When Lu Yizhi woke up, the sky was already a little dim. He looked up at the sun and knew that he had slept for almost a day. He used to wake up and wake up everyone else. Except for the ring, everyone else was confused. It doesn't look so awake.

"Brother, what happened?" Guan Guan held his head and he felt his head sink.

"She ran away." Lu Yan’s hazy voice was filled with anger. Since he poisoned Ye Hao, he actually no longer trusts everyone, so he does not let Ye Hao close to the drugstore, no matter what she does, she will keep an eye on it. With.

When did she take medicine for them? He didn't even notice it at all.

"I saw my sister's ring in the fire in the fire." The ring will always hold the bottle in his hand and give it to Lu Hao.

Lu Yanzhi smelled it, and there was no smell at all. He remembered that Ye Hao took the initiative to take medicine for him last night. She was taking medicine at that time!

"Follow me to find her." Lu Yanzhi said, hey, if he returns to his hands this time, he will not be so indulgent.

The gates were nodded, turned over, and left behind behind Lu Yuzhi. As for others, they naturally knew what to do when they woke up.

"Why should my brother find her?" Guan Guan curiously asked him that he had been with Lu Hao for so long, and for the first time he saw that he cares so much about one person.

"She is my life and love." Lu Yizhi whispered.

What is this life love? The guard did not understand what it was. He wanted to ask again, but Lu Yizhi had already speeded up. He cured and quickly chased him.

Also looking for Ye Hao is also Murong Chan.

After passing through Anhe City, Murong Chong immediately chased in the direction of Zhangzhou.

He has a lot of things to worry about, except for the wars of the wilderness and Anhe City. He is also worried about Ye Yiqing, but he is most uneasy, and he has only been left for a few months.

He doesn't know what she is doing now, how is she kidnapped? Is she wronged? Such a spoiled little Jiaojiao, even eating and bathing are asking for more than anyone else. How did you go this way? Are you used to eating? Did you sleep well?

None of these all told him that the little girl he was thinking of had a good time.

"The emperor, the news sent by Shen." Sun Jun took the letter pigeon in his hand and handed a secret letter to Mo Rongzhan.

Shen Qi has been pursuing the traces of Ye Hao. At this time, there should be news.

Murong Zhan looked at the letter in his hand. The news that came back from Shen is indeed a news about the blasphemy. He said that they met the priest's temple on the road. Lu Yizhi will kill the law without name, and continue to go to Ganzhou with 夭夭The direction went, but on the way, the medicine was fainted by Lu Hao, and when he was rushed to the scene, he just saw Lu Yan’s waking up and disappeared.

There were not many people in the sinking belt, and he was seriously injured in his body, so he did not appear in front of Lu Yi. Now he is tracking Lu Yizhi, hoping to find the goddess.

"The emperor, where are we going next?" Sun Jun whispered.

"Go look for the difference." Murong Chong said softly, as long as he let him see Lu Yizhi, he will certainly let this person suffer from the bitterness and then kill.



Wasteland, military camp.

Ye Lannan originally planned to go to Xiazhou to find Murong Zhan. On the road, he happened to meet Sima Yi, so he followed the return to the wasteland. They had not returned to the military camp. In the distance, they heard the voice of shouting and killing.

"It is Wan Ziliang who brought the soldiers to kill!" Ye Xiaonan is familiar with these voices, and that is the army of the North Ming State.

Sima Yi was shocked. "Is Wan Ziliang already killed with 200,000 soldiers?"

"Go, go see." Ye Xiaonan cried, patted the horse hard and ran out quickly.

Wan Ziliang’s 200,000 soldiers have not yet arrived in the wilderness. He just wants to swear that Ye Xiaonan is not there. He will kill Tang Hao first, so that he can win the best position of Jin Guo in this wilderness. However, he was too late to be happy, but he saw Ye Yinan with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

"Quickly withdraw!" Wan Ziliang yelled, damn, how did Ye Xiaonan come back?

Is this a trap?

He had no time to let the soldiers line up. Before Ye Yannan had not chased him, he had already retired quickly with his deputy.

When Ye Yinan and Sima Yi arrived, although they caught a lot of soldiers from the North Ming State, they could still let Wan Ziliang escape.

"Jing Ninghou, you are not injured?" Ye Xiaonan quickly found Tang Yan asked.

Tang Yan said with a smile, "A little skin trauma, no big problem, how come you come back? This is..."

Sima Yi whispered, "Jing Ninghou, we met Ye General on the road, the emperor said that Wan Ziliang will definitely bring troops to attack the wasteland, let us come and guard."

"The two thousand prisoners of Xiliang are still here. There are only one or two thousand troops in the North Ming Kingdom. How do they attack the wilderness?" Tang said with a puzzled voice.

"Not one or two thousand, it is 200,000." Ye Xiaonan looked at the military camp after being attacked by the North Ming State. "It seems that Wan Ziliang's 200,000 soldiers have not yet arrived, which is an opportunity for us. ”

Wang Hao shouted, "Yes, this is our chance. If we first occupy the grassland there, whether it is the North Ming Kingdom or the West Cool, we will not want to step into our wasteland in the future."

"Then why don't we quickly fix it?" Sima Yi looked at Ye Xiaonan.

Ye Xiaonan looked at the soldiers who had just finished the war. "No hurry, these brethren have gone so many days, they should have a good meal tonight, and they will have enough strength to have enough strength to go to Wanzi tomorrow. The good **** is killing, are you saying?"

"Yes!" everyone shouted loudly.

Tang Yan smiled and looked at Ye Xiaonan. "Well, then we will go to Wanziliang tomorrow."

"Not only that, but also to find ways to let the 200,000 soldiers can not come to the wasteland." Sima Yi said.

Ye Yinan revealed an inscrutable smile. "Is there anything that can stop the 200,000 soldiers in the North Nether? If they think that we have 300,000 troops waiting for them here, do you think they dare to come?"

"General Ye, what do you mean?" Tang Yan looked at Ye Xiaonan with a puzzled look.

"There is a way of arranging soldiers. It will make people feel the illusion. Think of a soldier as three soldiers. We can use this method to make Wan Ziliang feel the illusion tomorrow. When they pass the words back, naturally they will not let the 200,000. The soldiers came to die." Ye Xiaonan whispered.

Sima Yi asked, "For the first time, this way of arranging troops, I heard that General Ye, what should I do?"

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "We went to the sand table and practiced it again."

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