Xiliang, Pingjing.

Ye Yiqing received Tuoba Xuanyuan in the temporary council, listening to Tuoba Xuanyuan to let them lead the soldiers to leave Pingjing and Donglai. He smiled and placed his hand on the small seven heads around him, and he touched it without any trouble. For Tuoba Xuanyuan, it seems to have not heard the ear.

"Ye Daren, Xiliang and Jinguo have no intention of being enemies. This time it is completely plagued by **** and confrontation with your country. I also hope that we can be as friendly as before..." Tuo Xuanyuan said with a smile, can It is best for Jin Guo to drive out Xiliang, but it seems that it is not easy to see Ye Yiqing's posture.

"General Tuojun, this official is the prime minister of Dongqingguo, not the prime minister of Jinguo. How do I remember that Dongqingguo and Xiliang do not seem to have any friendship?" Ye Yiqing said faintly.

Tuoba Xuanyuan looked a little stiff. He only remembered that Ye Yiqing was a Jin Guoren, but he forgot that people are now the prime minister of Dongqing.

"Ye Daren, Donglai and Pingjing are all attacked by the soldiers. You are the Yuezhang of the Emperor of the Jin State. Can you not represent Jin Guo and our Xiliang to rebuild?" Tuo Xuanyuan asked, as a military commander. He actually knows that he came here to take his own insults. He wants to hold the two cities in Jinguo in his hands. He will not release them any more.

"General Tuojun’s words are like trying to provoke my relationship with Dongqingguo. Since I am taking the money of Dongqingguo, the representative is naturally Dongqingguo. The king of the kingdom did not give me a dime. Ye Yiqing smiled faintly.

Tuoba Xuanyuan's face is a bit ugly. Although he can't understand how much a dime is, he understands the meaning of Ye Yiqing's words. It is excused to want him to retreat. "Ye Daren, you will make the relationship between the two countries even more terrible."

"Xiliang and Jinguo have been fighting for so long, and if the relationship is good, then there is a problem." Ye Yiqing said with an eyebrow. "General Tuojun, you want Jinjun to retreat, you should find a general, it is with me. useless."

The implication is that he Ye Yiqing is not going to retreat?

"Ye Daren, everyone knows that you are the coach." Tuoba Xuanyuan said.

"Yes, but this official is only the coach of Dongqingguo. As for the generals who are willing to retreat, whether they want to fight, it is not the official can control." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Tuoba Xuanyuan stood up. "What about the general?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "The general should be in the military camp. The officer can ask people to ask him. However, if he wants to come over, he will not know."

"There are Laoye adults." Tuoba Xuanyuan said with a calm face, Xiliang is now in a weak position. Qiruo is hurt by the roots of the country. They are not as good as Jinguo. Now they have to look at people's faces.

"Go to the General Kim." Ye Yiqing gestured to the soldiers next to him.

Tuoba Xuanyuan looked at Xiaoyiyiyi. Xiliang is a nomadic people. He used to live by hunting. He can see at first glance that this white wolf is a wolf king. He asked in surprise, "Ye Daren Did you raise a wolf king?"

"This is not mine." Ye Yiqing licked the ears of Xiao Xiaoqi. "This is the guard of my daughter."

daughter? Guard?

"Ye Daren, you mean... This wolf king is raised by the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea?" Tuo Xuanyuan asked strangely.

"Yes." Ye Yiqing nodded with a smile. "Right, General Tuojun came from the king. I don't know if I have seen the daughter of this official?"

Tuoba Xuanyuan said, "Isn't the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea not already leaving the priesthood? This... I don't know where she is now."

Ye Yiqing certainly knows that he has been saved, so he calmed down at the fastest speed. After waiting for the wait, he still didn't wait for the trace of his daughter. Even the ink-free Zhan Zhan had no news, I don’t know. Not something happened on the road.

"Speaking, this will be extremely admired by the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. Our king was framed by Qi Ruoshui, and almost died. I did not expect the Queen of the King to cure him." Although Tuo Xuanyuan did not like it very much. Ye Yiqing, who now dominates the two cities of Xiliang, but he is really grateful to the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea.

If it wasn't for her cure, Yan Xi, now Xiliang is probably falling into the hands of Qi Ruoshui.

Ye Yiqing said with a smile, "Well, the Queen's maiden is a high-tech."

With the golden finger of the cockroach, even if it is back to life, there is no problem. Ye Yiqing does not doubt that she is saved by Yan Xixi.

Tuoba Xuanyuan took a cup of tea and took a sip of tea. The tea was cold, and the squatter had not come back yet.

Ye Yiqing has a sullen face. Although he has never seen Yan Xi, he feels that this newly-ranked Xiliang Wang is not smart at all. He should not let Tuoba Xuanyuan come to be a messenger. He should find a dead skin. The following subordinates, Tuoba Xuanyuan is very proud, can not persuade the retreat of the tower, as for him, he let the tower to pass through Qingzhou, in order to save the daughter, as long as he comes back safely, he will not Stay here more.

Although he feels that it is a pity to give Donglai and Pingjing to Jinguo, he believes that he will definitely get more benefits in the future.

The soldier who came to ask the tower was finally back. He didn’t look at the already impatient Tuoba Xuanyuan. He said to Ye Yiqing, “Ye Daren, the general said that he is still training, if anything, wait until tonight. Say it again."

Ye Yiqing had to apologetically look at Tuoba Xuanyuan. "General Tuojun, it seems that you have to wait until later to see the generals."

"No problem, I will wait for him." Tuoba Xuanyuan said.

"Then please ask General Takuya to go back to the room to rest, wait for the general to come back, I will let people tell you." Ye Yiqing said with a smile.

Tuoba Xuanyuan knows that the only thing that can be done now is to wait. He nodded. "There is a big man."

When he was taken to the room, Ye Yiqing said to the head of Xiaoqi. "Your unconscionable master, I am afraid I can't remember that I am in Hirai. Maybe she is going to find the boy who is Murong Chong."

Xiaoqi snorted, as if it was attached to Ye Yiqing, it felt that Murong Cham was a jerk!

"Ye Daren, Ye Daren!" Ye Yiqing's confidant field ran in for a long time outside.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yiqing asked faintly.

Tian Jiu said, "Ye Daren, the girl has news, this is the letter that the girl sent you."

Ye Yiqing’s twilight was bright. He took the letter from Tian Jiu’s hand and saw the handwriting above. This is indeed awkward. He was busy opening the letter and looked up.

This letter was indeed written by Ye Wei. She not only clearly explained that she was on the way to Pingjing, she learned that Murong was in the poison, and said that she met Lu Haozhi, although she said it was brisk and vivid, Ye Yiqing I still squeezed a cold sweat when I saw it.

Fortunately, she finally said that she was already with Murong Cham.

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