Ye Hao returned to the cave and immediately washed her hands with the already cool water. After washing it several times, she stopped. She looked at her hands carefully and there was no wound, so the powder applied to her hand should not be for her. Any impact.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Seeing Ye Hao's strange movements, he and Hung Hom looked at each other.

"After entering the night tonight, I want to find a way to spill these powders into the fire. You should eat these two antidote first." Ye Hao said with a low voice.

Hung Hom’s eyes were bright, and she remembered the people outside with Lu’s, and she did not dare to say it out loud, “Yes, the goddess.”

At this point, the sky outside was completely dark, the smell of the barbecue passed into the cave, Lu Yan took two roast rabbits and came over. "Hey, eat something first, this is the hare that just caught it, meat. Still very fresh."

He used to take the roast rabbit in his hand. "Thank you."

Lu Yan’s eyes gazed softly at Ye’s side face. “We don’t have to take the mountain road tomorrow, we will soon go to Ganzhou.”

When you get to Ganzhou, you are not afraid of people who are in the water.

Hearing this, Ye Hao was more anxious in her heart. She couldn't wait to go to Murong Zhan right away, but now she is farther away from him. If she can't escape tonight, it will be even harder to have a chance.

"Roll." Ye Hao said disgustedly, she did not want to hear Lu Yanzhi say anything, his voice has made her feel annoyed.

"Oh..." Lu Yanzhi called him helplessly.

Ye Hao looked back at his arm and saw that he had bandaged the wound. She said with a covet, "No matter where you take me, I am the queen of Jinguo. Do you think that Murong Chong will let you go?" ”

"If he can save his life, he will come to you. Now he is afraid that he is difficult to protect himself." Lu Yizhi said with disapproval.

"Do not blame the nameless, you are ungrateful. If you were not Murong Zhan, how did you become a Houfu..." Ye Haodao, he was interrupted before he finished.

Lu Yanzhi said coldly, "What is left now in Lujia? The person who truly ungrates is Murong Zhan. When we were assisted by Lujia, we were able to raise food and grass, but how did he treat the children? If it wasn’t for your pleading, would he still want to have a copy of the Lujia?

"Lu Shuanger will have such an end to be taken by himself! Your brothers and sisters are framed by Ye Hao, and the jade who pretends to be her savior is pretending to be a savior of Zhan Zhan. Are you doing this right?" Ye Hao asked geology, "You have never Don't feel that you are wrong, people all over the world are sorry for you, you always have your hardships, Lu Yizhi, talents like you are really disgusting, shameless!"

"I really shouldn't hurt my favorite person for the sake of both children." Lu Yizhi heard Ye Hao's question, and his heart hurt.

When he watched Ye Hao being swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire, he did not feel grief in his heart. He only had some regrets and sadness. Later, he did not know why he always thought of Ye Hao’s smile, until Lu Hao came to him. Understand your own mind.

Unfortunately, it is too late...

No, not too late! His favorite girl is here, he still has a chance.

"Enough, I don't want to hear you all these words." Ye Hao frowned.

Lu Yanzhi nodded gently. "You should eat something first."

Looking at the back of Lu Hao’s departure, Ye Hao gently sighed. He bandaged the wound. It should not last two hours, and they will definitely fall asleep.

"Mother, eat a little meat." Hung Hom whispered.

"Do you have any antidote?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Hung Hom and Nod nodded. "All have already eaten."

Ye Hao took the roast rabbit and smelled it. He sneered a little. "There was a drug in it, you bite a few mouthfuls, don't swallow it."

It seems that Lu Hao really does not believe her, has been staring at her every move, thought she will take the opportunity to escape?

The red dragonfly and the donkey licked the rabbit and only left the bones. The rabbit meat was buried in the ground. After a while, the ring came over and said that it was coming to pack things.

"Get it." Hung Hom gave him a bunch of bones.

Guan Guan glanced at Ye Hao and left, holding the bones.

On the side of Lu Yizhi, they saw that they had eaten the rabbit meat and smiled with satisfaction.



After Murong Yu woke up, he immediately let Song Hao turn the carriage back to find Ye Hao.

Fujisawa looked reluctant. In his opinion, Lu Hao was an ominous person. As long as the owner was by her side, there would be no good things. When I went back to find her, I didn’t know what would happen.

"I said that she should protect her no matter what happened." Murong's body is slowly recovering, so he is lying halfway, although his eyes are not open, but the vines feel the back is cold.

"You have no heartbeat and breathing, I..." Fujisawa wants to explain.

Murong’s voice is chilly. “Even if I am dead, you should keep her well.”

Fujisawa said with no anger, "What the **** are you looking at? She is almost ready to give birth to a child for Murong Zhan. You are so against her, can she run away with you?"

"I don't care if I have it in my heart. It doesn't matter if I marry someone else. I just want to watch her." Murong whispered that he didn't have any temptation in his life, but he belonged to a heart. The woman is tempted. What can he do? Looking at her laughing, he felt that the world was bright. When she saw her tears, he felt that the whole person was not good. These feelings were not controlled by him.

Murong Yu remembered his dreams, and thought of his tears, his heart smashed into a ball.

That's just his dream of cranky... It won't be true.

Azhan’s love for you will only be deeper and more real than him. How can he be willing to hurt her, how can she make her cry?

"How is your body?" Fujisaki is most concerned about Murong's body.

"No problem." Murong said, I don't know what medicine I gave. He had already felt that he was dying. He didn't expect to drink the medicine. Not only did he have the pain of cutting meat. Reappeared, even the spirit is much better.

If he rests for a day or two, he should be able to restore his former internal strength and spirit.

"The front is here." Song Hao said cheerfully outside. "If the goddess wakes up when he sees the owner, she will be very happy."

Murong’s words evoked a smile, “Yes, she will be very happy.”

When they came to the house and saw the mess and blood in the yard, the faces of the three of them changed.

Song Hao called. "I said that there must be danger. You still don't believe it. What should I do now?"

"Go to the vegetable garden to see." Fujisawa said quietly.

When I arrived at the vegetable garden, in addition to the already melting and stinking snow, where are the others?

Murong’s face was as dark as a cloud, “Go.”

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