Lu Yizhi and the nameless fight are comparable. The two people who lose who wins have no difference to her. Lu Yizhi wants to take him to Qi, and the nameless will take her to see Qi Ruoshui, compared to her. I don't want to be taken to see Qi Ruoshui.

"Anniling." Hung Hom whispered Ye Hao, but his eyes were watching the ring in the rut.

Ye Hao held her hand and shook her head gently, indicating that she should not act rashly. Since this child can be guarded by Lu Yi, the martial arts will not be too weak, and the red dragonfly and the pipa may not be his opponents.

She frowned at Lu Yizhi, who was still fighting with the nameless. Although they couldn't tell the difference, they could see that there was no such thing as a namelessness. As for other priests, they have already been Lu Yuzhi. The people killed.

Where did Lu Zhi’s martial arts come from?

"Brother!" Guan Guan suddenly stood up, looking nervously at Lu Yizhi.

The nameless sword hurt Lu Yizhi’s arm, and the blood stained Lu’s white clothes.

"Lu Yizhi, handed over the landlord."

"I didn't expect the martial arts of the scorpion scorpion in the body to be so good." Lu Yizhi smiled and stepped back a few steps.

"It's more than enough to deal with you."

Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "What good is it for you to be able to sell your life? If she trusts you, why not give the scorpion-proof pearl to you, no name, even if you die today, Qi Ruoshui, she must be eyes Nothing, in her heart, you are just an obedient dog."

"Shut up!" shouted in the nameless anger.

Lu Yanzhi does not seem to feel pain, and he is not eager to cope with this namelessness. He seems to be leisurely and free, but he has begun to gasp.

The nameless physical strength is not as good as it used to be. If it was before, even if he and Lu Hao had been recruited for three days, they would not feel tired, but now they feel powerless.

If you continue to be dragged down by Lu Hao, he must be killed by Lu Hao!

Lu Yanzhi laughed, "Do you know that I will betray Qi Ruoshui?"

No name, cold and cold, "being careful, ungrateful!"

"Do you see these people behind me?" Lu Yizhi avoided the nameless sword, and the backhand also passed a sword across his arm. "These people were once saved by Qi Ruoshui and then abandoned by her." The waste, she only sees who is good for her, but if she doesn't fit her mind, she will not pay attention to the life and death of the person. They are almost dead on the road to work for Qi Ruoshui, I saved them."

"What do you say?" Anonymous shocked to see them shut them, and I saw a few familiar faces.

Lu Yizhi screamed at his chest with a nameless sword. "This is why I no longer work for Qi Ruoshui. It is nameless. You who died for her will soon be forgotten by her."

"You..." The nameless looked down at the sword that had pierced his chest, and looked at Lu Yizhi, "Little Man!"

"When it comes to life, what if you want to be a villain?" Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

The nameless softly fell down, his eyes staring at the sky, the blue sky and white clouds, the spring breeze, he reached out and tried to catch the Qi Ruoshui flashing in front of him, "Women..."

The figure of Qi Ruoshui disappeared, and his hand hanged weakly.

Lu Yizhi didn't look at him more, but looked back at other people. "Is it all right?"

"Liu Wu and Ah Da are dead." Guan Guan said with a calm face.

"Good to bury them," Lu said in a whisper. "We will hurry and go to the mountains to heal."

Lu Yuzhi’s fear of the priest’s temple will be pursued again.

"it is good."

Ah Da, who was driving, died. Lu Yanzhi let the guard ring to send Ye Hao. He sat on the other side of the rut and picked up the curtain and looked at Ye Hao. "Is it scared?"

"It is indeed scared by your shamelessness." Ye Hao said ridiculously, if he did not deliberately say those words to make nameless, he is not so easy to kill the nameless.

Lu Hao’s twilight sinks slightly. “I won’t kill him. He will take you to see Qi Ruoshui. Qi Ruoshui will not be against you as before. She will hurt you.”

"Don't you hurt me?" Ye Hao sarcastically asked.

"Hey, you still don't believe me, I won't hurt you any more." Lu Yizhi said helplessly.

Ye Xie looked at his still bleeding arm and said sarcastically, "Ye Ye is who believes in you, will die without a whole body."

Lu Yanzhi's face was white, and he no longer spoke next to the thin lips.

"Brother, your hand." Guan Guan looked worriedly at Lu's arm, and then he would die if he bleeds.

"I don't get in the way, I will wait until I have a safe place to heal again." Lu Yanzhi smiled softly and extended his untouched hand to touch the head of the ring.

Ye Hao glanced. "He used to be a priest's house?"

Lu Yan’s eyes lit up slightly, and his face could not hide his happiness. This was the first time Ye Hao spoke to him, instead of questioning him. “When he was very young, he was raised in the priest’s house. Probably wanting to raise him like a nameless heart, but the child is more naive, Qi Ruoshui feels that he is useless, he threw him into the mountain forest. When I saw him, he was eating a rabbit. I will keep him around."

"What about the other people?" asked Ye Hao, raising his eyebrows.

"They all died because they did something wrong." Lu said with a smile.

Ye Hao whispered, "You saved them, Qi Ruoshui doesn't know? She actually cultivated her own confidant by you."

"Qi Ruoshui has always been proud and conceited, how can they put them in the eyes." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "What's more, I save them, naturally I can stare at her."

"No wonder the namelessness says that you are ungrateful." Ye Hao shook his head and felt a little disdain for Lu Hao. He was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Murong Cham also had kindness to him, but he also smothered Murong Zhan to hurt her. Sold out Murong Cham.

Lu Hao’s twilight is heavy. “Hey, don’t say me like this. Everything I do is just to survive. When you face a difficult situation like me one day, you will understand that some choices are a last resort.”

"Like you originally chose Lu Shuanger to kill Ye Hao?" Ye Hao asked faintly.

Ye Xie’s words pierced Lu’s heart like a sharp knife. This is the most wrong choice he has ever made. He whispered, “This is my last regret.”

"If the old lady knows what you are doing, it will be very sad. Mrs. Lu is a good man." Ye Hao thought of her, who said that she had forgives Lu Hao before her death, she smiled in her heart.

Lu Yizhi turned his head and his eyes were quietly flowing with sorrow. After a moment, he said to Guan Guan, "Going in the path ahead, we can only spend the night in the mountains."

At this time, it is already Jin Wuxi fall.

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