Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Empress

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

Outside the city, the army gathered and made a mountain-like tsunami-like cry. Although there was only Wanqi, it was magnificent.

The slogan issued is the same as that of Qi Guo's black wind riding!

Hu Yanwei and his elder brother wore armor, and they rode together, rushing out of the city gate side by side, and rushed into the army. His brother shouted and said, "Depart!"

Wan Qi quickly changed direction, Wan Ma galloped and followed.

Hu Yanwei, who was at the front of the charge, did not feel the danger of the situation at all. Instead, he was very excited and very excited. This was his first expedition with the army and he was the deputy brother!

The 10,000 cavalry are the men and women left by Huyan without hatred, but the brave cavalry who stay in Beijing.

In order to suppress the rebels, Hao Yuntu ordered Huyan Wuhen, but Huyan Wuhen actually disobeyed, refused to send troops to rebel, and insisted on the original combat plan.

He will be out there, and his fate is unacceptable. Hao Yuntu has no way to take Huyan without hatred.

In order to rebel early, Hao Yuntu dispatched the elite cavalry who stayed in Beijing.

There are naturally reasons for dispatching the Valiant Cavalry. Shoucheng is not the cavalry best, cavalry is good at attacking on the battlefield.

Hao Yuntu ordered Huyan Wuhen's eldest son as the main general. There was no way for the Xiao cavalry to be held in the hands of Huyan's family.

Hu Yanwei couldn't bear it and asked Yingying to take the initiative to fight. Hao Yuntu readily agreed to order him as his lieutenant general.

Hao Qingqing arrived late. When he climbed to the head of the city, he only saw the dust billowing and pouted his temper.

She came to see Hu Yanwei off, but she did n’t want to come. She came after repeated persuasion by the queen. As a result, she arrived late and failed to see off in time. She only saw a burst of smoke and heard a faint voice Rumble of horseshoes.


"In the face of so much pressure in Chaotang, Huyan Wuhen actually resisted the purpose!"

Hiding in the tunnel, Shao Pingbo wandering under the lights looked at the information and frowned, thinking that Huyan Wuhen would blatantly resist.

Others were forced to settle down first, and the general was obviously trying to persevere and settle down first, and to defeat the Jin offensive.

As a result, his series of plans to delay Qi Jun's previous work is equivalent to breaking achievements. Huyan Wuhen simply ignored it.

After some hesitation, Shao Pingbo sighed in the sky and said, "Yan Shanming, Qi Wuhen, this call to extend the hatred is Qi Guozhu, this person is not dead, Jin Guo fears to spend a lot of time!"

On the other side, Shao Sanxing said: "Master, what should I do now? Do you want to find another way to fight against Huyan?"

Shao Pingbo shook his head: "The conspiracy and tricks that can't be put on the countertop can only be useful under the countertop. In the face of Huyan's hateless strategy and the army's galloping, it's not helpful at all." The message was handed back to the other party. My director, it may be self-defeating to intervene arbitrarily. The next battle between the two armies is still handed over to the generals. I have paved the way for them to be so useful to them. The news is sent back quickly! "

"Yes!" Shao Sansheng led the order.


At the border of Jinwei, the army of the Jin Dynasty comprehensively suppressed the situation and launched a comprehensive offensive against the guard. The guardian with insufficient preparations for the morale of the army could not resist the offensive of the tigers and wolves of the Jin army.

In Weiguo's territory, Shao Pingbo's plan played a huge role. Yin Chuanjun's route to the east was almost unobstructed, and almost allowed him to drive straight in, and along the way, the patrons of the Weiguo princes were almost blindfolded.

When the news came, Xuan Wei wanted to spit blood in grief and indignation. After the imperial court's purpose, Yin Chujun's eastward route, the people on the horse's mouth agreed well, but the actual action is another matter. After the news of the defeat of the front-line fighting army came out, Yin Chudong ’s attitude on the eastward route was even more inexplicable, and some even gave Yin Chuan army food supplies.

This made Xuan Wei how to vomit blood without anger, facing the group of officials, sorrow and anger, "King of Thieves!"

"Xiang Gong!" Tang Yi ran into the hall suddenly, ignoring the surprised eyes of the courtier, and quickly whispered to Xuanwei's ear.

Xuan Wei was shocked, "What?"

After disregarding his manners, he left Chaozheng alone and ran out in a panic. Tang Yi accompanied him all the way.

In the hall, the head of Lingxu Palace was always Linxian, the head of Shouzheng Pavilion, Cangfeng, and the head of Dale Mountain, Luo Yanzhen, because of the dignified situation. The courtiers who do not know why ...

Ximen Qingtian sat on the ground with blood on his muzzle and nose, and his face was golden.

When Xuanwei ran in, he suddenly knelt to his knees, hugged him, and panicked: "Clear sky, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

Ximen Qingtian opened her eyes and calmly said: "Someone has poisoned my tea."

"How is it possible?" Xuan Wei was shocked. The people around her were all carefully selected. They were unlikely to do this.

Ximen Qingtian closed her eyes again, and Xuan Wei asked anxiously, "Who did it?"

Tang Yi, who came quickly, persuaded: "Xiang Gong, Mr. Simon is casting a spell to suppress body toxicity, don't disturb!"

Xuan Wei panicked, and then burst out of anger, summoned the people in the courtyard to ask, "Who did it?"

After asking and asking, I said I didn't know, but Tang Yi tried to make a sound, "The disciples in the door saw a pony before, I don't know ..."

"Tang master, don't talk nonsense without evidence!" Luo Yan, the head of Daleshan, shouted loudly among the heads of the three big factions, "Do you know what you are talking about? You want to destroy Wei Qi Is the alliance between the two countries? "

Tang Yi can't help but shut up.

Xuan Wei's eyes flashed and Li said: "Get me Hao Cheng!"

Not long after, Hao Cheng was "invited" to come, and Xuan Wei immediately questioned sharply.

"I didn't do it, don't frame me." Hao Cheng calmly, and then added a sentence, "If you die, there is nothing fuss about."

Xuan Wei gritted his teeth and said, "That is to say, you admitted that you did it?"

Hao Cheng: "I said it, I didn't do it."

Xuan Wei: "Then why do you curse him to die?"

Hao Cheng was furious, "Xuan Wei, are you my fool? What do you two do when I live together at night? Ben Wang knows what he is doing when he enters the Weiwei Kingdom, but you are too much to do so No, where does Qi Guo face me? I do n’t curse him to death, but congratulations on his failure? "

In fact, the poison is indeed from him, and only his identity makes it difficult for people to enter and leave here.

He didn't know some things, but under the temptation of a conscious person, one night he was lured outside Xuanwei's palace, letting him know what the men and women in the house were doing. He is also a man, although he knows where his duties lie, but his grief can be imagined.

After that, he inevitably asked interested people to let him know what these meant.

After learning the intentions of the intentional person, with the assurance of the intentional person, he had no worries, and with the arrangement of the intentional person, he found the right time to start.

Xuan Wei's face was red and white, and he agreed with Ximen Qingkong. After all, it was not a glorious thing. It was embarrassed to be exposed on the spot.

But she couldn't care about it now, and said sharply, "Well, you don't admit it, I have a way to let you speak. Come, bring him down, torture!"

Hao Cheng was a little flustered, "Xuan Wei, can't you squeeze me when I am Qi Guo?"

However, it was useless to scare, and the bodyguard rushed up like a wolf, and caught him on the spot.

Xuan Wei sneered, "Believe it or not, even if I killed you, I only need to report that you were ill, and Qi Guo would not know what to do!"

"Wait!" Chang Linxian, the head of the Lingxu Mansion, made a noise and waved. Several disciples from the Shouzheng Pavilion stepped forward and robbed Hao Cheng and ordered someone to take Hao Cheng away for protection.

Xuan Wei sternly said: "Master Chang, what do you mean?"

Chang Linxian sighed: "Xiang Gong, I can understand your feelings, you are right, even if you kill him, Qi Guo will think of it for the sake of the big picture, but you will not be aware of it. But have you thought about our internal Wei Guo? You do n’t panic when you kill the Prince of Qi? Our three major factions will not allow you to move him, even if you want to kill, or not now, when the situation is stable, you have to kill and stab, as you like By the way, the three major factions will never intervene! "

Cangfeng, the head of the Shouzheng Pavilion, took a step forward. "When it comes to the hearts of the people of the Wei Kingdom, there is something important to inform Xiang Gong." He waved back and gestured.

Soon, a group of courtiers came and knelt down in front of Xuan Wei, and suddenly urged with a loud voice: "Please Xianggong to reign as emperor! Please Xianggong to reign as emperor ..."

Facing the entreaties of the courtiers, Xuan Wei was stunned and wanted to support her as emperor!

If the situation on the battlefield is favorable, they will not launch this move. Nowadays, the battle is unfavorable. Everyone needs something to inspire people. Everyone in the Wei Kingdom knows that Xuanwei is capable. At this time, it is a move to stabilize Xuanwei.

Faced with the chaotic situation, even if there is a slight benefit, these people will be like catching the straw.

In this regard, Xuan Wei naturally refused to agree, even if he wanted to agree, Yu Qingli would not rush to agree ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xuan Wei returned to the house and knelt down to sit in the clear sky of Ximen In front of me, crying, "I hurt you!"

Ximen Qingtian opened his eyes, what can he say? Finally closed his eyes again, try to calm down the body's toxicity.

Xuan Wei, who was crying for a while, suddenly stood up and hurried out, found Tang Yi, and said with hate: "Hao Cheng is in the palace, where is the highly toxic thing? Without the cooperation of the guards here, how could you be accurate? Accurate poisoning? Sister, I do n’t expect the three major parties to rescue Qingtian. It ’s a blessing that they did n’t do anything. I ’ll ask Shangqingzong to save Qingtian. ”

"Understood." Tang Yi nodded, everyone was not stupid, but there was no evidence to blame. Once the face was torn, Ximen Qingtian could only die faster.

She quickly recruited the three elders of the Shangqing sect, but she was helpless in the face of the poison in the Ximen Qingkong. Xuan Wei tried to find someone to save her. The three elders of the Shangqing sect could only join forces to Simon Clear Air suppresses body toxicity.

Ximen Qingtian was dying and struggling, but the call for Xuanwei to ascend to the throne was rising.

In the end, Xuan Wei, who had been pushed back several times, finally agreed to the throne as empress!

Qunchen urgently handled this matter, and just on the day of the throne, when Xuanwei tried on the imperial robe, Tang Yi again found Xuanwei urgently.

Knowing that she had something to say, Xuan Wei retreated from the left and right, and Tang Yi whispered, "Sang Gong, someone sent a secret letter to the Shangqing Sect and instructed how to rescue Mr. Simon."

Xuan Wei asked anxiously: "Who directs?"

Tang Yi shook his head: "I don't know." The secret letter came out and showed to the other party.

Xuan Wei urgently opened the secret letter. I saw the letter telling me that I would send Ximen Qingtian to Qi Kingdom, send the secret emissaries to see Qi Emperor, and ask Qi Emperor to order Princess Shao Liu'er to implore the ghost doctor disciple. Paul Simon clear sky life!

: Don't worry, the progress is fast!

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