Jinguo, Kyoto.

Compared to the war on the border, Kyoto is still peaceful and prosperous.

The embarrassment in the palace has never been favored. I have long been used to obscurity. The emperor and the empress are not in the palace. They can’t get up. However, some people secretly hope that the queen who was taken by the Xiliang Wuwang will not come back. It is.

As long as there are empresses in the palace, the emperor can't see other people in the eyes. If the emperor is gone, they still have a chance to get the emperor's favor, and they don't expect to have the queen's favor, so that they can give birth. A child and a half daughter will do it. If the queen comes back, I heard that she already has a dragon, and I am afraid that they will not even have a place to survive.

Compared to these dark and careful thoughts, the days of the Queen Mother are very moist and relaxing.

"Auntie, you see, this is the famous door that the sorrow family has chosen for you. You can see that it is your heart." In addition to dealing with the things in the palace every day, the greatest pleasure of the Queen Mother is to choose Wang Hao for Murong. .

Murong Yu came back from the Imperial Study Room. He just learned that there might be a big war in the civil strife and the wilderness in the North Ming State. The mood is not very good. He is worried about the safety of the emperor, and he is worried that the Queen’s nephew does not know the situation now. In the wake of the wilderness, the people of Jinguo may not have a calm day. He wanted to discuss the matter with the Queen Mother. He did not expect to go to Cining Palace but heard the Queen Mother pick him up.

"After the mother, I am not saying it, this matter will be mentioned later." Murong frowned, trying to restrain the tone.

The Queen Mother glanced at him. "You are a few years old. It’s a big thing to hurry up and watch the king. These girls are carefully selected by the mourners. Come and see."

Inkor can't help but raise his voice. "After the mother, the big thing in the middle of the present is the war on the border. It is the safety of the emperor. You don't ask if the emperor is safe. He never cares about the emperor's nephew." Thinking about these unnecessary things?"

"There is nothing to say about these." The Queen Mother said with no anger. "How can the mourners not care about the war at the border, but what is the use of the mourners? Is it possible to change the situation? The emperor fought in Xiazhou, mourning The family is also worried about his safety, but you can't ignore your lifelong events because of your heart."

"After the mother, nothing is more important than the war. Before the emperor returned, I didn't have any family meetings." Murong said impatiently.

The Queen Mother screamed, "Don't you come back to the emperor, are you still planning to live a lifetime?"

Murong stunned and angrily looked up at the Queen Mother. "What is your message after the mother?"

She actually cursed the emperor and couldn’t come back? He couldn't believe that this would come out of his mother's mouth. Isn't the life and death of the emperor's brother not important to her?

"The mourner is only saying anything." The Queen Mother knew that she had made a mistake and she coughed.

"After the mother, don't mention this matter again, wait for the emperor to come back and say it." Murong said faintly, the disappointment that could not be said in my heart.

The Queen Mother grasped the hand of Ink Murray. "Auntie, the mourner knows that you and the emperor brothers are deep in love, but it is inevitable that there will be an accident. You are the most dear brother of the emperor. In the future, it will be the pillar of the kingdom. wrong?"

"After the mother, the Queen's nephew already has a child of the emperor's brother. Your fears are too much." Murong said coldly, "I still want to ask the adults to discuss things. After the mother, I will go first."

"Auntie, aunt!" The Queen Mother yelled at the voice of Murong.



Although I know that Murong’s injury has been restored, Ye Hao has given him several tonics. The medicines actually have no effect. She mainly wants to give him a little bit of a spring to ensure that he will not be affected by anti-drugs.

"Hey, aren't you saying that my body is not a big problem? How can I take medicine?" Murong Yu had not drunk the medicine so much, and he drank the most in these few days. He saw that the scalp was numb.

Ye Hao said, "Although it is said, it is not bad for you to drink."

Murong smiled bitterly. "How do I feel that you are deliberately tormenting me?"

"If you really want to torture you?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, he concealed the identity of her daughter, she has not found him.

"Only can be accepted." Murong sighed.

Ye Hao said, "Before your body was damaged too much, although it was restored, it is always correct to be careful."

Murong smiled and nodded, and looked down at her slightly raised belly. "Azhan knows you are pregnant?"

"It should be known." Ye Hao thought that she could see Murong Chan soon, and her mood became pleasant.

"Oh..." Murong sighed and stopped, and he looked at her with some hesitation.

Ye Hao saw him look strange and smiled and asked, "What happened?"

"If one day Achille’s other woman is jealous, what would you do?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"Is there any other embarrassment in the palace now?" Ye Hao smiled.

That is not the same! The woman that Murong Yu saw in her dream, Azhan seems to be in her heart, otherwise she would not love her for so long, although it was only his dream, but he felt that it was not just a dream, he had to know his Whether the dream is true or not, I have to wait until I see Azhan.

"Also." Murong smiled. "Azhan is willing to make you sad."

Ye Hao thinks that Murong Yu seems to have something to say. "What do you want to say? How can I not understand?"

"I was thinking, if Azhan didn't meet you, I don't know what it would be like." Murong smiled. "I didn't see him laughing before, let alone the woman who cares. His life seems to be Only fight."

In his dreams, the Azhan he saw was the same as he was when he was a child. In addition to fighting, it is Jin Guo. It seems that no other things are of interest. Even the later nobles seem to have failed to change his personality.

Speaking of it, only those who can really change Azhan are jealous.

It is she who makes him look like a human being.

"The emperor used to eat a lot of bitterness in the palace before." Ye Hao whispered.

"Yeah, the Queen Mother was weak at that time and could not protect him." Murong said faintly.

Ye Hao sighed in his heart, and now the Queen Mother did not see where it was weak.

"Why did you become the owner of Thousands of Rakshasa at the beginning?" Ye Hao asked.

Murong smiled and smiled. I probably expected Ye Hao to ask this question. "Remember Zhuo Lao? It was only a few days for the agent. I didn't expect it to be the owner."

"How can you worship Zhuo Lao as a teacher?" Ye Hao asked again, Zhuo Lao is only a river and lake, Murong is a prince, how did he become a disciple of Zhuo Lao?

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