Lu Yanzhi took them into the mountains before dark, I don't know how he did it, and found a cave that can cover the wind. The cave is very small. At most, he can enter two or three people. He can clean up the cave. I also laid a mat, and the fire was warmed up before I let Ye Hao go in.

"Unless you hide in the mountains for a lifetime, you will find you if you are in the water, here is Xiliang." Ye Hao looked at him and said faintly.

"It doesn't matter, Qi Ruoshui is hard to protect himself. It won't take long for her to pay attention to me." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile, "You can only grieve you tonight, and stay in the cave for a night."

Ye Hao glanced at him indifferently, seeing that his wounds were not bandaged. Others were more or less injured. She suddenly said, "Let people pick more herbs, the wounds are not treated, and the infection is more serious. It is."

Lu Yan’s eyes looked at her brilliantly. “Hey, are you caring about me?”

"I am worried that if you are all dead, how can I leave this mountain." Ye Hao said coldly, turned and walked into the cave.

"No, I will be fine." Lu Yanzhi laughed.

Ye Hao did not look back, her mouth faintly floated a smile.

"Mother, why bother to pay attention to them." Red Dragonfly is not willing to swear.

Glanced at her, "What do you know!"

Do not let Lu Yan people to pick medicine, where does the gods have the opportunity to take medicine?

Lu Yizhi didn't understand medicine, so he didn't let Ye Hao get close to the drug shop. She was afraid that she would use it to deal with them, but he still knew what medicine could cure the wound. This herb is not difficult to find, he is weak. The light to find the herbs needed, and sure to bring back without problems.

Ye Hao knows very well that Lu Yan’s treatment of injuries is an opportunity. As long as he adds something to their medicine, it is enough to make them coma for a few days. She will be able to take the opportunity to leave.

However, how can she apply the medicine to them?

"Odd girl, you are tired, don't let your eyes shut down first." He whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said, "You burn some water, I want to drink warm water."

"The slaves went to boil water." Hung Hom immediately said.

"The goddess, slaves go to the hole to guard, you are here to rest," he said.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. She closed her eyes against the mountain wall. When she was on the carriage today, she entered the space while taking a false squat, and found a book in the space that she had taken from the priesthood because it was in the book. The prescription is toxic. She didn't look at it after a few pages. Today, I thought about the book when I was thinking about what kind of medicine under Lu Hao. She looked for it carefully, and it was important to find a kind of person. The coma medicine, colorless and odorless, can be eaten into the mouth, and can also be applied to the knife, which can make people unknowingly unknowingly.

She has already made the medicine out, fearing that it will be discovered by Lu Hao and has been placed in the space.

Originally, I was planning to put the medicine in the rice they had eaten. Now there are other opportunities.

Ye Hao put the bottle containing the powder in his arms and came out of the space. He heard the movement outside, and Lu Yi came back.

"Hey." Lu Yizhi called her at the hole.

"Our niece is resting, what do you have?" He looked at Lu Yu’s whisper.

Lu Yan’s faint voice, “Since she is resting, I will come back later.”

Just as the red cockroach burned a pot of water and sent it, and saw Lu Hao’s hand holding the herbs, she licked her mouth. “You don’t expect our niece to bandage the wound for you?”

"I am not a doctor. It is not clear whether these herbs can be cured. I want to look at them." Lu Yizhi does not care about the attitude of these two rings. Now he thinks that she will be around, and his mood is pleasant. How to account for the words of the next person.

Hung Hom looked up and saw Lu Yizhi. "Da Master, how are you also our cousin's cousin, and now I am doing this kind of thing to the goddess, I am not afraid of people in the world knowing how to laugh?"

Lu Hao’s stunned look, cold and cold looking at the red dragonfly, “I am not a cousin, better than you.”

Ye Hao walked out slowly from the hole. "What is it?"

"Anniling." When Hung Hom saw Ye Hao, she immediately stood down to her side with her head down.

"Hey, wake you up?" The cold color in Lu Yan’s eyes disappeared instantly, watching Ye Wei smile gently.

Ye Hao said indifferently, "What are you looking for?"

Lu Yizhi took the herb he had just picked in front of Ye Hao. "Can these be healed?"

"These two have the effect of septicemia, can not be put together, put these smashes in the wound and wrap it up. After two days, the wound can be crusted. If you want to be better, wash the wound with wine." The face was cold and said that she knew that Lu Yuzhi took these herbs and just wanted to test, so let him test it.

"Good." Lu Yan's handsome face raised a gentle smile.

Ye Hao looked around and said, "Are all the people injured in this kid?"

"My injury doesn't matter." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"Give me the herb and the dagger." Ye slammed his mouth and looked reluctant.

Lu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her unidentified.

"The medical skills I learned at the medical museum made me unable to see death." Ye Hao said coldly.

"Okay." Lu Yizhi laughed and took the herbs in his hand to Ye Hao.

There was a big stone next to the hole. She took the medicine and walked over, letting the past help.

"I will help you," Lu said.

Ye Hao looked at him. "At this time, I am afraid that I will move any hands and feet? If I have such a skill, I will not be brought here by you."

Lu Yanzhi laughed, "How can I not believe you?"

He knows that her medical skills are powerful. However, no one can make any medicine out of thin air. He knows that she and her ankle ring have nothing. Otherwise, she has already started. It is only natural, he has experienced too. Many things are not easy to believe in others.

Hung Hom took a copper bowl from the carriage and loaded the leaves of the good herbs.

"These herbs are not enough. I have to change the medicine once more tomorrow." Ye Hao said faintly.

Lu Yizhi has been staring at Ye Hao’s hand. He smiled and took it. “Tomorrow, I will let people go to the mountains to pick up more. If you need it, you can let them find it in the mountains.”

"If there is anything that can poison people, then help me to pick more." Ye Hao sneered.

"Hey..." Lu Yanzhi smiled and suddenly held Ye Hao’s finger. "Your fingers are not suitable for touching such things."

Ye Hao waved his hand. "I don't touch it, it doesn't mean I don't want you to die."

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