In fact, Murong has come. Sometimes, he doesn’t like Qiu’s embarrassment. He feels that his eyes are flowing. He is not a decent person. He wanted to persuade the Queen Mother not to be close to her family, but she thought that the Queen Mother would marry into the palace. For many years, I have definitely missed my family, so I did not obstruct it. I did not expect that this day, Qiu Yaozong also said such a big reversal.

If the words were heard by the emperor, it would be a light punishment for Qiu’s to get out of Kyoto, and maybe he would kick the relative.

The Queen Mother’s thoughts that had been eager to move had been stunned after hearing the words of Murong’s words. She was very aware of the temper of Murong Cham, and she knew that the Queen was pregnant before she was taken away. She even wanted to take this child to make a fuss. It is not easy to estimate, after all, the month is there.

"Auntie, you just don't know the truth, don't scare him, lest he should be serious." The Queen Mother said to Murong.

Inkor snorted and snorted. "After the mother, I am not scaring this. With the temperament of the emperor's brother, it is absolutely necessary to do so. The reputation of the emperor's nephew is related to Guan Jinguo. You dare to smudge something. If the king heard this, he would tell you a few words. If you let others hear it in the ears of Ye Daren, hey, you are careful that your head is gone."

The Queen Mother was angry, "Auntie, you shut up, that is your relative."

Qiu Yaozong was frightened and stunned. "Little prince, I know the wrong, I don't dare to talk about it later, you should never tell the emperor."

"After the mother, although the words of the children are heavier, they are all for the sake of good. You can know that Ye Daren can be good and good. You know the Queen’s nephew as a jewel. Don’t let you anger. They, otherwise, maybe we don't have to stay in the palace." Murong said coldly, he was too disappointed with the Queen Mother, it was the emperor and the emperor, and there was her relative in the emperor's belly. Grandson, she is actually humiliated by others.

The Queen Mother waved her hand. "Auntie, you are too big to do, you just accidentally say the wrong thing. If he dares to do this, the first one will not spare him."

"It is best not to send out any unpleasant words in Kyoto. Otherwise, in the future, the king will blame these unpleasant words on him." Murong said faintly, "Of course, the emperor will not think of the mother, The minister is really not guaranteed."

Qiu Yaozong smiled happily. "No, no, the little prince is relieved, the lower official will not be nonsense outside."

The Queen’s face was black like the bottom of the pot. Although she didn’t like Qiu’s people, she saw her son scolding her brother so much that she didn’t leave her face and felt angry. She didn’t give Qiu’s face, that is, she didn’t give her face. .

"Auntie, enough, but it is wrong to say a word, is it worth your own anger? It is your emperor's brother here, he did not know how to respect the elders like you." The Queen Mother coldly Said.

Inkor 沂 turned his head and smiled at the Queen Mother. "After the mother, the emperor is naturally not as weak as I am. He has always been tough. If he hears someone filthy the empress, he will not say anything extra, he has already ordered it. Oh."

The Queen Mother remembered the emperor's temper, and she couldn't help her face. She knew that Auntie was telling the truth, and that the emperor's favor for the Queen would never allow anyone to say that she was not good, although Qiu was his family, but after all, I have never seen each other before, and most of my feelings are not talked about. "Well, well, you said that you are saying in front of the mourner, and you will definitely not talk out when you go out."

Murong knows that if Qiu Yaozong dares to go out and talk nonsense, most of the time is that the Queen Mother acquiesced in the back, so he deliberately said something heavy here, not to scare the Queen Mother and Qiu Yaozong, they still do not know what to do.

"Yes, mother." Murong nodded. "Mother should know that the emperor has been with the empress, and I believe they should return to Beijing soon."

The Queen Mother whispered, "It is a good thing to come back from the emperor."

Qiu Yaozong said with a smile on his side, "Yes, it is a happy event to return to the emperor. When Wang Xiaojun is a happy event, it is really a double happiness."

"Who said that the king wants to marry the king?" Murong squinted at Qiu Yaozong.

"Being a pro is a big event in life, you only care about you," the Queen Mother said softly.

Murong said, "After the mother, your birth is about to arrive. I don't know if you plan to do a wedding party this year?"

Originally, this matter should be decided by the emperor, but the emperor is not here today. Although Murong’s heart feels that it is not suitable for the autumn feast, it is always necessary to open the door.

The Queen Mother was originally planning to see the famous ladies in the autumn banquet. Since she was told by her aunt last time, she had to change her mind. Although there was good news on the border, it was a period of war. The treasury was in short supply. She can't say a little about her wedding banquet.

"The mourning family has a birthday every year. This year, the border is tight, and the autumn banquet is no longer necessary. There are a few banquets in the palace, and the mourners and the public are eating the meal." The Queen Mother whispered.

Murong’s mouth smirked and smiled. “Well, the son of the child will follow the instructions of the mother.”

When Qiu Yaozong heard this, he was anxious. He also wanted to take the two daughters into the palace to see the world when he was born. If he didn’t do the wedding, it would be so easy for them to enter the palace. In the Queen Mother, you only have one birthday a year. How can you simply put a few tables and banquets on it? According to me, it is necessary to have a big banquet, so that the small countries of Xiliang know that our country is really true.泱大国."

The Queen Mother had some heartbeats. She looked at Murong and wanted to know what he thought.

Inkor said with a smile, "If you can afford to pay for two gold, then the autumn feast can be done, and let the world know that Qiu Jiaxuan is more supportive of the emperor."

Wan two gold? Qiu Yaozong’s face is green. “Where I got so much gold.”

"Do you think that the national treasury is inexhaustible?"

The Queen Mother was slightly disappointed. "That's it, this year's wedding party is simpler."

Inkor smiled and said, "It’s still a mother and a deeper righteousness."

"You still have a lot of things in front of you, go, don't have to be here with the mourner," said the Queen Mother.

"Well, after the mother, the minister will go first, then come back to see you later." Murong shouted.

When the ink was gone, Qiu Yaozong immediately said, "Sister, you are not saying that you want the two hoes to enter the palace..."

"Do you want Juan's sister to marry Auntie Wang?" The Queen Mother is cold and cold. "You don't want to think about it. If you go to the palace, you will arrange for a sorrow. Let's find a manner to teach your aunt to adjust their etiquette. It’s a shame."

Qiu Yaozong smiled and should be busy.

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