“Why?” Ye Hao looked up doubtfully. She found that Murong Yu seemed to know what, why has she stopped Murong Zhan from going to Anhe City?

Murong whispered, "You don't ask, you just ask me if I don't know how to tell you. I don't even know how to explain to you. Hey, the emperor wants to kill Lu Yizhi personally. I can go to Anhe. The city grabbed him. When did the emperor kill him again? What is different?"

"The emperor said that he wants to kill Lu Yizhi personally?" Ye Hao slightly frowned, then she understood why this is, Mo Rongzhan does not want Lu Yizhi to tell her secret, even if that person is Murong Yu, He doesn't want to take risks either.

In case Lu Yizhi told others that she was Ye Hao, I was afraid that it would bring more trouble to her.

"I also want to kill him." Murong whispered.

Ye Hao slightly stunned, looked up to Murong Yu, fell into his deep scorpion, and she rushed to open his face. "Before the emperor regarded Lu Yuzhi as a confidant, Lu Yan not only deceived the emperor, but also The treason *** the emperor is naturally unable to accommodate him."

"I think Azhan wants to kill him for you." He is also here for her.

Lu Yi’s treason is one thing. He also wants to get ridiculous. This is absolutely impossible for Murong Chong. What makes Murong’s thoughts impossible is why Murong Chong must insist on killing the land. Hey, it seems that I don't want Lu Yizhi to say anything to others.

"I was afraid that even if I advised him, it would be useless." Ye Hao whispered that she did not stop Murong Zhan from coming to Xiazhou. In addition to Anhe City, he would also find Lu Yizhi, Lu Yuzhi. It was impossible for Mr. Murong Zhan to let him go.

"If even your words are useless, then I don't have to go to him." Murong said with a smile.

Ye Hao said, "I think... even if I tell him how dangerous the Anhe City is, the emperor will only want to bring the soldiers out in person. I will not flee and escape because of danger. If you change, you will not do this. ?"

Didn't Murong Yi know how dangerous it was to go to the priest's house to save her? He would rather leave the vines to save her, and their brothers are exactly the same.

"It is true." Murong smirked, he only thought about not letting the emperor take risks, but forgot to consider the emperor's temper.

Ye Wei asked, "What do you think is the danger of the emperor?"

Murong smiled and said, "I think it may be that I am worried."

"No matter what, there will be danger. Instead of fearing danger, it is better to face it." Ye Hao looked at the lake. She was recently riddled with nightmares. Sometimes she woke up with tears and tears. She was afraid. Murong Cham has become a former look, afraid that he will forget himself, fearing that he is in danger. In her dreams, she seems to be unable to live without him. However, Ye Hao woke up many times if he wanted to I really don't remember her, what will she do?

She will remind him of it, and she also believes in him. If she loves her so much, if she really forgets everything, the most painful thing should be him, not her.

Murong Yan stood up. "It’s a puzzle to solve my confusion."

"Six princes?" Ye said a little, "Would you like to see the emperor?"

"Yes, though, I didn't advise him not to go to Anhe City." Murong smirked, and he turned and walked down the gazebo. Suddenly he stopped and looked back at Ye Hao. It seemed that there was something to say, but it was just a faint smile. Did not say and left.

Ye Hao looked at the back of Murong Yu, thinking that he didn't know why he wanted to persuade Murong Zhan not to go to Anhe City.

"The goddess, the sun is getting bigger and bigger, are we going to go back to the house?" Red 缨 advised.

"It's not too late, let's go to the kitchen and have a look." Ye Hao said.

It was not far from the garden to go to the kitchen. It took a while to arrive. The kitchen chef was left by the former general. Ye Hao had not entered the kitchen and had heard the sound of screaming inside.

Outside the kitchen is a patio. There is a little girl about eleven years old who is squatting on the patio and washing vegetables. The sultry woman is a round woman.

"Useless dead girl, what can you use here? This kitchen work is done by me alone, what do you want your mother to do here? Not to see if your mother is dead, not dead. Let her work." The woman shouted loudly.

The little girl lowered her head and washed the vegetables. "My mother is ill, and she is doing her job for her."

"What can you do? In addition to making a bowl of noodles, will you make other dishes? Do you know that the ghosts are returning to the house? I am cooking vegetables, killing chickens and killing fish, I want to exhaust me. Is it?" The woman yelled.

"These were all done by my mother before, and you didn't do anything." The little girl snorted and whispered.

The woman immediately became furious. "What do you say? You dare to talk back. If I didn't give you two daughters, can you still live today? If you let the nobles know that you are a relative of a traitor, you will not kill you. ”

"We are not a traitor!" the little girl screamed. "My grandfather is working for the generals of the Northern Ming Dynasty for the safety of a family. I am a thousand people. He died for the Xiazhou war. They are all Good man."

"Your grandfather is a traitor traitor, or else you Lin family can be so light in Xiazhou before? I swear, it should die." The woman smiled smugly, as if other people's sorrow could bring her great pleasure.

Ye Hao heard the brow furrowed outside, holding the red dragon's hand into the patio, and saw the little girl who had just spoken.

The little girl is really watery! Although wearing a thick cloth, but a pair of eyes bright and fascinating, with a stubbornness in the eyebrows, she looked at her woman with her lips, her hands clenched tightly, because people were under the eaves, so She has tolerated all the injustices.

This little girl used to be spoiled at home. The skin on her face is very delicate and white, unlike the **** that always makes a rough job.

"Who are you? How come here." The woman also wanted to marry the little girl, and the eyes swept to Ye Hao, and they saw that Ye Hao passed away, and she did not think of her to the nobles. She thought it was the general. Which one is small, the tone is not good.

"Let's relax!" Hung Hom screamed sternly. "I don't know the so-called slaves, but dare to be a blessing in front of the goddess!"

Goddess? The woman immediately stunned her face and slammed it down. "The maiden is forgiving. It is a slave. If you don't know Taishan, you are offended by the goddess. Please ask the maiden for forgiveness."

Ye Hao glanced at her faintly and looked at the little girl who was kneeling down but didn't talk.

She was probably scared because she was scared, and her eyes looked straight at Ye Hao, her face pale and scary.

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