The people brought by Lu Yizhi killed the squats, and the rest were his confidants. He let Ye Hao get on the carriage, looked back at the red dragonfly and glanced at it, and considered whether it was time to kill the two rings. It is.

"They are my ring, they must be allowed to serve me." Ye Hao saw his killing and immediately asked.

"Good." I thought that Ye Hao is still pregnant, Lu Yanzhi can't bear her inconvenience on the road and no one can wait.

The red dragonfly and the donkey got on the carriage, and both of them quietly breathed a sigh of relief, at least they were still beside the goddess.

"Sink will come to save us." He whispered, gently holding Ye Hao's hand.

Ye Hao smiled at her and stared at Lu Yi, who was riding next to their carriage. She was not sure what the man wanted to do. He killed the priest's house today, that is, he was arguing with the water. heart.

Wan Yanxi is already a new generation of Xiliang Wang. The priest's house will be cleaned up sooner or later. Lu Yan will definitely take her away from Xiliang. Where will he take her? Anhe City is also impossible, Qi Ruoshui is there, he said that she will not be handed over to Qi Ruoshui.

Is there any place where Murong Chong and Qi Ruoshui can't easily find her?

There is only one place that Ye Hao can think of.

That is Qi.

Yes, that's right! Ye Hao’s heart jumped, she felt that her guess was very likely, she could not be taken to Qiguo! Absolutely not! Qi is like the most powerful country today. This time, the other four countries have been involved in the war. Only the high country of Qi is not swayed. It’s a good thing to say good things. It’s true that the emperor Qi is Thinking of the fisherman's profit, who knows what the emperor is doing in the back.

She wants to find Murong Cham.

The two nightmares kept her upset, so she had to go to him to make sure he didn't have any accidents.

The carriage didn't know how long it took to walk. The sinking and other dark guards had never caught up. Ye Hao couldn't help but worry. Has the sinking has been killed by Lu Hao?

"Mother, drink some water." He poured a glass of water into Ye Hao.

Hung Hom said, "Is there a problem with this water?"

"This is the water bag I carry with me, there will be no problem," he said.

The voice of Lu Yizhi came in from the outside. "There are cakes in the carriage. Hey, you can eat it with confidence, no poison."

Ye Hao was silent and ignored the words of Lu Yizhi.

It was only when it was almost dark that the carriage finally stopped.

The carriage was listening to the back door of the inn. Except for Lu Yizhi and the other two men, those who saw it in the morning did not know where to go.

"Hey, come down." Lu Yanzhi stood under the car and smiled at Ye Hao.

"A little farther away from me." Ye Hao said coldly.

Lu Yizhi smiled a little, "Hey, you don't want me to kill both of you, so you can only rely on me."

Ye Hao stared at him with a low faint gaze. The Lu Yuzhi in front of her eyes had different understandings. He became more insidious and poisonous, deeper and more terrifying. She can be sure that if she continued to resist him, he would really kill. Red dragonfly and dragonfly.

"Now is it normal for you to kill people?" Ye Hao stepped on his ankle and looked at Lu Yan in a humble indifferent way.

Lu Yizhi took her hand and pulled Ye Hao into her arms. "The killing is for the sake of convenience. I don't like to kill."

Ye Hao sneered. "You don't like to kill, you just let your hand go down and kill."

"Hey, why do you always distrust me?" Lu Yuzhi's tone is helpless and petting. "Murong Zhan is also killing countless people. Why don't you think he is cruel and ruthless? I kill others, but I will treat you. Ok."

"Where do you want to take me?" Ye Hao asked softly.

Lu Yizhi said, "No one can find our place."

"You delusional." Ye Hao sneered, "Where is there any place in the world that can hide you?"

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Lu Yizhi chuckled and glared at Ye Hao and walked inside the inn.

Hung Hom and 蒹葭 face ugly in front of him, "Let us go!"

Lu Yizhi looked at them and smiled and asked Ye Hao. "Hey, you should teach your ring, don't forget your duty, or you will lead to the murder."

"Red, hey, go on." Ye Hao knows that Lu Yizhi is saying that he can do it. She doesn't want to kill the two rings.

Lu Yan smiled with satisfaction and helped Ye Hao's waist into the inn's room.

Just entering the room, Ye Hao suddenly felt a nausea, pushed the hand of Lu Hao and ran to the back of the screen and spit it up.

"Hey, why do you forgive Mo Rongzhan?" Lu Yanzhi saw her vomiting her face flushed, and her heart hurt, and she poured a glass of water and gave her a mouthful.

"I don't understand your words." Ye Hao said, "Don't touch me again, Lu Yizhi, I don't want to spit all the way."

Lu Yanzhi’s face changed. She didn’t spit because of her pregnancy, but because he touched her? "Why? I know that you are Ye Hao, you have Ye Hao's memories and hatred, you hate me when I deceive you, hate me to bring your jade to my children, I can't do anything like that of the year. What did Zhan do to you, he looked at what you still did, do you know?"

"I don't know!" Ye Hao cried coldly. "I don't want to know. I am Lu Hao. What Murong Chan did to Ye Hao, it was all the previous things, it has passed."

"You can't go through it in your heart!" Lu Yan said in a **** way, "Do you dare to talk to Murong Zhan about the two years in Qin Wangfu? He knows that you are not even better in the Qin Wangfu?" You dare not know what he did in the past because you know that once you know those things, you will hate him and you will not want to forgive him, right?"

Ye Hao smiled and shook his head. "Even if he wanted to kill Ye Hao at that time, it was because you concealed the truth. If you told him early in the morning, Ye Hao was the savior of his childhood, if not Lu Shuanger replaced Ye Hao, he Nothing will be done, so I will only hate you, Lu Yizhi."

"So, only if Murong Chan is dead, you will die to him." Lu Yan’s handsome face floated with a bleak smile. "Do you think he will come to save you? No, Hey, Murong Zhan will die undoubtedly, not only Murong Zhan, even Jin Guo will be engulfed by the North Ming State, the real 200,000 army in the North Ming Kingdom is not in Anhe City, but on the way to the wilderness, Murong Even if Zhan kills the soldiers of Anhe City, it is useless."

Ye Hao suddenly surprised. "What are you talking about?"

"Qi Ruo Shui is in Anhe City, she will definitely find ways to catch Murong Zhan, hey, think about Murong Yu's end, Murong Cham will only be worse than him." Lu Yizhi's smile is cruel, "If you Can't give up on Murong Zhan, then he is dead, you don't want to die."

Ye Hao remembered her dream, her face turned white, "I am going to Xiazhou!"

One of Lu Yan grabbed her. "No, we don't go to Xiazhou. Hey, we are going to Qi."

"Let me go!" Ye Hao yelled in anger, "Lu Yizhi, let me go!"

"I won't let you leave me. Oh, I won't repeat the same mistakes. I won't send you to Murong Zhan again." Lu Yanzhi said firmly.

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