After Ye Hao knew what it was for Murong Zhan to go to Anhe City, there was always a strange omen in her heart. It seems that something is about to happen. However, she is now ignorant and has no results. The image is simply strange, she can’t see it. understood.

What she worried most about was the nightmare, so she didn't sleep well in these days, and she always woke up in her dreams.

"Do you have a nightmare again?" Murong Chong found that the person in his arms breathed very fast, and immediately opened his eyes to see her.

"I woke you up?" Ye Hao turned over in his arms and stared at him face to face.

Murong Chan touched her forehead with sweat, "What did you do to make you so upset?"

"I was thinking about it." Ye Xiao said with a smile. "People may become strange after pregnancy."

"Hey, what the **** are you afraid of? Because Lu Yizhi has appeared again, so you think of... those things? I think that I used to hurt you..." Murong Chong tightened her, listening to these days. She swears in her dreams. He has to be heartbroken. He used to hurt her so much that the fear in her heart is so deep.

Yes, Murong Chan thinks that this is Ye Hao was hurt too much, so when I saw Lu Haozhi, I remembered the previous things, which led to the most hidden fear in my heart.

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "No, that feeling... Just like when I stood in front of you, you didn't see me. I can only watch you look at Lu Shuang as me, watching you pamper. The woman, in your eyes, I am a non-existent person."

"That is even more impossible. You are no longer the former Ye Hao. You are the embarrassing queen. How can you not see you?" said Murong Cham.

"Yes." Ye Hao smiled. She turned her head and looked at the sky outside. "What time is it?"

Murong Zhan whispered, "Genius is just shining, you sleep for a while."

"Is going to Xiazhou?" Ye Hao asked. "How do you plan to dispose of Qi Ruoshui, can you not bring this to Kyoto?"

"Hey handed her over to Huangfu." Murong Zhan gently stroked Ye Hao's back. "There is a person named Chu away next to Qi Ruoshui. He used to be the vice-president of Jin Xiong. He told people to take him. The wasteland."

Ye Hao said, "I heard that this time I was able to know Wan Ziliang’s conspiracy in time, or because Jin Da’s former confidant had to find Jin Shanshan to know."

"This is indeed the case." Murong Zhan whispered, "So your brother will beg with Chu, probably wanting to take revenge for Jin Shanshan."

"When I was at the priest's house, I was fortunate to be with me." Ye Hao put his face on the chest of Mo Rongzhan and couldn't help but yawn.

Murong Zhan laughed. "Let's sleep for a while, what's the matter when you get up and say."

When she woke up, she had to leave for Xiazhou. There was not much time for him to accompany her on the road. She had been discussing with Murong that she didn’t know what to do, and she was not allowed to know, hehe.

Although Ye Hao thought so, but the enemy was not tired, but he slept deeply after a while.

Murong Chong's fingertips touched her white and smooth cheeks. In fact, after her days of nightmare, he remembered her magical rebirth. Her heart was still worried. He was not afraid of other things, and he was afraid that he would hurt again. Her.



Jinguo, Kyoto, Cining Palace.

The Queen Mother had just heard the news from the cabinet minister. I heard that the border and Xiliang had begun to talk about it, and Wan Zili, the general of the North Ming State, was seriously injured and escaped. Not only that, but the emperor rescued the queen and was carrying The Queen went to Xiazhou.

This is probably the best news of the past few months.

However, this good news is not very happy for the Queen Mother.

"Big sister, how do you sigh at the end?" The man who talked about is a man of about forty or fifty years old. His body is round and his eyebrows are beautiful. There are a few points like the Queen Mother. It just looks like a favorite of the wine color, and his eyes are blue. The eyes are turbid, and when people look at them, they give birth to a few points.

This man is the younger brother of the Queen Mother, called Qiu Yaozong. He came to Kyoto from Yucheng last month and lived in the house of the Queen Mother. Although the Queen Mother had sealed the Marquis to him, it was just an empty name, Qiu Yaozong. I went to Beijing for the purpose of winning an official position, so he put all his hopes on the Queen.

"It seems that the emperor should return to Kyoto soon." The Queen Mother whispered that she was not inclined to like her younger son. When she was bullied in the palace, she was always with her aunt, and she was inevitably valued. Some, sometimes it is inevitable to think, if the person who is now the emperor is an aunt.

The idea was just a flash, and she didn't dare to think about it. If this time the aunt did not replace the emperor in dealing with the state affairs, she did not know that she had such a luxury in her heart.

There was still a bit of selfishness, and now it seems that this selfishness is useless.

"It’s a good thing to come back from the emperor. How does the big sister look a little unhappy?" Qiu Yaozong asked in confusion. He still hoped that the emperor would come back early every day. He would like to find a way to please this big girl, to have beautiful women, to send money. Silver, just give him a useful Marquis.

"You don't know, we are the emperor...not so good." The Queen Mother snorted. "When you want to ask something, it is impossible to find a mourner. You can only find it." Queen, only the Queen’s words are useful to the emperor.”

Qiu Yaozong said with a smile, "Big sister, isn't it a woman? When I sent the emperor a few brilliant celestial celestial ceremonies, the empress immediately fell out of favor."

The Queen Mother looked at the younger brother with a disgusted look. "Is it idiotic, is there no beauty in the palace? If the emperor can see it, will he still be so fond of the queen?"

This... Is it true that the Queen looks good? Qiu Yaozong thought in his heart, "Big sister, you will eventually be the emperor's biological mother. Don't you listen to your words?"

"If it was not for the war, the mourner is now forced to raise a disease at Chengde Mountain Villa. You said that he would put the mourning home in his heart?" The Queen Mother sneered and asked.

"Hey, big sister, you don't have to worry about it. The emperor loves the queen. It was the previous thing. Didn't the queen be taken away? The woman who was taken away is also chaste, the emperor is like it again, isn't it in my heart? There is suspicion, as long as there is doubt, then everything will be easy." Qiu Yaozong smiled slyly.

The Queen Mother heard a twilight, "You mean..."

"Miscellaneous things!" The voice of Murong's anger came in from the outside. "When the Queen's nephew was taken away by Qi Ruoshui, he was already pregnant with a dragon, and your **** **** dared to be maliciously humiliated, waiting for the emperor. Come back, you can't be overjoyed!"

Qiu Yaozong was scared to kneel on the ground.

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