"Get up," Ye Hao said softly, his eyes looking at the little girl. "Who are you the cooks here?"

The woman stood up in trepidation. "The goddess, the slave is the cook here."

"This palace is only outside when you hear that you are swearing..." Ye Hao looked at her lightly. "What is going on?"

When the little girl heard Ye Hao’s questioning, she even tightened her lips and her eyes showed fear.

"Returning to the goddess, the slave is screaming at this dead girl. All day, I only know that I am lazy, and I can’t do it." The woman replied cautiously.

"I didn't!" said the little girl.

The woman glanced at her. "Let you clean the garden. Have you cleaned it?"

"I am washing vegetables." The little girl said, and looked at Ye Hao with a sly look.

"This kitchen is what your mother is doing. Why doesn't she come? Is it true that Qianjinjiao can't do heavy work?" The woman muttered.

The little girl bowed her head. "That is my mother is sick."

The woman licked the little girl a few words, and then suddenly remembered that the Queen Empress was still in front of her, immediately bent down. "The goddess, the slave is the little girl, she and her mother are new, not sensible."

When Ye Hao saw this woman's words or was still protecting the little girl's mother and daughter, she had some changes to her. It seems that if the little girl's family is a traitor, she will only talk about it behind her.

"Since you are the cook here, then there is something to be told in this palace." Ye Hao thought that since the woman is a knife and a tofu, it should not really harm the little girl, but why should she call the girl a treason? thief?

"Yes." The woman hurriedly bowed her head.

Ye Hao looked at the little girl and said, "You come in and start."

She wants to cook a few dishes for the ink, and probably knows that the emperor has come back. The dishes in the kitchen are very good. Ye Hao lets the cooks bring Huaishan and the big bones, and prepares to make a Huaishan pork ribs soup for the ink. It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, add a little Cordyceps flower, the soup is sweet and moist, and the color is golden and attractive.

"Do another four-grain ball, there are lotus seeds, then make a lotus seed mung bean glutinous rice steamed black chicken, and then come to a fried oyster mushroom..." Ye Hao looked at the materials in the kitchen, told the cook and the red 缨Get ready.

In fact, these dishes are not difficult to do, just to spend some thoughts, Ye Hao added a Lingquan in each dish, so the taste is more fragrant.

"Mother, these are slaves have not been done, I am afraid to spend some effort." Xiazhou and Kyoto are different, the people here are biased to eat heavily, most of them will put some peppers, but the Queen's Niangniang dishes are all Light, although the cook knows how to do it, but has never done it, so I have to spend some thoughts.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "No matter, this palace will tell you what to do."

The cook is very surprised, thinking that the Queen Empress is pampered in the palace, how do I know how to do this?

"Come on." Ye Hao said faintly, she did not know how to cook before, or was too boring at the time of Qin Wangfu, she thought that in the future, Murong Chan would be able to personally do something for him to eat, but also specifically A cook from the palace taught her.

Hung Hom and Miao were helping together. Ye Hao was watching her next to her. She was watching the little girl more often. She was more sure of the previous guess. The little girl should have been at home in the past, but she did not touch Yang Chunshui. Very clever, a lot of people who don't understand it will just say it again, and it will be in the opposite direction. It is really a clever little girl.

"Anniling." Fu Gonggong ran over in a panting breath, could not help but screamed in his heart, finally found the Queen Empress, "The emperor let the slave come to you."

Ye Hao sees that the cook has already stepped on it almost, and said to Fu Gonggong, "Is the emperor watching the memorial?"

"Back to the maiden, the emperor is talking to the six kings. I haven't seen the maiden back for a long time, so I am worried." Fu Gonggong said with a smile.

"This palace is almost the same, the six kings have not gone yet?" Ye Hao asked.

Fu Gonggong said, "Yes."

"Six princes should stay here for lunch." Ye Hao said, let the red scorpion stay in the kitchen, she took the shackle first.

After leaving the kitchen, Ye Hao remembered the little girl. "What is the origin of the little girl in the kitchen? Hey, you are going to inquire today."

He whispered his promise, and he wanted to come to the maiden to be curious about the traitor.

Back to the courtyard of the upper house, Murong Zhan actually said things in the study room with Murong Yu, Ye Hao knocked on the door, they stopped and did not speak.

“How come back?” Murong Zhan got up and took Ye Hao’s hand and saw her sweating outside. She couldn’t help but frown. “Tired?”

"When you walk a few steps, you will be tired." Ye Yan said with a smile, "I let the kitchen do a few dishes. Are you eating with the six princes in the study?"

Murong Zhan wiped her sweat from her forehead. "When you are in the study room and aunts, you should go back and change clothes."

She is the most loved and clean, and she certainly can't stand the sweat.

"Good." Ye Hao smiled sweetly at him.

Murong squatted and didn't look at them, but with a shallow smile on his face.

Ye Hao returned to the house and ordered to go to the kitchen to explain, first to the emperor and the six princes to send lunch, and then give her another one.

I quickly went to squat, and by the way, I also inquired about the life of the little girl.

The girl's name is Lin Zhiran, her mother Cao's wife, a deputy wife of Xiazhou, her husband was killed on the battlefield, Xiazhou fell, and the North Ming soldiers who stayed in Xiazhou all fled back. She and her daughter were left behind. Because the Cao family was the first to attach to the Jin nationality of the North Ming Kingdom, they were subjected to the eyes of others. If the cooks were to take them in the handsome house, their mother and daughter had nowhere to go.

"I heard that Cao was already sick for a few days, and he was sick in the back room where the next person lived, so he didn't go to the kitchen to help." He whispered.

"So, this Lin Zhiran was originally an official lady." Ye Hao gently nodded, "Cao's husband is a North Ming country?"

"No, it's our Jinguo. Cao's family was exiled by the family. If their mother and daughter don't rely on it, they will be bullied outside." He whispered.

Ye Hao nodded gently. "People go to Cao's to find a doctor. The little girl is very close to the palace."

"Yes, the goddess." Ying Yingsheng, but some doubts, "Mother, do you want Lin Zhiran to wait around?"

"No." Ye Hao smiled. "I don't know why, I just like the little girl's eyes."

"That is the blessing of this little girl." Xiao smiled, there are several in this world that can make the Queen Empress feel like it.

Ye Hao smiled a little, she was particularly concerned about Lin Zhiran, but also because of another incident, when the divination, the elephant mentioned that he would meet the noble in Xiazhou.

What is an expensive person? Ye Hao couldn't tell, but she felt that Lin Zhiran, who had a close eye, might be helpful to her.

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