expected you to be, but I did not expect you to even sell Murong." Ye Hao said faintly.

There is a strong hatred in Qian Xue’s eyes. "You don't think I don't know. The owner has long died to save you. Lu Yan, you have today!"

"Want to kill me?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"I can't wait to make you a thousand!" Thousands of snow step by step toward Ye Hao, she betrayed thousands of Luosha, not for others, just want to kill Lu Hao personally.

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