Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 953: Killing people without blinking

Ye Hao looked at the snow and walked step by step, she asked coldly. "To kill me, you tell Lu Yuzhi where we are."

"As long as you can kill you, as long as you can avenge the owner!" The sword in the hands of Qian Xue is facing Ye Hao, she just wants this woman to die.

"The niece, you and the cockroach go first." Hung Ho said, intends to die to protect the maiden to leave here.

Qian Xue chuckled. "Are you still going?"

"What do you want to do?" Waiting for Hung Hom to take the shot, the person behind Qian Xue has whispered to her.

"Nature is killing her." Qian Xue said coldly, "I have said goodbye to you, Mr. You, this woman's life is mine."

I looked at Qian Xue with a faint look. "How do I remember that Mr. Qi did not promise you this? This is the person we want from the Witch King. You can't kill her."

Qian Xue’s face is blue and green. “Do you want to cross the river to break the bridge?”

"You are very heavy, and the benefits that have been given to you have already been given. Since people have already found it, then there is nothing for you."

"Take it if you have the ability to take people away from me." Qian Xue sneered, since she made this thing, it is determined to kill Lu Hao, no one can stop her.

Ye Hao stood by and watched. The person who spoke should be the priest's house. Is this the person who wants to catch her be Qi Ruoshui or Lu Yi?

He said, "You don't seem to know how much you can do with us."

Qian Xue wants to kill Ye Xie, and she must be hostile to the priestly palace. She has only two people. Except that she is the entourage around her, she is definitely not the opponent of the priestly temple.

"That must be tried before I know." Qian Xue sneered, and stabbed the sword in his hand.

She shunned her sword and immediately ordered, "kill them."

Others immediately surrounded the thousands of snow, and Qian Xue was beaten with the shackles.

"Mother, let's go." He whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently nodded, and the snow would be against the eyes of the priests, which was an opportunity for them.

"From there, we can't find the difference for the time being." Ye Hao said, turned and left to leave on the other side, but they still couldn't walk a few steps and heard someone calling her name.

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Ye Hao’s body froze.

"Hey, where do you want to go?" Lu Yizhi did not know when he came, riding a horse to Ye Hao.

The people he brought have already caught thousands of snow, and the follower was quickly killed.

The difference is not the opponent of Qianxue, but the victory is in many people. Even if the snow is even more powerful, there is only one person in the end, and soon it will not be able to stand up and be shackled in the neck.

Ye Hao looked at Lu Yuzhi indifferently. "As long as there is no place for you, I want to go."

"I have been looking for you for a long time." Lu Yizhi jumped off the horse and slowly walked to Ye Hao.

The red dragonfly and the cockroach immediately blocked the front, and the eyes stared at her with vigilance.

Lu Yi’s faint smile, looking sideways at Qian Xue, “Thousands of Snow Maiden, thank you for helping me a lot.”

"With the sword frame around my neck, is this the way to thank me?" Qian Xue sneered and asked.

"It's not very good." Lu Yanzhi nodded gently. "You are a thousand Luosha people. If Murong Yu knows that you have betrayed him, your end may be even worse than death. It is better for me to help you." ”

Qian Xue’s face changed. “What do you mean by this?”

Lu Yan’s face, Yasvin’s face, showed a gentle smile and said to him, “Kill her, lest she be caught by the people of Thousands of Rakshasa. When I want to die, I can’t die.”

"Yes, Mr. Yu." He smiled, and when the snow was too late to fight back, a sword wiped her neck.

"You killed her like this?" Ye Hao raised her eyebrows in disgust. She didn't like Qianxue, but she still had a new view of this person when she saw Lu Yuzhi's murder.

Perhaps Lu Hao is more ruthless than she imagined.

Lu Yan’s gaze is burning, and his eyes are soft and affectionate. “If she doesn’t die, I will hurt you one day in the future.”

Ye Hao sneered and smiled. "What is the difference between you and her?"

"Hey, I won't hurt you any more." Lu Yizhi whispered.

"You said the same thing last time, but handed me over to Qi Ruoshui." Ye Hao said with a blank expression.

Lu Yizhi nodded lightly. "Because I know that she won't hurt you."

Hey, cried on the side. "You still tell her so much nonsense, hurry to take her to the Witch King, if those dark guards are chasing it."

"I didn't intend to take her to the Witch King." Lu Yan said faintly, turning indifferently and looking at the poor, said to other people, "Give him to see the Witch King."

"Mr. Hey, what do you mean by this?"

Lu Yanzhi said, "kill you."

"You dare!" cried, "I am a witch king. If you dare to kill me, the Witch King will know."

"The Witch King will only know that the person who killed you is a dark guard, knowing that you are not doing things well, and will not know other things." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Seeing that the 邬 被 was killed by Lu Hao, the two 人 缨 更加 更加 更加 更加 更加 更加 更加 更加 , 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭 蒹葭

"Oh, so the Witch King won't know that you are with me, and will not send someone to come to you again." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

Ye Hao gently shook his head to the red dragonfly who wanted to do it. They were not the opponents of Lu Yizhi. At this time, even if they died, they could not save her. "Lu Yizhi, what do you want to do?"

"I want to take you out of here." Lu Yanzhi said firmly.

"Do you think that if I take me away, no one will find me?" Ye Hao smiled slyly, only that Lu Yizhi's idea was ridiculous.

Lu Yizhi went to Ye Hao's face and reached out to touch her, but she was stopped by her disgusted and angry eyes. He reluctantly let go, "Hey, I will take you to someone who will not find you." The place, even if it is Murong Cham, he will not find you."

"Idiot people dream." Ye Hao whispered.

"I have prepared a carriage for you, let's go." Lu Yanzhi smiled and reached for Ye Hao's wrist.

Ye Haohan said, "Don't touch me, you make me feel sick."

Lu Yan’s low voice asked Ye Hao’s ear. “I didn’t forgive you when you didn’t forgive Murong Chan, did he make you feel sick?”

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" Ye Hao glanced at him coldly, not being confused by his words.

"You can forgive him and will forgive me in the future." Lu said.

Ye Hao powder floated a little smile, "I have never forgiven and forgive me for Murong Cham, I love him."

Lu Yu’s twilight sorrow, “You will fall in love with me in the future.”

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