When the carriage was approaching the station, Ye Hao was awake from his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a gloomy ink-filled look.

She hasn't seen such a cold and gloomy look on the face of Murong Zhan for a long time. He is always generous and gentle to her. Ye Hao reaches out and gently covers his face. "Azhan, what happened?"

Murong Chong grabbed her hand and looked at her lowly. "Wake up?"

"Do I have another nightmare?" Ye Hao took his hand and walked up, thinking that his face was ugly because she was dreaming again.

"No, you just slept very well, and you didn't wake up." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "I slept for a whole afternoon, and didn't even eat lunch."

Ye Hao smiled a little embarrassedly, and asked cheeks reddishly. "I slept too much. What happened to you? It looks bad."

Murong Chan touched her cheek. "It is a letter from Xiazhou. Lu Yizhi is already in Anhe City."

"What did he do to Anhecheng?" Ye Hao frowned. She had hated Lu Yizhi, and he was held twice. Now he even wants to kill him.

"He used to underestimate him. He actually had the way to lead the soldiers born in Anhecheng to fight with Wang Qu." Murong Chan's voice was very cold.

Ye Hao heard a surprise, "Is there a accident in Xiazhou?"

Murong Zhan whispered a smile. "No, it’s just that Wang Qu is not an opponent of Lu Yi in the arrangement. He did not break the city and attack Anhe City."

"I think Lu Yanzhi must have something in front of you. Otherwise, how could he recruit so many people in a short period of time, and everyone is willing to sell for him? He may still be in Qi. There are forces we don't know," said Ye Hao.

When it comes to Qi, Murong Zhan is so dark, he still has one thing not to tell Ye Hao, that is about Lu Shuanger.

"The emperor, the station is here." The carriage stopped and the voice of Fu Gonggong sounded outside.

Murong Zhan whispered to Ye Hao, "First come to rest, and I will tell you something later."

Ye Hao looked at him doubtfully, holding his hand down the carriage.

"This is the station of Yucheng?" Ye Hao looked at the slightly luxurious house in front of him. This is probably the most luxurious station she has ever seen. It is not that the city is remote, although it is not for the people, but it is the border, how is this? The station is so luxurious.

“Looks like the mansion of the corrupt official?” Murong gave the horse to Song Hao and smiled and walked over. “This house has been around for hundreds of years. I heard that it was because the legendary queen of Jingguo liked to travel around the world. It often passes through Yucheng, so the station here is a bit more thoughtful. After so many years, it has been a lot simpler. It used to be like a palace."

"So exaggerated?" Ye Xiaoxiao asked, looked around, and found that there are still some open space.

Murong smirked, "I heard that Qi Lingling not only likes to travel around the world, but also likes to go out to sea."

"I have seen her biography, but when she went out to sea, she was already a Queen Mother. It seems that no one knows where she went." Ye Hao said.

"When the emperor grows up, we can go out to sea." Murong Zhan whispered around her, and looked at Murong Yu. "You don't tell her about overseas things."

Murong sneered, "Are you afraid that you will go out to sea alone?"

Mo Rongzhan is not afraid that Ye Hao will go to the sea alone. He knows that this little girl would not like the life in the palace. If she wants to go to the sea more wonderfully, she would rather not like to be in the palace.

"When you wait for me, I will accompany you." Ye Hao hooked Murong Zhan and smiled.

"Good." In the eyes of Murong Zhan, he smiled.

Murong squatted and saw the hands that they had entangled, and there was a bitter bitterness in his eyes. He turned around and turned around. "Well, take a rest and go to rest."

The station in Yucheng is different from other places. Even the room looks a lot more comfortable. Murong Chan does not reveal his identity. The people in the library only serve as ordinary officials. After they enter the room, they will not appear again. It is.

"The official of this station is quite big." Fu Gonggong personally came to the kitchen, Song Wei is preparing for dinner, and Hung Hom is giving him a hand.

"No, look at the scenery, not even a cook." Song snorted, but also he personally cook to cook and cook.

Fu Gonggong said, "Song Gongzi is not angry, these people will be packed sooner or later."

Song Hao was so busy that even Fu Gonggong couldn't see it at all. "This is the evening meal for the Queen's Empress. You can take it first."

"Okay, thank you Song Gongzi." Fu Gonggong said with a smile.

"Polite." Song said.

Fu Gonggong sent the dinner to Ye Hao, and they took it outside the door. "Grandfather, I took it in, the goddess and the emperor are bathing."

"There is a girl who works." Fu Gonggong said with a smile.

In the house, Ye Hao was soaked in warm water, behind him was the ink-filled Zhan who was holding her shoulders for her. Both of them had a little breathing, especially Mo Rongzhan. He kissed Ye Hao’s smooth and white shoulders. You will make you crazy."

Ye Hao turned back and smiled and kissed him. "I am not letting you endure."

In addition to the first time they met, Murong Zhanke couldn’t stop her for a while. Later, even if he wanted more, he would endure it, or else he would solve it with Ye Hao’s hand. Today he still wants to endure it, or leaf. He took the initiative to sit up, and he did not continue to stare at himself.

"Hey, I’m afraid of hurting you." Murong Zhan bit his hand. "You dare to make fun of it."

"What did you just want to say to me in the carriage?" Ye Hao grabbed his hand on her chest, and she remembered that they had just been interrupted in the car.

Murong Zhan ringed her hand on her chest and froze. He bowed his head and kissed her lips. The voice whispered, "It’s about Lu Shuanger."

“Lu Shuanger?” Ye Hao’s shoulder froze, and she looked back at him. “What are you talking about?”

"Lu Shuanger is in Qi." Murong Zhan looked down at her eyes. He knew that Lu Shuanger was her heart. If it was not necessary, he never wanted to mention this person in front of Ye Hao. "In the palace of Qi State." in."

Ye Hao sat up in his arms. "What do you say? Lu Shouer is in the palace of Qi State, how can she be in the palace?"

"I don't know yet, but the news from the secret guard is that Lu Yizhi has a sister who is very fond of the Qiguo Palace." Murong Zhan whispered.

"..." Ye Hao looked at him silently. After a while, he said, "Lu Shuanger is really big. I used to underestimate her. I have already been given a death. She has the ability to become the favor of the Emperor Qi."

"Not necessarily her," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao smiled. "Who is there besides her?"

"Oh..." Murong Chan held her in her arms.

"I just felt a little bit." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I don't want to because she is in a bad mood."

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