Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: 1 knock 1 plead

Emperor's will? The car did not frown late, and he knew that it would be inappropriate to offend easily, but Shao Liuer had to come.

Shao Liu'er mourned: "Master, not to offend Mr. Wuxin, but my husband's destiny is on the verge of death. I just came to plead with Mr. Wuxin. Isn't it alright?"

"This ..." The blocker hesitated.

Qiang! Shao Liu'er suddenly shot, pulled out the maid's saber next to him, above the neck of the horizontal sword.

"Princess!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Keep off!" Shao Liu'er shouted sharply, and Jian Feng had made Xuebai's neck bleed, and said sorrowfully: "Mage, I dare not offend Mr. Wuxin, nor do I want to offend anyone. It's just that my husband is desperate and has to do his best. Give it a try. No matter whether Mr. Wu Xin agrees to save him or not, I will try it, try my best to ask for the master's accommodation! Who dares to stop me, I will die here! "

Among the intercepted monks, someone turned his palm over his sleeve and tried to control Shao Liu'er with a spell.

Unexpectedly, the car flashed in a short time, holding the opponent's arm, and then arched toward the interceptor and others: "The brothers and sisters, for the sake of the same door, also hope to be harmonious. I am here to ensure that the princess will never I ’m not going to offend Mr. Wuxin, I ’ll be watching, how? "

He said this, the interceptor gave way after a little hesitation, and at the same time reminded the car not to be late: "The master is staring at this matter in the palace, brother, be careful!"

It is also warning that the car is not too late, you have to stare, do n’t make it difficult for me, otherwise you do n’t think about it.

The car nodded slightly and said yes to Xie Tongtong. Then he suddenly shot, grabbed Shao Liu'er's wrist, and seized the sword with a thunderous hurry. He held the sword behind him with his backhand and extended his hand to make a please gesture, saying yes Passed.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Shao Liu'er, with blood marks on his neck, bent over the interceptor and was grateful. Then he passed quickly.

The car did not allow too many people to follow, only a few people quickly followed behind Shao Liu'er.

Hao Qingqing, who ran to see the situation, was suddenly unhappy and yelled, "What's going on? Why can she pass?"

The interceptor responded, Shen said: "Princess, Your Majesty's intention is directed at you!"

"You ..." Hao Qingqing's teeth were grinning, but he was helpless.

The door at the entrance of the house of the ghost doctor disciple knocked open, and Guo Man showed his head and looked at a few people outside the door, suspiciously: "Who, what is it?"

The car knocking on the door turned sideways and let Shao Liu'er behind him, "The Princess of the King's Mansion asked Mr. Wu Xin, and the troubled girl made a confession."

Shao Liu'er, who was under the eyes of the stairs, tried to squeeze out a smile, regardless of the identity of the princess, bowed and bent down, and tried to show respect to Guo Man's janitor, hoping to win the favor of the other party.

"Princess England?" Guo Man murmured, his eyes flashing and looked at each other, then said: "Wait."

Boom! The door closed without mercy.

The person outside the door didn't know the result. After all, the owner inside the door didn't even give the face of Ouchi's chief executive to find it, so he could only wait anxiously.

Inside the house, innocently looking at a sheepskin roll in a pile of bottles and cans, making the matching medicine according to the words on the sheepskin roll.

In the corner with a strong medicinal taste, Yan Baoru is grinding the roots of the plants and making medicinal powder according to the inadvertent instructions.

Guo Man entered and walked to Wuxin's side to report: "Sir, the princess of the King's Mansion asks for advice."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole person froze instantly, and turned back and asked, "Which princess of the King's Mansion?"

Guo Man smiled. "There can still be several palaces in the capital, the princess of the third prince Haozhen."

Wuxin's five fingers instantly clenched the sheepskin roll in her hand, her breathing was obviously short of breath, her throat knotted up and down, "What is she doing here?"

Yan Baoru in the corner looked up and noticed that the tone of the unintentional speech was obviously abnormal and seemed to tremble slightly.

Guo Man was also paying attention to the unintentional reaction, and smiled when he heard the words, "I just said to the gentleman, I came to see him."

"No ..." Wuxin seemed uneasy, "I asked, what did she do to see me?"

Guo Man wondered: "What's wrong with the sir? It must have been because of the poisoning of Ying Wang Hao. Didn't Mr. Ouchi, Xun, come here? I don't believe that Mr. Ying guessed that Princess Ying Ying came to save her husband.

Wuxin slowly lowered the scroll in his hand, hesitating.

After waiting for a while, Guo Man tentatively said: "Sir, see or not?"

Yan Baoru's eyes flickered and found that Mr. seemed a little nervous, his chest was undulating, and his breathing was disturbed.

Unconsciously turned around suddenly, but quickly walked out of the door of the pharmacy, stopped again, looked down at his clothes, looked up at the direction of the door again, and seemed to dare not face something, suddenly turned back to the pharmacy, throwing The next sentence, "No!"

Yan Baoru and Guo Man, who went out to see the movement together, looked back into the room together again, and then looked at each other, and understood the meaning in each other's eyes. Mr. is obviously a pair of suffering, not normal!

Guo Man left the pharmacy and walked to the gate, which opened halfway.

As soon as the door opened, everyone in the door showed hopeful eyes. Shao Liu'er even tangled his hands with his fingers.

However, Guo Man opened his mouth and made everyone in despair. "Princess, please come back, sir is not here."

This is a reasonable answer, and it is also expected, but it is also the most feared answer.

Shao Liu'er immediately begged: "Girl, how about seeing Mr. Rong cheap concubine?"

Changed the usual, Guo Man was afraid that he had closed the door directly, but at this time he was full of curiosity about Shao Liu'er, and he was not in a hurry to close the door to chase away the passengers, and constantly looked at the other party from head to toe. Do n’t embarrass me. It ’s Mr. ’s rules. It ’s useless to say no, and it ’s useless to anyone. His Majesty Qi Huang has also come here to see him. If he does n’t see him, he ’s still gone.

"A cheap concubine can't be compared to your majesty, but a cheap concubine's husband is really destined, and he asks my husband to save my husband." Shao Liu'er cried, his hands raised in groups, and he kneeled down in public, "Mr. Be compassionate! "

"Princess." The car was too late to help.

Shao Liu'er pushed his hand to stop it.

Guo Man sighed, "Princess, why are you here again? The princess may not know that the princess who is kneeling at this door is not the first one. I can't remember how many people have knelt and asked for Mr. here. It's useless Yes, if you say no, you just do n’t see it. Never make an exception. Princess please come back. "

Shao Liu'er shook his head in tears: "If you don't ask Mr. to make an exception for me, just ask Mr. to show mercy. If Mr. doesn't agree, I won't get up!"

Guo Man groaned, "That can only be with you." He stepped back and closed the door.

Boom! As soon as the door closed, there was only Shao Liu'er crying in the quiet alley.

"Princess, since they are gone, let's go back!" The car persuaded without delay.

With his persuasion, Shao Liuer suddenly leaned over and kowtowed, pleading with one voice, "Mr. Be merciful to save my husband! Be merciful to save my husband ..."

The car waited for each other to look at each other, and the princess was sincere to save the lord. They did not stop them, nor did they stop.

Hu Yanwei and others who were stopped at the alley witnessed the scene from afar, and were speechless.

"Sansao, why is this ..." Hao Qingqing's hatred teeth tickled, "Mr. Wuxin, I think it's a heart of stone, a heart of a wolf heart, no, it's heartless and no lungs. Don't let this kind of person fall into my hands. Otherwise, he will take out his heart to see if it is black. "

A monk reminded in a low voice: "Princess be careful!"

"Humph!" Hao Qingqing rolled his lips and looked at the kowtowed people in the alley. "Sansao is really affectionate to Sange."

Hu Yanwei murmured, "If you have a wife, why don't you ask for it!"

Hao Qingqing immediately glanced coldly, "Am I not good?"

"Oh! What are you talking about?" Hu Yanwei lifted his chin toward the kowtow in the alley with a smile, "Learn to do it."

Hao Qingqing glared, "Want me to kneel for you? Thinking beautiful, why don't you die?"

Hu Yanwei rolled his eyes and muttered: "Hello, it's so nice."

In the pharmacy, Guo Man came in, and the involuntary holding the sheepskin roll immediately asked: "Have she left?"

Guo Man: "Won't go, he knelt outside and said that if the husband didn't promise to save her husband, she wouldn't get up."

There was a hint of sneer in the corner of Wuxin's mouth. "It's really Lang concubine's concubine and deep affection. If you are willing to kneel, just kneel." Continue to look at the sheepskin roll in your hand.

Guo Man and Yan Baoru glanced at each other. It was not a day or two since the two of them got along with the unintentional. They knew a little about his temper, but he saw the sarcasm in his first words.

Guo Man went out for a while, and when he came in again, he informed, "Princess Ying has not left yet, he is shaking his head to the gentleman, begging and begging, and begging him to save people."

The heartless knot twitched, silently, and continued to look at the sheepskin roll in his hand.

However, regardless of whether it was Guo Man or Yan Baoru, it was obvious that the husband was clearly the six gods without the master, and holding the sheepskin roll was also absent-minded, in a trance, without the previous concentration.

After a while, Guo Man went to the gate to observe through the door gap.

After going back and forth between the pharmacy and the gate, Wuxin suddenly asked, "Is she still there?"

Guo Man: "Still, still kowtowing and begging, it can be seen that it is already exhausting."

Involuntarily slowly closing his eyes, his hands clasped the sheepskin roll, after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and put down the sheepskin roll in his hand, saying one by one: "Open the door!"

"Uh ..." Guo Man was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Mr. agreed?"

Wuxin: "Let her come in!"

"Yes!" Guo Man turned and walked away quickly.

Crunch! The door opened, and this time it opened completely.

Everyone outside the door looked up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shao Liu'er, who was already exhausted and tired, quickly slammed his head and increased his voice, "Mr. Be merciful to save my husband!"

Guo Man: "Princess get up, sir let you in."

Everyone was overjoyed, and all were shocked!

"Mr. Xie, Mr. Xie." Shao Liu'er also thanked Xie, and quickly got up, but just got up and puffed up on his knees again. He fell down and his legs were numb.

On the side, everyone quickly rushed over to help, and a female monk quickly pressed her palm to her, casting a spell to help clear the meridian blood.

After restoring his ability to move, Shao Liu'er immediately pushed away, not daring to let the owner inside wait for a long time, and quickly walked up the stairs.

The entourage was stopped by Guo Man, "The idlers wait for a stop, and the sir doesn't like the crowds."

Shao Liu'er was let in and immediately closed the door.

"Is this okay?" Hao Qingqing, who was watching from the alley, was stunned for a while, and then noisyly said: "Let me go, let me go, and I will bow down!"

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