Ye Xie’s heart knot has not been solved. If she was not trapped in the palace for two years, perhaps her heart will not be so heavy, but in those two years she saw how Lu Shuanger used her identity to get ink. Rong Zhan's favor, she deeply remembers how Lu Shuanger taunted her stupidity and infatuation in the back. The feeling of being forced to know all this was too painful. She forgave Murong Chong and fell in love with him again. It does not mean that she can put down her. The hatred of Lu Yi’s brother and sister.

Murong Chan took Ye Hao out of the tub and wiped her body and put on clothes. The girl said that she didn't mind, but she was still affected. He was afraid that she would think of her former **** and even the clothes would become Be careful.

"The emperor of Qi State loves beauty, this is a well-known thing. Lu Shuanger is freshly favored for a while, so she doesn't have to put her in her heart." Murong Zhan put on her skirt, and casually put it on her, she took her. The hand walked out of the screen.

He just prepared the dinner, and when they saw them, they just bowed their heads and retired silently.

"The emperor of Qi State is so beautiful?" Ye Hao’s attention was diverted. "How did I hear that Emperor Zhao Yuying of Qi State was respected by God, and he never heard anyone say that he was faint."

If Zhao Wei is faint and lascivious, Qi Guo has a strong future.

Murong Chan smiled slyly. "Good beauty is not necessarily incompetent. He is indeed a wise man and applies good warfare, but he likes beauty. His palace is the most beautiful and beautiful. The child is not much, the woman is not. less."

"...I first heard that the emperor of Qiguo still has such a hobby." She used to hear only the younger emperor who had a young age but had a good record from other populations. Rong Zhan is even more invincible, probably Zhao Zhao.

One is not in the age of no doubt, but it has become a very powerful emperor. She thought that he should be a rigorous person, but he did not expect it to be lustful...

"I just met him once. Besides knowing that he likes beauty, he is more tolerant of women in some aspects, but he is not a mediocre person. It is impossible for Lu Shuanger to use him as a blame. Zhao Wei’s tolerance for women. It’s not that big.” Murong Cum said softly, “Well, let’s not say this irrelevant person, let’s eat.”

Although Ye Hao is very curious about Zhao Wei, it is a very distant person after all. It is useless to know too much. "You can't learn him."

In many respects, Murong Zhan and Zhao Wei are very similar people. They are decisive and wise emperors. Jin Guo is going to a stronger road. Maybe it will be stronger than Qi in the future. She does not want ink. Rong Zhan and Zhao Yu are too similar.

"Learn how he likes beauty?" Murong Chan flashed a smile, "The queen of the world is already the first beauty in the world, and which woman can make the heart beat?"

Ye took a look at him. "Even if the world's first beauty will grow old."

"Don't say it is not old." Murong Zhan kissed her cheek. "There is fish soup here, drink a little more."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled, but it left behind the things of Lu Shuanger.



Murong Chong, they just planned to leave after a night at the station, and they still concealed their identity, so they don’t care much about the attitude of those who stand on them. However, this does not mean that Murong Cham will allow someone to be bright in the sky. At the time, there was a knocking sound around the station.

Ye Hao rarely had a night without dreams, but was still awakened by the sound outside.

"What's wrong with the outside?" Murong Zhan licked her head. "Nothing, you sleep for a while, and soon there is no sound."

They should be quiet and they will quiet the sound soon.

Sure enough, after a while, there was no sound outside.

Ye Hao retracted into the quilt and leaned back into the chest of Murong Chong and soon fell asleep.

When Murong Cham waited for her to sink, she quietly got up.

Fu Gonggong was already guarding the door. When he heard the sound, he immediately opened the door and served the ink-filled clothes. In order not to wake the Queen, he did not say a word until he walked out of the room. In the murmur of Murong Zhan, "The emperor, the people of Yucheng are making a lot of noise outside, and some people have to take this station down."

"The people?" Murong Zhan Emei, the people of Yucheng even dared to be so big, actually dare to tear down the court.

"Shen Daren has already arrested the people and is interrogating them. It seems to be looking for awkwardness." Fu Gonggong said.

Murong Zhan asked softly, "Who is the shackle of Yucheng?"

Fu Gonggong replied, "I heard that surname Qiu."

Qiu? Murong Zhan’s look was cold. There were quite a few people in Qicheng’s surname Qiu, but he felt that most of this was inextricably linked to the Queen Mother’s family.

It is guessing that Shen Shen came over from the other side and gave a ritual to Murong Zhan, "The Emperor."

"Those people have left?" Murong Zhan asked coldly.

Hesitantly hesitated and whispered, "Return to the emperor, those people have not left, they must see you, or they will die without leaving, because they are the people of Yucheng..."

"What about the station?" Murong Zhan asked with a gloomy face.

"The emperor, I haven’t seen you since we lived in yesterday, and we are only a deputy to receive us." Fu Gonggong said.

In the eyes of the ink, Zhan Zhan heard the anger of the anger, and the whole body exudes the momentum of Ling Xiao. "What are the people looking for?"

Shen said, "I heard that there is a young girl in Qiu’s family who killed their family. There is more than one. After killing the people, the young master Qiu left the city of Kyoto, and the people all united to seek begging. Fair, I heard that this is a relative with Qiu..."

Hearing this, it is not difficult to guess who the young Qiu is. "Go and find the donkey, Fu, you can ask again, what is going on."

"Yes, the emperor." Shen Yi and Fu Gonggong should have a voice, they quickly split up to do things, one to find fault, one to find a common question.

Fu Gonggong quickly inquired about the cause and effect.

It turns out that Qiujia is the largest Houfu in Yucheng. Although it is only a false name, Qiu is the mother of the Queen Mother. No one dares to offend in Yucheng. Qiu’s only son, Qiu Shaoye, is very romantic. He likes to pick up little girls everywhere. People don't just mention the relatives, they will use their excuses to abandon them. Many girls in the city have been taken up. Three months ago, Master Qiu was also ruined. As a result, the girls died for innocence, her family. I was looking for Qiu Shaoye to get back to justice. Just before the girls of several households had an accident because of Qiu Shaoye, they joined together, but Qiu’s family moved. They went to the station to make trouble, but they just wanted to know that Qiu’s family had gone. where.

Shen Yi also brought Qiu Yaozu back.

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