Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: I want it, you can't give it!

What do you mean to bow down? It's you who guards!

As far as your virtue is concerned, I really want to let you pass, and I do n’t know what to talk about and what to do.

Intercepting the monk is naturally unwilling, no matter how shouting Hao Qingqing is, he will not let go. Hao Qingqing's willingness was previously because of the will of the father and emperor. Now that he sees a way to save his elder brother, he naturally wants to die to live.

"Take the take away!" The intercepting monk headed waved and ordered.

So Hao Qingqing was captured on the spot and taken away directly.

The people brought by Hao Qingqing can only be stared dryly, first of all, it is His Majesty ’s will, and secondly, the three major factions come forward to arrest people in person.

"Hu Yanwei, help me! Hu Yanwei will help me quickly." Hao Qingqing, who was taken away, could only yell at Hu Yanwei.

Hu Yanwei shrank his head, and when he didn't hear it, he waved his hands, "Go, let's go back!"

All this, he would not listen to Hao Qingqing's words to resist the purpose.

"Hu Yanwei, Wang Baeg, are you still a man? Hu Yanwei, do you still want me to give you a son?"

Hu Yanwei, who led the people away, did not turn his head back, muttering in his mouth, "Love is not giving birth, there are many women in the world, and some are women giving birth to Lao Tzu. You are not born right, and Lao Tzu can't end up, When the time comes, I will continue to incense, and even your majesty can't say anything, hey ... "

Whispering, whispering, he suddenly got up, and he told himself in an instant, yeah, then, he did n’t have to guard this **** anymore, he had a reason to find the pile outside. A woman who seems like a pile of flowers, this fierce woman just doesn't support herself.

To understand this, he suddenly seemed to be hit with chicken blood, and his eyes began to shine. He no longer shrank his head and pretended not to hear that he had sneaked away, but raised his head and raised his chest and waved his hand: "Go!"

The tiger led a group of men vigorously and flew away.

For him, Hao Qingqing's beauty can be ignored. For him, marrying a woman like Hao Qingqing was a disaster in his life. He is so arrogant, arrogant, and dare to beat her husband, how can there be wild flowers outside, but because of the identity of the other party's princess, he did not dare to go outside to find flowers and ask Liu, this day is too painful.

However, the other party is also the emperor's beloved eldest princess, and dare not give Hao Qingqing what to do, the military stick at home does not agree.

"Hu Yanwei, you dare to go and give it a try, the old lady will never let you go. Hu Yanwei, you **** ..." The nearly desperate Hao Qingqing was mad and scolded.

Shao Liu'er, who entered the courtyard of the disciple of a ghost doctor, was cautious. Before seeing that Mr. Wuxin, he was already using his words carefully, fearing that they would make the other party unhappy.

The house environment is simple and elegant, and there is always a fragrance of medicine, and it is known that it is the residence of the doctor.

Wearing the front yard and entering the back yard, I saw a man with a thin figure standing quietly on his back in a green shirt. There was also a simple and plainly dressed beautiful woman on the side. It seemed a little curious to look at himself.

Because the man turned his back and couldn't see the other person's appearance, Shao Liuer subconsciously looked at Guo Man who was constantly turning his way back, revealing an inquiring look.

Guo Man smiled and nodded, saying that she guessed right, and that was Mr. Wuxin.

When he arrived, he stood at a distance, and Shao Liuer respectfully saluted: "The concubine Shao Liuer, meet Mr. Wuxin."

Humble and humble, she abandoned her noble princess identity.

After waiting for a while, and not waiting for the polite words such as "free gift", Shao Liuer looked up slightly, only to see that the man remained motionless in silence, without any response.

Yan Baoru and Guo Man look at me, I look at you, the two look back.

Shao Liu'er couldn't see it, but the two standing around Wuxin saw the unintentional look. He closed his eyes, his cheeks were tight, his hands were on the abdomen. Mood.

"Bad concubine Shao Liu'er, see Mr. Wuxin." Shao Liu'er saluted again.

Wuxin took a deep breath, slowly opened his eyes, slowly took his hands behind him, and slowly turned around.

Shao Liu'er, who was paying her respects, raised her eyes and peeked again, and happened to see Wuxin's turned face.

Shao Liuer's eyes were rounded with just one glance, and his face was unbelievable. The whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was shocked in place, thinking he was in a dream!

Yan Baoru and Guo Man looked at each other quickly. Before that, they thought that the husband might have something to do with the princess. Until then, they saw Shao Liu'er's reaction. The two determined that the princess absolutely knew the husband before.

Only in this way, the two felt a bit strange. Since they knew Mr., would it be so troublesome?

Unconsciously I thought I would be very excited. I had been trying to control my emotions before, but the moment I touched the opposite face, I became inexplicably calm, staring coldly and staring at each other coldly.

Today, Shao Liu'er has faded the temperament of his daughter's family, and he has a lot of physique. There is a kind of grace and richness in his body, and his temperament is better. The complexion becomes fairer and whiter.

It was just a little embarrassed in front of him. Because he knelt before bowing, his hair style and hair accessories appeared a little messy, his clothes were not so neat, and there were blood stains on his neck caused by the sword.

After the shock, Shao Liu'er looked a little flustered, and his expression was stopped.

Symmetry and unintentional coldness at this time, the temperament of the two people actually has a superior contrast.

"You ... you ..." Shao Liu'er said aloud, but stammered, he couldn't say the whole thing.

Unintentionally, he said calmly: "Are you Wang Yinghao's true princess?"

Shao Liu'er was inexplicably guilty, and his eyes panicked. "Yes ... yes ... yes."

She remembered some past events. She still remembers the coldness of Jiang Shui. Sometimes she sleeps in the pig cage of the cold river, and struggles with a man trapped in the pig cage of the cold river. She wakes her from a nightmare.

I used to have that nightmare in my early years, but now my mentality gradually calms down. With my husband and son waiting for my life, my heart is widened, and I rarely have that nightmare anymore.

The person in front of her reminded her of the nightmare. The person in front of him and the man in the nightmare who struggled with him in a pig cage looked exactly the same.

Of course, the appearance is similar, but the temperament is quite different. The man in the pig cage is just a pedantic and naive scholar with her mature eyes. But the person in front of him has a restrained momentum, and the momentum is calm, ignoring all the momentum, even her power is not the momentum of the eyes, this momentum is unmatched and possessed by the scholar.

She clearly remembered that the scholar agreed to separate from her in order not to let her die with herself.

She clearly remembered that the scholar and her brother Shao Pingbo had made a three-year contract. No matter what career the scholar was in, as long as he made some achievements within three years, the elder brother would complete them and allow her to marry the scholar.

She clearly remembered that the scholar felt that she was incapable of crying and staggering the situation when she left. Although the sad back was somewhat forgotten with the passage of time, she could not completely forget it in her life.

In today's life, she can't figure out whether her brother's actions are right or wrong. After being exposed to more reality, she wonders whether she was a girl's ignorance. At least at the current level of thinking when looking at reality, my thoughts and behavior at that time really did not understand reality.

She has become a mother, replacing herself with her older brother. If her daughter wants to be a man like a scholar, can this princess, who is sinking in Qijing, agree?

The reason for seeing this man is guilty because of the three-year contract, the scholar said, let her wait for him for three years!

But she didn't make an appointment, so she married another person!

Although it was because of other reasons, because she knew that the scholar was dead, she did not keep the contract after all.

Involuntarily calmly said: "Why is the princess panicking? Did I scare the princess?"

"No, no." Shao Liu'er waved his hands and denied, "Just because Mr. looks like an old friend of mine, he is at a loss for a while. Don't blame him."

Guo Man and Yan Baoru looked at each other again.

Inadvertently, "Let the princess look away, it must be really like me, and I might as well have the opportunity to invite me to see it."

Shao Liu'er said forcefully: "Mr. is embarrassing me, the old man has already passed away ..." The tone of the tone was repeated, and he tried to ask carefully, "Mr. Long admired his name, and he has superb medical skills. Presumably he has studied medicine for many years?"

Wu Xin yelled, "Since I was a child, I studied medicine with my master."

Shao Liu'er sighed, and the suspended heart was put down, so to speak, the time of this unintentional appearance and the disappearance of the scholar are not too long. How can it be possible to learn such superb medical skills in a short time, it must be repaired It took a long time to get it right, and the scholar had no knowledge of medical skills before.

From this point of view, the two are really just a long image, it is impossible to be the same person.

However, she had to admit that the two were really alike.

Wuxin continued and said: "The Princess wanted to explore my medical experience?"

"No no no!" Shao Liu'er quickly denied, "The concubine is here to beg the husband to be merciful, my husband is poisoned ..."

When she heard her mention of her husband, she involuntarily interrupted, "I have looked for me, and I have said all the things I have said. I know everything, so I don't need to talk too much."

Shao Liu'er immediately pleaded with his hands and begged, "Mr. Begging mercy!"

He looked at her carelessly and expressionlessly for a while, and suddenly said, "You, let me, save your husband?"

I do n’t know if the speaker is unintentional or the listener intends. Upon hearing this, Shao Liuer could n’t help but look at the other person ’s appearance again. I do n’t know if it ’s his own delusion.

The other party's eyes seem to be even colder!

Things are urgent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shao Liu'er got rid of distracting thoughts, lifted his dress with both hands, knelt down again, and begged: "Sir, concubine, please!"

Wuxin: "Why should I save your husband?"

Shao Liu'er said: "What does the sir want? As long as the king's office can do it, he will try his best to satisfy the sir." He kept shaking his head, and this time it was banging.

Unconsciously staring down from the top, a bitter look flashed in his eyes and his cheeks were tight, "It seems that you and your husband have a deep relationship."

This remark stiffened Shao Liu'er in the kowtow.

Unintentional: "I want it, you can't give it! I don't want anything."

Thinking he refused treatment, Shao Liu'er looked up immediately and said in a panic: "Sir, you have to mention any conditions."

Unintentional: "I will not ask you for conditions. Since I have seen you, go and send your husband over. As for whether it can be cured, I can't guarantee it!"

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