This temporary Shuaifu was originally the residence of a general of the North Ming State. After Xiazhou was reclaimed by the Jin State, the general went back to the North Ming State, and the house was hollowed out, leaving only a few to take away. The next person, then was used as a temporary handsome.

Ye Yi lived in the courtyard of the upper house. There is a big garden outside the yard. The garden is faithful or a personal work lake. Now it is spring, the flowers in the garden are very good, colorful, and unique. The willows by the lake. Flying in the wind, watching people feel good.

"This garden is very chic." Ye Yan said to Mo Rongzhan with a smile.

Murong Zhan took her hand and walked slowly along the lake. "I didn't find it before. I feel that this garden can be seen today."

"That is because I am not by your side, do you have no intention to appreciate it?" Ye Hao asked quietly.

"Really." Murong Zhan's eyebrows are all smiles. He licked her palm. "There is not much time to live in this handsome house. More time is in the military camp."

Ye Yan sighed, "It is easier than not to be in the Royal Garden."

Murong Zhan looked down at her. "It’s been so long, still don’t like life in the palace?”

"It's not that you are by your side. In fact, everything is the same. It's just that there are a lot of people in the palace. No matter what I do, I have to think twice. In the palace, I can only speak unscrupulously in front of you." "Ye Ye sighed. "Can we go out of the house often?"

"When you are with you, you can go anywhere." Murong Zhan said with a smile. "If this is the eldest son, he will teach him to become a good person soon, let him inherit the great cause earlier, and he will be able to accompany you to the mountains." It’s okay to go out to sea.”

Ye Hao listened with a smile and couldn't help but sneak into the arms of Mo Rongzhan. "This is what you said, a word."

Murong Zhan laughed loudly. "When did you still lie to you?"

"You don't have many memorials yet? Go back and watch, I will walk in this garden." Ye Hao reached out and took care of him. She knew that he would be very busy next time, except for the backlog. The memorial, as well as the war with Anhe City, was launched. Although she wanted to get along with him, she hoped that he would solve the problem of Anhe City as soon as possible.

"Hey, let's go with you," said Murong Cham.

Ye Hao smiled. "I won't go anywhere else, isn't there any red dragonfly and jealousy?"

Murong Zhan kissed her cheek. "You don't want to go too tired. I will go back and review the memorial. You will come to accompany you later."

"Good." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

"Good to accompany the Queen." Murong Zhan screamed.

Hung Hom and Fu Fufufu body, "Yes, the emperor."

Ye Xiao smiled and looked at the image of ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and she went back and walked along the lake.

"The Niangniang, the slaves have inquired yesterday. When the emperor was in Xiazhou, it was indeed that some people wanted to please the emperor to send the acolytes, but they were sent away by the emperor. Once, the emperor also angered, so those talents did not Dare to find ways to please the emperor." Hung Hom whispered around Ye Hao.

"You still have to promise this?" Ye Hao raised her eyebrows and gave her a look.

Hung Hom smiled mischievously. "The slaves are more than one thing, and the goddess is forgiven."

As a close-knit woman of the Empress Dowager, Hung Hom naturally thinks about the girl first. When the emperor has not found them, she often hears that the goddess is dreaming of the emperor and not forgetting her, although she feels that the emperor is so fond of the goddess. It is absolutely impossible to make things that make the goddess sad. However, there is no absolute in this world, so she wants to put an end to all the people and things that will hurt the goddess.

If this woman hides in Xiazhou, she should find out first.

蒹葭 斥 斥 , , , , , , , 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥 斥

Ye Hao smiled. "Hung Hom is doing this for the sake of this palace. Forget it, but it is not an example."

"Yes, the goddess." Hung Hom nodded immediately.

"This Shantou was very timid when I first came to the palace. Now it is quite a lot of cleverness." Ye Hao smiled, and now the red dragonfly is just like the little ring that had just arrived at Lujia.

He smiled and said, "That is the goddess tuning."

Ye Hao sat down at the gazebo by the lake and looked at the scorpion and the red dragonfly slightly. "You two are also at the age of marriage, telling the palace, is there a favorite object?"

"The maiden..." Both 蒹葭 and Hung Hom were both red-faced.

"This is a big event in life, what is shy." Ye Hao looked at them with a smile.

He whispered, "Slaves have never thought of marrying people, and they will stay with the maidens in this life."

"You can't stay in this house." Ye Hao said, "If you are not in the water, you should be in the hospital now, and you don't know what the hospital is doing now."

The medical workshop can be said to be Ye Hao's hard work. She hopes that the medical workshop can be carried out for a long time. I believe that when she is not in Kyoto, Hou Peidong can do a good job in the medical workshop.

Hung Hom laughed. "The goddess, when the emperor took the soldiers and beat Anhe City, we can return to Kyoto."

"I want to go back to Kyoto?" Murong Yu just came over and just heard the words behind the red dragonfly. He looked at Ye Wei strangely. "Is it going to go so soon?"

Ye Hao stood up, "Six princes."

Murong’s handsome and handsome face floated and smiled. He lifted his foot and went to the pavilion. “Hey, are you going back to Kyoto?”

"No, just say it casually." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Is the Six Kings coming to the emperor?"

"Through the garden, I saw you here, so I came over." Murong said with a smile.

Ye Hao waved his hand, "Wang Ye please sit."

"You call me Wang Ye, I don't know how to talk to you." Murong said with a smile, this is not the palace, he does not want to get along with her so strangely.

"What should I call you? The owner?" Ye Hao blinked.

Murong sneered, "In fact, I came to you, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" Ye Hao does not want to be as unfamiliar with Murong Yu, if they can get along as much as friends.


Ye Xin felt inexplicably bitter. Since she was betrayed by Lu Yi, she never dared to be a friend again. Murong Yu was the only friend who could trust her wholeheartedly after her rebirth.

"Don't let the emperor take the soldiers to Anhe City." Murong whispered, he was still worried, although it was a dream, but what he saw today is exactly the same as what he saw in his dreams.

Even the general in Anhe City called Chen Jun was heard in his dreams. Before he came here, he did not think of this until he heard that the defending general of Anhe City, he was awakened in his dreams. It is.

He felt that Murong Zhan would be dangerous to go to Anhe City, so he must stop it.

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