The man was wearing an azure brocade, pale and thin face with sharp edges and corners, his eyes like a gentle white jade, his eyes gazing softly at her, his thin lips with a shallow smile.

Ye stunned and met Murong’s eyes. She was born with a feeling of aging. She couldn’t think of him for a few days. The shackles and pains that linger in her heart would make her cry. She thought she would never see him again.

Murong Yu...

He is still alive! He woke up!

"Anniling, is... six kings." He also laughed and looked at Murong Yu with great joy.

Murong Yan walked slowly and his eyes were like the morning star in the air. "Hey, I finally found you."

He didn't feel like the feeling of being separated from the world. He thought that it would take too long to see her. I didn't expect it to be so clever. Originally, Song Hao had already planned to leave the city. He suddenly wanted to stop, and then he saw the red dragonfly catching the thief. It is.

"You wake up, you finally woke up." Ye Hao's voice was a little choked, and she took a deep breath and barely smiled.

Murong Yu came to the carriage and looked up at her. "Yes, I woke up."

Ye Hao suddenly didn't know what to say. There seemed to be a lot of words to say, but no other words could be said.

"We will go out of town first, what can we say on the road." Murong said with a smile.

Song Yu immediately said, "I am coming to catch a car."

He walked over to the horse. "Then I am riding."

They put another horse on the carriage, and Murong Yu and Ye Hao were in the car. Hung Hom knew that they had a lot to say, so they took the initiative to sit on the rut and couldn’t help but whisper to Song Wei. "When did your owner wake up?"

"We didn't take long to wake up, and the owner woke up very angry. We came to you immediately." Song said with a smile.

Red snorted, "How come you didn't see that vine?"

"The owner of the cabinet gave birth to him, he did not let him follow." Song said.

"Live it!" Red snorted, she felt that the vine had an inexplicable hostility towards the sissy, and he did not follow it best.

Song Xiao smiled and shook his head. "The vine is actually... it is too concerned about the owner."

Both Murong Yu and Ye Hao in the carriage heard the conversation outside. They looked up and looked at each other and laughed silently.

"Oh, thank you." Murong whispered, "If it weren't for you, I am afraid that I am no longer in this world."

Ye Hao shook his head. "You don't have to thank me. You are only to save me and I am locked in the wormhole. If you want to thank you, then I thank you."

Murong Yu had deliberately refused to remember the days in the priest's house. The pain was too deep. He would rather not think about it forever. "Then we should not say thank you again."

"Okay." Ye Hao chuckled. "You have no heartbeat and breathing when you are in a coma. Rattan thinks it will be so nervous, don't blame him."

"I didn't blame him." Murong said faintly, he would not blame Fujisawa, but he did not intend to forgive him so quickly.

Ye Hao looked at him. "You give me your hand, I will give you the pulse."

She was somewhat worried that the damage on his body had not fully recovered, so I wanted to show him.

Murong smiled and reached out. "I feel that all the pains have disappeared after I woke up. Even the internal forces seem to have increased. I don't think there is any problem."

"Yes?" Ye Hao was a little surprised. He gently put his hand on his pulse. Indeed, his pulse is normal. It seems that the damaged injury has been fixed. The bird does not have it. Lied to her, it said that as long as Murong can wake up within three days, it will be fine, he really is fine.

"When I was asleep, I was always dreaming." Murong looked up at Ye Hao. He didn't know what was going on in the dream, but he always felt as if he had experienced it himself.

Because the situation in the dream is actually the same as in reality, except that... He has never seen it since the beginning, as if she did not exist in his dreams.

"Then you remember what you dreamed of?" Ye Yan asked with a smile.

"I can't remember it." Murong faintly smiled.

He can't say that he dreams that Azhan will have an accident in the near future, and he will still be missing for a while. When he returns, he can't remember everything. There is a woman next to him. He sealed the woman. Also pampered for a long time.

The strange thing is that his dream is not embarrassing, Azhan does not seem to have a queen.

If this is true, where is it going?

This dream is too ridiculous. How can Azhan like other women, and how can he never appear? This is probably the greed in his heart, which makes him dream about such a thing.

"Why did Lu Yanzhi catch you?" Murong asked in a low voice.

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows in disgust. "He took me as a leaf."

Murong stunned, this thought of Ye Hao is the twin sister of the ,, is the former Qin Wang 阿 of A Zhan, Lu Yizhi as a 蓁 蓁? "I remember that Ye Hao was personally poisoned by Lu Yi."

Nowadays, this is how people can't understand it.

"Yeah, so I want to make a redemption, I will be treated as her." Ye Hao said sarcastically, "He wants to take me to Qi, I think, he should be unknown in Qi."

Murong has not seen Lu Yizhi, but when he listens to it, he feels that this person is shamelessly ridiculous. In order to kill his favorite woman, now he sees a similar leafhopper, and he will be regarded as a scorpion. The object of atonement, if such a person sees it in the future, he must kill him, otherwise it will only harm him.

"Now I am here, will not let Lu Yizhi have the opportunity to take you away." Murong Yu said

Ye Hao looked at him with a smile. "I know that Lu Yizhi has a younger sister named Lu Shuanger. She should also be in Qi."

"Lu Shuanger? Isn't that the previous Lu Guifei?" Murong asked, raising his eyebrows, still alive.

Is the woman he saw in his dreams is this Lu Shuanger?

"Yeah, the emperor has already given her death, it is Lu Yizhi who rescued her." Ye Hao said softly.

"That... Where are you going to go next? Looking for Ye Daren?" Murong Yu didn't want to be influenced by that weird dream, forcing himself not to think about it again.

"I want to go to the emperor." Ye Hao said that she missed Murong Zhan very much, no matter what happened, she wanted to stay with him.

Murong sighed and said a little, then nodded with a smile. This answer is not unexpected. He should have guessed that she only thought about Murong Cham.

"Okay, then we will go to Anhe City." Murong said.

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