Northern Ming Dynasty domestic chaos, because the domestic generals are sent to the wasteland, the North Hall can not find people to suppress the chaos in various places, had to order Haishu to quickly return to the North City to protect the car.

Haishu also sighed a few times when he received the sacred decree. He knew that in the eyes of the emperor, he still wanted to use Wan Ziliang to get the kingdom.

Hey, the emperor is really too small to look at Murong Zhan, and Jin Guo is so easy to defeat.

"The order is passed down, and 20,000 soldiers and horses will follow me back to the north." Haishu told the deputy.

"General, if we go back, what about the Anhe City?" The deputy asked, now there are not many soldiers left in Anhe City. If they have to take away 20,000, it is not the opponent of Xiazhou.

Haitang silently looked at the direction of the city wall. "That can only be resigned. If the emperor cares about Anhe City, he will not let me go back. We still count on Wan Ziliang. When he has the ability and ink tolerance. negotiation."

"The emperor is too valued for Wan Ziliang, so it is not a good thing to be desperate," said the deputy.

Haicang smiled happily. "How else can it be, what kind of end is General Jin Da?"

The deputy will think of General Jin Da, and sure enough, he will stop talking.

Qi Ruoshui learned that Haishu had to bring troops back to Beiducheng. Even if she wanted to pretend to be calm, she could not sit still. The priestly palace was sealed up. As the most respected witch king of Xiliang, she is now regarded as a sinner. It was framed by Xiliang Wang and the Queen. Those who were loyal to her have been assassinated. Now she can only use the confession of the original priestly palace. Even the Tuoba who can regain her rights for her has been killed by Ye Yiqing. She can now I hope to be a North Ming country with my own alliance.

"General Hai, what do you mean by the emperor?" Qi Ruoshui directly found the sea otter to ask questions.

Haishu recently did not want to see Qi Ruoshui. This woman is more annoying than he imagined. She knows that the general trend has not been reluctant to die. When Wan Ziliang joined her, most of them were unwilling, and the ingredients used were probably more Many, now Wan Ziliang's army has successfully entered the West Cool, certainly no longer need this lost Wu Wang, she is counting on Wan Ziliang to help her regain power, it is idiotic dreams.

"Women, now we are difficult to protect ourselves. There is a rebellion in the northern capital city. I have to go back to suppress the party." Although Haishu does not like Qishui, it is still good to see that she is a member of Xiliang Wuwang. Say good words.

Qi Ruoshui has already heard about the civil strife. She simply does not believe that it is necessary for Haishu to take the soldiers back. "It’s not that a few women and children gather in the crowd. Is it true that no one in the northern capital can suppress it? You need one. Can the generals who resist the foreign enemies on the sidelines go back?"

It would be as simple as that! Since the emperor has made a decision to let him go back, it proves that this civil strife is definitely not so easy. He also heard that there are hooligans who have escaped the conscription and are in trouble. Some people say that Anhe City is very devastated and hurts. It has aroused public anger, and women and children are not afraid of it. But the women and children of the entire northern dynasty are united and rebellious.

"Witch King, no matter what, I can't disobey the purpose of the emperor." Haishu said.

"General Hai, if you are gone, then this Anhe City is going to give up?" Qi Ruoshui knows that she can't stop Haishu's decision to return to Beiducheng. She is not reconciled. If Haitang is gone, she is in Anhe. The city can't stay for a long time.

No name to bring back Lu Hao has not returned, how can she wait until he grabs Lu Hao.

Haishu smiled. "I just took away 20,000 troops, and there are still 30,000 left to defend the city. Murong Chong will not be so easy to attack the city."

Qi Ruo looked at him with cold eyes. "This is the first time you see a general like you who is greedy and fearful of death."

"Who is not afraid of death." Haiyan shook his head. "Wu Wang, I will not love to do anything, but I still have to persuade you that Anhe City should not stay for a long time. You should not do anything that you have calculated. You are too small to see ink. Rong Zhan."

"This seat does not understand why you are so afraid of a hairy boy, what ability can he have, if it is not that Murong Hui is useless, Murong Chan is still just a fallen prince, if you are willing to send troops, Xiazhou is already you. "Qi Ruo water shouted.

Haishu’s arrogance for Qi Ruoshui just shook his head.

"General, I am ready." Someone outside came in and said to Haishu.

"Women, this is going to leave, you are self-sufficient." Haishu nodded to Qi Ruoshui and lifted his foot out of the camp.

Qi Ruoshui glared at his back and almost sighed. She now regrets the alliance with the Northern Ming Dynasty, but she has already reached this point, and she has no room for regret.

Chu slowly walked behind her, "Wu Wang, Lu Hao really was taken away by Lu Yi, the sorrow has been killed by him."

"Lu Yizhi is a hard-winged wing." Qi Ruoshui’s face sank. "Even my people dare to kill, so that no name, no need to be merciful, and bring his head back to see me."



Compared with the people in Anhe City, the military camp in Xiazhou seems to be more and more leisurely, except for the ink-filled Zhan Zhan who just learned that Ye Hao was taken away by Lu Hao.

"The emperor, it is useless, it can not protect the Queen Empress." Sun Junyi said in front of Murong Zhan.

"How can Lu Yizhi know where you are?" Murong asked with anger.

He thought that he could see Ye Hao soon. I didn't expect Lu Haozhi to take her away, and fell into the hands of Lu Yizhi... Murong Zhan couldn't imagine what would happen. He was in Bailongjiang that day. Lu Yan should be killed.

"We found thousands of snow in the backyard, and it was Qian Xue who brought Lu Yizhi there." Sun Jun said.

Murong Zhan played heavily on the table, and the heavy red wooden table was broken.

“Thousands of Snow!” Murong Chan said almost gnashing his teeth. “You haven’t killed her yet!”

"The emperor..." Sun Jun did not dare to look at Murong Zhan, and he dared not say anything with his head down.

Murong Zhan took a deep breath, and now it is useless to blame anyone. At the beginning, he put a thousand snow, and he also blamed himself. "Do you know where Lu Yuzhi took the Queen?"

"Return to the emperor, the subordinates and Shen Daren separately chased away, Lu Yanzhi should take the maiden to go to Zhangzhou." Sun Jun said.

Zhangzhou? Lu Yizhi wants to bring 夭夭 ​​to Qi State?

Murong Zhan said coldly to Wu Chong, "Be prepared, you have to go to the Queen yourself."

Anhe City is no longer a threat, he can safely leave here, instead of letting him wait here for her news, he still went to see her personally.

"The emperor, you have to go to the Queen in person?" Wang Qu listened to him.

"Northern China is in a state of chaos, and the North Hall will definitely let the sea squad retreat. Only when the strength of Anhe City is reduced, you can take the troops and attack the past. Just take down Anhe City and wait for you to come back and decide other things." Rong Zhan said faintly.

Wang Qu whispered quietly.

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