There are two younger brothers in the Queen Mother, but only one is a close relative. The natural marriage of the Marquis is Qiu Yaozong. As for another younger brother, I heard that I have been separated from home many years ago, and I don’t know how to go with Qiu Yaozong.

There is only one son of Qiu Yaozong called Qiu Zhenyuan. On weekdays, he is always the wife of the Empress Dowager. He is not a good man in the city. Even the prefects and the magistrates of Yucheng are not in the eyes. The women who have been teased by him are not known. People have chosen to swallow their voices. After all, no one in the city has dared to offend Qiu. If it is not too many names, it may not have aroused public anger.

The people in Yucheng didn’t really know where Qiu’s family moved. They thought that this was Qiu Zhenyuan’s escape, so they found it, because the sister of this station is another brother of the Queen Mother, called Qiu Yaozu, in their eyes. He and Qiu Zhenyuan are a family.

Qiu Yaozu was trying to avoid these people, so he did not appear in the station.

After listening to the ins and outs of the whole thing, Murong Zhan snorted with anger, "Sure enough, Qiu!"

He had long known that Qiu’s family was arrogant in the city, but he did not want to do anything that was damaging to the world. “These people want to find Qiu’s family to get back to justice, why not go to the door, and what is the use of Qiu Yaozu?”

Fu Gonggong replied, "The emperor, I heard that the prefects and the magistrates are afraid to pick up the case."

Ink Murray’s face is even more ugly, “Go and find the prefect.”

"Yes." Fu Gonggong turned and left.

"Come back!" Murong Chong shouted. He remembered that Qiu Yaozong's family is not in Yucheng now. Even if the prefects want to decide the case, then Qiu Zhenyuan would return from Kyoto. "Go ahead, Qiu Yaozu brought it again and told him."

Murong Chong returned to the house and saw Ye Hao combing his hair.

"Wake up?" The cold frost in the eyes of Murong Zhan was replaced by a smile, and walked over and looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stood up and took Murong Zhan's hand on his stomach. "I can't sleep in the early morning, and I'm getting more and more effort."

“Kicked you again?” Murong Chan asked in surprise. “How often do you kick in these two days?”

"That's because I grew up." Ye Hao's face with a gentle sweet smile, "What have you been doing so early?"

Murong Chan didn't really want to mention the bad things outside, he said softly. "There are some people who are looking for awkwardness."

Ye said in a different way, "Is it still a big noise to find a cockroach? What is it doing?"

"It’s not what I did, it’s Qiu’s family.” Murong Chan said in a faint way, and the dragon’s veins and Ye Hao simply said, “...Qiu’s thought that when he arrived in Kyoto, no one would pursue the fact that Qiu Zhen’s original death was dead. Those prefects and magistrates thought that they had the suspicion of the Queen Mother in Kyoto and did not dare to hear the case, so those people all came to find it."

"This Qiu Zhenyuan is so abominable." Ye Hao frowned and said, "This is also true, thinking that you can escape this thing if you hide?"

Ink said that "they will let people specialize in the case."

"Is it in Kyoto? It's not afraid of the Queen Mother..." Ye Wei thinks that since the Queen Mother sent Qiujia to Kyoto, it should not let Qiu's only son do something. The Queen Mother does not like Qiujia is one thing, watching Qiu Home is a different matter.

“He will let Qiu’s people personally hear the case.” Murong’s thin lips smirked. “If Qiu Zhenyuan is really guilty, it will be handled impartially.”

Ye Hao looked at him suspiciously, "The people of Qiujia?"

"Qiu Yaozu was originally a magistrate of Yucheng. He was admitted by his own imperial examination. He and Qiu Yaozong were like water and fire. So they separated up many years ago. Two years ago, some people went to Tuen Mun to sue Qiu Zhenyuan. Qiu Yaozu wanted to be impartial. When I was doing things, I was bitten by Qiu Yaozong, and finally I was turned into a shackle by the eunuch. It is certainly no problem for him to handle the case." Murong Zhan said.

"You are asking Qiu Yaozu to handle the case." Ye Xiao said with a smile, so that the Queen Mother could not interfere with his case, and Qiu Jia did not want to frame him again.

Ink said that "the meeting will be ordered to become the commissioner of this case and will go to Kyoto to hear the case."

"Then we still have to go to Xiazhou today?" Ye Hao asked, if you leave for Xiazhou today, it should be two days.

"Well, get off early." Murong Cum said softly.

Lu Yizhi is in Anhe City. He wants to go to Xiazhou as soon as possible and then kill Lu Yuzhi.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Then you will accompany me for breakfast."



At this time, Lu Haozhi in Anhe City is waiting, he is waiting for the arrival of Murong Cham.

From the time he started to fight in the army, he always followed the side of Murong Cham. There is no more clear in this world than the cruelty of Murong Cham and the terrible on the battlefield. The previous Murong Chong did not even have any weaknesses, nothing. Can threaten him, but Lu Yizhi is very clear that today's ink capacity Zhan has a weakness, that is, Ye Hao.

He believes that Murong Chong knows that he will come after Anhe City, because he has the secret that Murong Zhan does not want to be known by Ye Hao.

"Mr. Yu, Xiazhou really retired." The deputy who was left in Anhe City by Haishu excitedly walked up the wall and came to Lu Yizhi.

Lu Yi’s faint smile, “Congratulations to General Chen, it seems that Xiazhou will not launch an attack within a short time.”

"How do you know?" General Chen asked. "No matter what, fortunately, there is Mr. Qi's help, otherwise I am afraid that I can't stand Anhe City."

Can Anhe City hold on to him? Lu Yizhi thought in his heart, he just wanted to use Anhe City to hold Murong Cham and bring him here.

He wants to kill Murong Cham himself!

If it is not Murong Cham, his life will not be like this. Lu Jia will not be like this. Only when Murong Chan is dead, can he have the opportunity to let Ye Hao forgive him. Now Ye Yiken and Murong Zhan is together, that's because she doesn't know what he has done.

"Mr. Hey, if you can go to the North Ming Dynasty, you will be able to compete with Wan Ziliang, stay in the West and be too poor," said General Chen.

Lu Yi said with faintness, "There is no power of the generals under the command, only to block one block here."

"That..." General Chen looked at him. "How long will Mr. Yu stay in Anhe?"

"If your morale is high, you may still be able to recapture Xiazhou." Lu Yuzhi said.

This led to General Chen’s excitement. “Since Mr. Yu has returned to Xiazhou for us, we are now full of morale.”

"That is a good thing." Lu Yanzhi laughed.

Murong Cham is also about to go to Xiazhou.

"If we can recapture Xiazhou, we will be very happy with the emperor. Maybe you will let Mr. Qi become the general of the North Ming State at that time. No, you can become a prime minister with Mr. Yu," said General Chen.

Lu Yizhi is just a faint smile.

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